...Do you want to earn money while studying?
Here is the opportunity!...
Application are invited from students studying Mass communication, Journalism and Public Relations to join The Hill Observer newspaper team as contributors of news stories and features. The paper is owned by the University of Dar-es-Salaam, and operated by the students of School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC);
We are much interested with student journalist who will write stories (academic related and students issues) from their own universities/colleges and areas where they live. By joining our team you'll have an opportunity to gain practical writing skills which is necessary in your career as well as making a living while studying.
1. Each of published news story and/or feature article is paid for!
2. Submitted stories/features will undergo thorough screening before being published;
3. Plagiarism/manipulation/cheating, bad taste content and dishonest of any kind are strictly forbidden.
For more information please call: 0715-224274 or write to me via this email: benzanda@gmail.com
What are you waiting for!...apply now!!