CO 301

School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Semester I – 2015/16
Course Units: 3
Lecturer: Mr. Alex Benson
Course Description
The course introduces students to core components of media audience studies. It explores key concepts, types, theories and approaches to media audience studies. Students will be able to examine media text, audience composition, audience use of media, as well as determining the connections between changes in media and changes in audience’s media experiences. The course orients students to quantitative and qualitative techniques and methodologies pertaining audience research.
Course Objectives
The overall aim of this course is to evaluate the significance of empirical and theoretical audience studies for strengthening media industry and communication research in Tanzania. Therefore, at the end of this course students will be able to:-
1.       describe the relationship between media text and audiences in Tanzania;
2.       describe components of media audience research;
3.       outline differing theoretical approaches to the study of media audiences;
4.       employ research procedures  investigation of audiences and audience/text relationships;
Course Content
Module 1: Conceptualizing Media Audience and Audience research
·           -  Key concepts on media audiences;
·           -  Audience formation: mass & niche audience; passive & active audience
·           -  Media text and audience use
·           - Audience research and its rationale
Module 2: Audience Studies, theories and Approaches
·          - Media audience research: reception and effect studies;
·         - Media audience theories and approaches;
·         -  Relationships between theoretical assumptions, audience and media texts
Module 3: Research methods applied in Audience research
·         - Conceptualizing research methods in audience studies
·         - Qualitative research methods
·         - Quantitative research methods
·         -  Measuring media audiences and effects
Module 4: Research processes in Audience studies
·         - Problem identification and definition
·         -  Formulating research objectives, research questions/hypotheses
·         -  Reviewing literature
·         - Selecting the research design and methodology in qualitative and quantitative audience studies
·         - Data collection, analysis and reporting the key findings
Mode of delivery
The teaching consists of lectures, written and practical assignments, discussions and group presentations. During class presentations students are expected to present the methodologies and findings of audience research projects they conducted.
Time allocation: 2 lecture hours and 1 seminar hour per week.
Course Assessment
The course is graded out of 100% in which Coursework constitute 40% and the final University Examination carries 60%.
Coursework Assessment involves the following class works:
·         - Summarizing book chapters. (5%)
·         - Academic paper (10%).
·         - Mid-semester test. (10%)
·         - Research project. (15%)
Course policy:
·         - Zero tolerance to plagiarism and academic dishonesty of any kind;
·         - Student absconding classes without prior official notice will face 2 marks deduction in each session missed;
·         - Every student must participate fully in all assigned class works;
·         - Late submission of assignments are subjected to penalties;
Lowery, S. A. and DeFleur (1---), Milestones in Mass Communication: Media Effects, 3rd ed., New York, Longman
McQuail, D. (2010), McQuail’s Introduction to Mass Communication Theory, 6th ed., London, Sage publication
Mytton, G. (2007), Handbook on Radio and Television Audience Research, Paris, UNICEF and UNESCO
Rosenbery, J. and Vicker, L. A. (2009), Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners, New York, Pearson
Ruddock, A. (2007), Investigating Audiences, London, Sage Publication
Williams, K. (2003), Understanding Media Theory, London, Arnold [section 4: Theory of media effects and audience]

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