CO 310: MEDIA & POPULAR CULTURE Online discussion:
What constitute Tanzanian Culture? Is Tanzanian culture accurately reflected in our local media? how? Submission deadline: Friday 3rd, April, 2015 @ 12:00 noon.
British dictionary define audience as a group of spectators or listeners, especial at a public event such as concert or play. According to Dr Antony R Curtis said that a commercial medium wants to sell add space or time to businesses with products or service for sale. To make that sale, they need to be able to tell potential advertisers that their message on the air in print or on the monitor screen will be viewed and heard by large number of consumer. He said that we buy goods that media tell us are fashionable and acceptable to society. By M A Mughal said that we live in a society which depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, healthcare, education personal relationships, travelling and anything else that we have to do. The mass media refers to communicating with large number of people without direct contact. They include TV, Radio, newspapers, magazines, comics, books, films and advertising bill boards. (Haralambos,M et al 1986:28). Stanley Baran defines mass communication as the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audience. John Bittner defines mass communication as messages communicated through a mass medium to a large number of people. Audience is a very important concept throughout media studies. All media texts are made with an audience in mind. Audience is a group of people who will receive it and make some sort of sense out of it. When a media text is being planned perhaps the most important question the producers consider is “does it have an audience?” if the answer to this is “no” then there is no point in going any further. If no one is going to watch, read, play, buy the text. The producers aren’t going to make any money or get their message across. For example Hollywood studies routinely show a pre release version of every movie they make to a test audience and will often make changes to the movies that are requested by that audience
Reference Antony R Curtis (2000), mass media influence on society. British dictionary Baran, S J (2002), Introduction to mass communication. New York: MC Grew Haralambos (met al 1986:28), Media and Society. Sybil J Ode, and Soola O (1990). Introduction to Communication for business Organization. Ibadan. Spectrum Books.
Mass media is a channel by which information originated from the source to the receiver, having been thoroughly filtered and transmitted through it.(Sembe 2005) Or media is a means or channel in which information or messages are disseminated to large, anonymous and scattered heterogeneous masses of receivers who may be far removed from the message sources through the use of sophisticated equipments.( Uyo A. O. 1989) The advertisers have a great influence in modern media in my view, because media become a business in recent world. Dr A.Rioba(2000) defined mass media in other hand as “business of collecting and distributing mass message...” So people are establishing media to make a profit or to run their lives through this business. It is an investment. McQuail (2005) argues “...the pressure to make profits have a lot influence on media conduct. McQuail goes on saying “ Media are always say that there is a public interest in how they conduct themselves. But the problem is that many media are not established for the public interest as such but to follow some goals of their own choosing. This goal sometimes defined in cultural, professional or political terms, but more often it the goal of making profit as a business” Here McQuail reminds us that the aim of establishment of media is collecting money despite the claim of media owners that their main target is to reach the informational need of the public. However, the influence of the advertisers in not limited to the media owners only, but also the audience or media consumers, how many times we read newspapers looking for the job opportunities announcements? Baran S (2005) while explaining the symbolic interaction theory argued “...advertisers are succeed to encourage the audience to perceive their products as symbol that have meaning beyond the products’ actual function” If that so the influence of the advertisers goes further than we expect. Finally, a person can argue that the power of advertisers is only to the private media or to so called commercial media, and not state or public media, but that cannot change the fact that even the so called public media in the third world countries are getting some of their fund through licence fee which are paid by commercial media, so availability of commercial media influence a part of running public or state media, as the advertisers influence the availability of commercial media, so there is no way of denying the power of advertisers, they have a great power in mass media industry than any. References Uyo A. O (1989) Mass Media; Classification and charecteristics. New York Civilities 1987 Foloran B. (1998) Theories of mass communication; An introductory text. Ibadan; sttriling. Hoden publishers. McQuail, D. (1983) Mass Communication theory. An introduction. London SAGE publications. Wadsworch Wimmer D.R & Dominick J.R (2000) Mass media and reserch. U.S.A. Bitner R.(1989) Mass Communication: An Introduction. New Jersey. Prentice Hall. Sambe J.A (2005) Introduction to Mass Communication practice in Nigeria. Ibadan: SBooks Limited. Baran S and Davis D(2003) Mass Communication Theories.
The most influencial and loyal on media is advertiser. Advertiser is a person,organization or a company that places advertisements on media in order to target the customers. Mostly of media are shaped the way to get advertisement. Example the content of media are well used sophisticated technique such as short film where the aim is to sell a product of advertiser. Anup Shah-1998 on Global issues say that sometimes even news stories are often subtle product advertisement. Also Anup Shah added that is the advertiser who bring the money that allow media company to survive. Most of media in Tanzania biases its content to benefit advertisers. Example power breakfast on clouds fm use alot of words to praise the advertiser and they fall under content bias.According to Jonathan Reuter on his book of DO ADS INFLUENCE EDITORS show that mutual fund receiving more media attention receiving correspondingly higher inflow. In Tanzania most of serious program like news bulleting surrounding by adverts this show how the advertiser is so special on running media organization. The accurate time of broadcast adverts are more preserved than anything else. Even news stories can delay but not the adverts time. Bruce Horovitz says that more advertiser probaly trying to influence how the media cover them. Media in Tanzania sign the contract with advertiser and much serve its interest than society interest. These days radio and television are prepared by advertising agencies for their client. According to the Management study Guide shows that media understand much the need of the client and make the commercial keeping on mind the current state affairs. Even companies allocate specific budget for media,this show how media organization facilitated by advertisers. In generally the aim of establishing media organization in Tanzania is to get profit. So that because adverts is source of that profit,media increase the chance to respect and work for advertiser than society and government.
In my view, audience is the most royal power of the media. Audience plays a great party in the media so audience is royal power of the media more than government, advertisers, and owners. According to the book of Media audience and social structure, “Probably the most visible linkage the media provide is the audience .just as the media share certain organization realities in which they produced content, so do media audience share certain social and personal realities concerned with understanding, acting effectively in engaging a private media system and social play. The media system is intricately involved in all of this aspect of the life of its audience.” Audience is the royal power of the media Because news is for people so the audience is the one who decided whether to watch, listen or read. According to Bob Franklin. “At the bottom there is an assumption by most journalists that news is for people ,that out there are readers, viewers, and listeners. Editor’s circulation managers’ band advertisers care greatly about the number of the people who buy a publication, listen or watch at particular times. They also care about whether they are reaching the target audience and worry greatly about audience fragmentation and audience segmentation”. The audience measurement has became more sophisticated in the past 20 years, not only number which are gathered but survey and focus groups also generate information the profile of the audience , their age, their interests, their habits measurement system carefully define words such as listener, viewer and readers.(kent 1994). According to Lawrence Kilimwiko and Joseph Mapunda.(1998) Even in the constitution its shows direct the importance of the audience on the media, its gives right for majority to express, receive, seek and disseminate information. So the government has to fall the constitution. Through this it’s seem that audience is the most powerfully in the media. ARTICLE 18 OF THE constitution of the united republic of Tanzania provides that: “18(1) without prejudice to the laws of the land, every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, to seek, receive and impart or disseminate information and ideas through any media regardless of national frontiers and also has right to freedom from interference with his communication. 18(2) every citizen has right to be informed at all times of various events in the country and in the world at large which are of importance to the lives and activities of the people and also of issues of importance to the society”.
Also the media have greatly role to play in the society, to solve society problems, and the media gives out what society wants. So audience is the royal of the media.
Also the media have greatly role to play in the society, to solve society problems, and the media gives out what society wants. So audience is the royal of the media. According to Ernest Mrutu (2003) “The media has a role to play as a mirror of the society .problem facing peoples like roads, poor transport systems, exploitation of peasants through price mechanism, modern agriculture techniques, corruption, human right abuses and bad government, poverty and gender imbalance should be highlighted through the print as well as electronic media. For their party Rogers and shoemaker (1971) who diffusionist and innovationist believed that mass media must act as the agents of social change. Scholar of modernization Pye and de Sole (1963) considered the media as an instrument in the process of political modernization in political modernization developing societies.”
Media focus much on targeted audience so as they can receive information,. According to Stanley Baran (2006.) “The audience in mass communication is typically large ,varied group about which the media industries know only the most superficial information. what will happen as smaller, more specific audience become better known to their partners in the process of making meaning? What will happen to the nation culture that blinds us as we became increasingly into demographically targeted taste public- groups of people bound by little more than an interest in the given form of media content.”
Most of media are loyal to advertisers.According to Dr Rioba (2009) he defined media as the business of collecting and distributing mass message, so if it is a business the question is who are the buyers? and the answer is simple the advertisers are the one who buying advertising spaces to the media.due to the aim of achieving of information provision needs, follow the government regulation, advertisers needs and owners demand it’s not easy for the media to be loyal to the both sides so this result to the most of the media to choose the side and because most of private media establishment aim so to get the money (commercial purposes) this makes media to be very loyal to the advertisers than other sides According to mbusiness dictionary advertiser is person,organization or company that places advertisements in order to target its costomers below are some reasons to why media find themselves loyal to advertisers than the others Even the media owners aim is to get money, government do provide regulations but they don’t provide money to run the media, advertisement is the great source of income of media Baran s (2005) argue that the advertisers are succeed to encourage the audience to perceive their products as the symbol that have meaning beyond the product and that meaning is to attract the advertisers The advertisers will be upset when having paid thousands of shillings for a major campaign in a newspaper or with a broadcasting station and then they find that the journalists on the same outlet are running derogatory stories about their products chris frost (media ethics and regulation 2007) so according to chris frost advertisers have great influence to the editors and media at general. so someone can conclude that most of the media are loyal to the advertisers than others due to the fact that most of the media are commercial oriented and the one who provide direct money for the media to survive is advertisers once McQuail ( mass communication theory1983) say that the aim of media establishment is to make money REFERENCES Mcquail,d. (1983) mass communication theory an introduction London sage Baran, sj (2002) introduction to mass communication Newyork mc grew http/www.Mbusiness Chris Frost (2007), Media ethics and regulations,Longman syibil j ode and soola o (1990).introduction ofcommunication for business .specrum books.Ibadan
From the four media influence which are government, audience, owners and advertisers, state or government is more influential than others as explained by different scholars: According to Curran 1991 notes that censorship of any kind tends to destroy intellectual ability by denying people the freedom of expression. A society subject to censorship is forced to accept what is not right for it but instead, those in power impose their wishes on the people leading to conflicts. Also Curran explain more about censorship says censorship has become an integral part of many states whether is liberal, socialist or democratic governments, those in power often strive to protect their activities from public exposure through controlling of information. On the other hand Fuller (1996) argues that secrecy, like lying, rubs roughly against the basic purposes of journalism and thus deserves scrutiny. The idea of self censorship is to imprecise to be of much use in understanding news values. Everyday, media make countless decisions not to make information public. Often media have limiting rules in deciding to publish or disseminate information. The decision of what to publish or not publish is made by the government, so it is seen that government has much power on media activities supervision. Media is affected by government in its censorship activities. Frank A, (1995) argues that censorship has special reference to the control of news. Censorship encompasses a wide are of action aimed at making sure media publish what is said by the government, the government is responsible through establishing various laws and regulations to regulate activities. For instance Newspaper Act of 1976 contains things that newspaper has to be registered. Act authorize the minister to define important specific of the media content freedom, also journalist must have a press card. Broadcasting Service act of 1993 replaced 2003 by the communication Regulation Authority Act. Mulley (1992) in his perception says media censorship is managed as an act of mental distortion because people are prevented from thinking themselves and give up on facts. People rely on what media produces or publish as directed by the government through its laws. For example Regional Administration Act of 1997 allow regional and district commissioner to ban people like journalist from operating in certain district. By concluding it can be seen that the government in most countries particularly Tanzania is responsible for monitoring and regulating media activities, the government establishes various laws to direct media performance. Although other agencies like advertisers, owners and audience have power over the media but not the same as the government. REFERENCES: 1.Mrutu, E (2003) , “media and society” Ecoprint Ltd, Dar es Salaam. 2.www. 3. surfed on 9:22, Sunday 4.Sturmer, M (1998), Media History in Tanzania, Wiener, Salzburg 5.Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977. (2005), Dar es Salaam. MWAKIPESILE JOHN 2013-04-03332
among the owners, government, adverts and society the one which is behind media operation is governmant due to different argument from different scholars first according to O. M Kefa (2013) argues that tha Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authorty (TCRA) has since 2003 spearheaded the government everyday oversight of broadcasting media. Te foregoing laws gives the government of Tanzania a lot of discretionary power over the press power that it has used on occasion to ban publications and harass journalists perceived to be a threat to society and government( O. M Kefa 2013 page 86) second is according to D. A Gumucio (2006) argues that there is a growing debate in developing countries about who should control mass media. It has already been pointed out that there are several forms and varieties of control but what we are interested in here is to underscore the main areas considaration in deciding that the best form of control. In country that has as its priority the creation of nationhood, the state or government must have control the mass media (D > A Gumucio 2006 page 310) third according to C. L John and C Jean (1999) argues that Tanzania has been one of the most openly politicized countries in Africa. Significant here is that this domain of political action occurs in contest with foreign organization and that the citizen-policy of daily life and personal conduct occur in the government run media.The media provide a critical institution for a more productive engagement between state and society ( C . L John 1999 page 132) the fourth is according to P Alex(2011) argues that Tanzania government remains in control of many aspects of broadcasting even it allow for media freedoms. Legislation and regulations exist in Tanzania that provide policy makers and political leaders latitude to censor or restrict the broadcasting practices of companies or individual ( P. Alex 2011 page 193) and lastily according to M. K Ernest (2003) came up with an argument that the Tanzania media widely covered the electoral campains carried out by various people aspiring for election as councilors members of parliament and president what attracted the media most was the extent or magnitude of acts of curruption with which most of the aspirants were associated. And it is very difficult for government in developing countries to surrender ownership of media. Even in Britain the United State of America and Germany government own media house. All the different suggestion above direct indicate that the GOVERNMENT IS THE ONE WHO IS BEHIND MEDIA OPERATION.
REFERENCE C. L John and C Jean (1999) Civil Society and the political Imagination in Africa: Critical Persepectivies, University of Chicago Press, New York D. A. Gumucio and T Thomas (2006) Communication for social change Anthology: historical and contemporary Readings, CFSC Consortium Inc, USA M. K Ernest (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania, Media development Association, Dar es Salaam O. M Kefa (2013) Culture and Customs of Tanzania, ABC-CLIO, New York P. Alex (2011) Live from Dar es Salaam: popular Music and Tanzanians Music Economy, Indiana University Press, India
society is a group of people involved in persistent interpersonal relationship or a larger social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory,typical subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations
according to free dictionary mass media means of communication that reach society in a short time such as TV, newspaper, magazine and radio in other way.
singhal and rogers (1989) argued that society could bring about development to the media in general way such as to create favorable programs according to the interest of the society.
daniel lerner (1958) gave the characteristics of modern society as those who need favorable programmed according to their status . pye and de sola (1963) considered the society as instrument in the process of developing media
wilbur schramm held the same belief that the morden media as a source of information to extent the public horizons of individuals and bridge the communication gap between the rulers and the ruled.
society is a power to the media cause the more people interesting of some programm, the media continue to produce, so society can dictate what media to produce.
Lerner,Daniel,(1952) The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the middle east. free press,New York
Lerner Daniel; Passing of Traditiona Society.
Schramm, Wilbur, (1964) Mass Media and national Development.Stanford.
E.Mrutu, (2003), media and society in Tanzania. DSM Tanzania free dictionary
Government is more powerful than other media influence like owners, advertisers and audience. This is because the government is the one who control the media by media censorship. Censorship is the systematic control of the content of any communication medium by means of constitutional, judicial, administrative, financial or purely physical measures. It can also be imposed directly by the ruling elite or the ruling power to control the press, radio, television, book publishing and education. (Mrutu,E 2003). Fuller (1996) says, censorship carries a harsh connotation because it historically refers to official government acts and not private decision about what to publish or say. From what Fuller says it is seen that government has the power of control the media than other media influence through regulating media activities by imposing various laws. Paul, K(1999) says, freedom and independence of the press is not a special privilege. It constitutes a special protection mechanism for the people. This protection mechanism comes from the government because the government is the one which protect society. For example in Tanzania media is controlled by (TCRA). Mallay (1992) argued that censorship is managed as an act of mental distortion because people are being prevented from thinking for themselves and therefore give up on facts. Those facts comes from the government because government is the one which chooses what to be published and not what to be published by the media. So people follow those facts from the government. Curran (1991) says censorship has become an integral part of many states whether liberal, socialist or democratic governments, those in power often strive to protect their activities from public exposure through controlling of information. For example the Tanzania government is the one which formulate media laws and those laws practiced on media and control all information rather than audience, advertisers and audience. According to media censorship, It seems that the government has the most power of controlling all information from the media. Other influence of media like owners, advertisers, and audience all get the power from government by looking some government laws. So on my side I can say that the government is the most powerful influence than other influence of media. REFERENCES: 1. Baran, S (2006), Introduction to mass communication, Mc grewhill, Newyork. 2. Fourie, P (2007), Media Studies, Juta and Com Ltd, Cape Town. 3. Gerald, P (1997) The Dilemas of Journalism, Fakenham press. Great Britain 4. Mrutu, E (2003), Media and Society in Tanzania, Ecoprint Ltd, Dar es Salaam. 5. Sturmer, M (1998), The Media history of Tanzania, Wiener Philharmo, Salzburg.
Government as the ruling body of the state, control Media and act most powerfully to the Nation rather than owners, Advertiser, or Audience. Government control and power Media in term of some decisions which Government make restriction even to the owners, advertiser or audience do not have a power to decide or say anything. That’s why Government appears to be more and royal to the media rather than other controller. Presence of Media Laws and Institutions make on other way the Government to be seen most powerfully to the media. According to online material from Tanzania News Agency Act, No 3 of 1976, led to the establishment of a state owned News Agency to be only collector and disseminator of news and information within and outside the country. Tanzania Communication Regulation Authority (TCRA) is the technical Authority of the Government that oversees proper operation of the media as far as law will be adhered. It was established by the TCRA Act no. 12 of 2003. Newspaper Act of 1976 It contains things that newspaper has to be registered. Act authorize the minister to define important specific of the content of media freedom, also journalist must have a press card. Broadcasting Service Act of 1993 replaced 2003 by the communication Regulation Authority Act. Government authorized to regulate the Media in case the national security is jeopardized, through broadcasting Act, Communication Act and Communication Regulation Act. According to Constitution of United Republic of Tanzania Article no 18: every person has the right to freedom of expression and to seek, receive and impart or disseminate information and ideas through any Media regardless of the national frontiers. Some of the legislation limits freedom of Media and society at large, for example Penal Code of 1945; the National Security Act of 1970 makes it unlawful to publish any classified government materials. According to E.Kilimwiko and O.Mapunda say in National Security Act according to section 13(1), a person suspected of any offence in the Act can be arrested without warrant while section 19 denies him the right to bail. Those restrict journalist to enter the so called protected places and have in hand the classified documents, while journalist suppose to look for news and handle public document. So military issues it hard for journalist or a Media to publish because also as government put some of limitations. Regional Administration Act of 1997 allow regional and district commissioner to ban people like journalist from operating in certain district. Therefore those examples shows direct how Government has a power to the Media rather than those owners or advertiser those follows government.
The government has agencies that control everything, every aspect of our living particularly on issues related to media ownership. According to Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin Sonin{September 2008} on the government control of the media they present a formal model of government control of the media to illuminate variation in media freedom across countries and over time, with particular application to less democratic states. The extent of media freedom depends critically on two variables: the mobilizing character of the government and the size of the advertising market.
Media bias is greater and state ownership of the media more likely when the need for social mobilization is large; however, the distinction between state and private media is smaller. Large advertising markets reduce media bias in both state and private media but increase the incentive for the government to nationalize private media.
First, the mobilizing character of the government determines the value the government places on the mobilization of citizens to take actions that are not necessarily in their individual best interest, such as voting and demonstrating in favour of the incumbent regime (Magaloni, 2006; Simpser, 2007) or exposing the corruption of local bureaucrats (Lorentzen, 2006).
When themed for social mobilization is large, the government is more willing to pay the cost (foregone advertising revenue or subsidies) of media bias. Media bias may therefore begreate in autocratic states whose leaders aim to transform society, or under populist governments that retains power through mass public participation, than in sultanistic"
According to D. A Gumucio (2006) argues that developing countries stills in dilemma about the mass media control. Several forms concerning the varieties of control the aim is underscoring on the areas to form the good control. In country that has as its priority the creation of nationhood, the state or government must have control the mass media.
C. L John and C Jean (1999) argue that Tanzania has been one of the most openly politicized countries in Africa. Significant here is that this domain of political action occurs in contest with foreign organization and that the citizen-policy of daily life and personal conduct occur in the government run media.The media provide a critical institution for a more productive engagement between state and society.
REFERENCES; C. L John and C Jean (1999) Civil Society and the political Imagination in Africa: Critical Perspectives, University of Chicago Press, New York D. A. Gumucio and T Thomas (2006) Communication for social change Anthology: historical and contemporary Readings, CFSC Consortium Inc, USA
WILSON MTAPA. 2013-04-03315 In most part, the mass media in the United Republic of Tanzania are privately owned. Public media sreceive part of their revenues from the government through Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), which represents a comparatively small share of the of the market. Private ownership ensures considerable but not absolute, freedom from the government oversight. It does raise questions, however, about how the mass media operate. According to Tuchman Gaye (1972) says objectivity is too difficult to be attained by journalists and can never be attained by journalist. This due to some challenges like owners’ priorities, as well as the government laws like Newspaper Act of 1976, this provides a mandate to a minister to abandon any newspaper. This hence led to the government to be the most influence behind the mass media operations. Also there are other government laws which control media operations. Again, referring to the constitution of the United Republic Of Tanzania, referring in the Article31 (1) of 1984 states that “ Apart from the provisions of article 30 (2), any law enacted by the parliament shall not be void for the reason only that it enables to be taken during a state of emergence or in normal times in relation to persons who are believed to engage in activities which endanger or prejudice the security of the nation, which measures derogate from the provision of article 14 and 15 of this constitution”. This strictly protects media operations from the government interference. Practically from its inception, the broadcast media has been subjected to regulation. Tanzania has set up licensing procedures to allocate frequencies under the premise that the airwaves belong to the public through Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) Acts. The TCRA regulates the number of the radio and television stations as well as the contents of the particular media. Also referring to Sturmer M (1998) says that “during 1970’s and 1980’s, all the mass media in the hand of the government which sometime led to power struggle within the revolutionary council, thus in order to regulate the use of filmed materials, the establishment of National Censor Board was legislated under section 22 of Act No 6 of 1983”.(cf Omar 1990,pg 26) Sturmer continued as he says that “ In respect of section 17, the minister has the power to require any publisher to execute a bond” this all improves the power of the government to the media. Also the government as the controller of the media is approved by Barran S.J(2006) as he commented that “.…But as we also saw in chapter 3, even the first amendment and libertian philosophy did not guarantee freedom of the press. The alien and sedition act were passed a scant eight years after the constitution was ratified….” Therefore government has a large influence on the mass media operation since mass media themselves are big business. When media criticize particular government decisions or corporate actions, and when government or corporations try to muzzle or manipulate the media. But at a more fundamental level, these institutions reinforce each other. Without government support, the mass media would disintegrate.
REFERENCE. Gaye T. (1972). Objectivity as a Strategic Ritual, UMdrive. University of Memphis. Sturmer M. (1998) The Media History Of Tanzania, Wiener Philharmo niker, Salzburg. Baran S.J.(2006) Introduction to Mass Communication, Mc Graw hill, USA. The Constitution Of the United Republic Of Tanzania Of 1977.(2005) Dar es salaam. The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, (2003). The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Government has given more power and loyalty into the Media for example in term of some decisions Government put some restriction even to the owners. The advertiser, owner or audience does not have a power to decide doing or say anything against the government. That’s why Government appears to be more controller and regulator to the media rather than other controller. According to book of “ Tanzania freedom of the press 2011”, the constitution of Tanzania provides for freedom of speech, several other laws limit the ability of the media to effectively function, and press freedom was tested in 2010 as a result of the October elections. The National Security Act allows the government to control the dissemination of information to the public, and publicly insulting the government is criminalized under the country’s libel legislation, which places the burden of proof on the defendant. The Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) settles many defamation suits, but arbitrary verdicts and excessive fines have continued, forcing media outlets to close in some cases. The private weekly MwanaHalisi, which had faced bankruptcy in 2009 after a court ordered it and two associated printing companies to pay approximately $2.2 million in damages, had the verdict overturned on appeal in 2010. Many public officials face legal restrictions on providing information to the media. Progress on enacting freedom of information legislation has been slow, with continued consultations on a draft held during 2010. Authorities are empowered to register or ban newspapers under the 1976 Newspaper Registration Act “in the interest of peace and good order.” In 2009, the editor of MwanaHalisi,which had been closed in 2008, took the government to court, charging that the law was unconstitutional. The case was still pending at the end of 2010. In January 2010, two other newspapers were punished for allegedly violating journalism ethics: Leo Tena was shut down for publishing pornography, while the investigative weekly Kulikoni was suspended for 90 days because of a report about the army that allegedly compromised national security without first obtaining approval from the MCT. The 1993 Broadcasting Services Act provides for state regulation of electronic media and allows the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA), a nominally independent body, to shut stations at will. Radio station Saut FM was shuttered in August 2010 on dubious technical grounds. There is concern that the TCRA is not entirely independent because its board chairman and director general are both appointed by the president. Media freedom advocacy groups are generally able to operate freely. violence against members of the press is rare, there were reports of journalists being harassed throughout the year. Lastly Some journalists, particularly at outlets owned or controlled by the state, practice the government is the most powerful , influential and loyal to the media .
REFERENCE 1. Tanzania freedom of the press 2011/ 12:00 PM Sunday 2. http://ww M. K Ernest (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania, Media development Association, Dar es surfed on 1300PM, Sunday. 3. surfed on 9:22, Sunday.
Government is a system by which a country or a state is governed. A government has a power to control the whole country. A government of any kind currently affects human activity in many important ways. For this reason government have also influential power behind the media. Below are some scholars who support that; According to Gehlbach Sonin, the government chooses an editorial policy which is observed by all media. Editorial policy guide editors and journalist in their news writings. The government may has a direct control over the news outlet, even if the owner is private. However the government may be able indirectly to control news content, providing various inducements to encourage the private owner to bias away with commercial optimal policy. Also the government chooses common editorial policy to maximize investment less the cost of subsides. Also Mrutu(2003) says, the government controls broadcasting transmitters but the panelist reported that is very easy for any applicant to obtain a license. This means government provides a license to the media so as to operate their works. And as long as the government do so that means it have the duty to control them too. Example in Tanzania there is a government organ known as Tanzania License Regulatory Authority. And is the one which control all media within a country. Furthermore leaders of communist parties of Soviet Union believed on strict control of mass media and this was implemented under Joseph V.Starlin.The regime required the media, literature and the arts to adhere to this formula. A vast bureaucracy which included party and government censorship and and self censorship by writers and artist. John Keane also argues that, Media and Democracy (1991) said the process of public opinion forms and influences the government. The media are seen as essential to the operation of a public sphere of open debate. The press constituted a public sphere in which an open political debate could take place. The notion that presses freedom of developed as a principle during the wave of democracy of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Biography: Mrutu E. K. (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania .Eco print LTD.DSM
One of the greatest influencers on the media include the Government or authority. As as it is widely known the media outlets are established in the countries which are governed by laws. Therefore the government in the particular country is controlling the media as shown by the following scholars below. According Ernest Mrutu (2003) the government has the power to enact laws and guidelines which may limit or provide guidelines on how the entire content of the media should be. This is done through a so called censorship. Whenever a media outlets disobeys the given guidline is likely to be banned the case which witnessed in media industry in Tanzania. According to Ayoub Rioba (2012) in his desertation he shows that the government has great influence on what should be published in the media. This happens mostly in countries which are under dictatorship and socialist governments. It is very difficult for the media to go against the government’s wishes even if it is a private owned media outlet. Normative theories were first proposed by Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm in their book called “Four Theories of the Press”. At first the word “Normative Theory” was pronounced in USA during the height of ‘cold war’ with communism and soviet. Often it called as western theories of mass media. A Normative theory describes an ideal way for a media system to be controlled and operated by the government, authority, leader and public. The media which is operating in such environment must obey to the laws and principles as proposed by the government. In general, weather it is in a democratic or non democratic state, each country is ruled by the established laws which can be found in a so called constitution. It is from that document which provides guidelines on how the media should operate. And of course much of those guidelines are being obeyed by the media owners so as they can continue operating and those few which try to go against the ruling class are usually banned. This situation is being experienced in various parts of the world including Tanzania. Therefore as it is broadly understood that the government has a strong hand the similar situation is also applying when it comes the issue of media control. That is why good stories about the government and the ruling class are too many compared to those which try to underestimate the ruling class.
REFERENCES. Mrutu E. K. (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania .Eco print LTD.DSM Rioba A. (2012) Media in a multiparty Tanzania. Tampere University
My views are that the government is a tool that influence and control the media operations comparing to the audience, media ow and advertisers. This can be revealed through media censorship in different ways. Frank A (1995) said that the censorship has special to the control of news. He added that “the basic aim of media censorship is making sure that the media publish what the government said”. This can be proved also through formation of various laws, bodies and ministries responsible for monitoring the media activities, for example in Tanzania both TCRA and the ministry of Information, youths, culture and sports are controlling the media operations including burning, punishing and warning the media as it happened to MWANAHALISI, Mtanzania and Mwananchi newspapers. Ernest Mrutu(2003), he argues that the media can’t be safe only if their operations do not interfere or destroy the government operations. He added that the government always use laws, and bodies to make sure the freedom of mass media is limited. According to Hyden (2002) he argues on how the the government is taking a big position in controlling the media operations through censorship. In this occasion the owners seems to have powers on the content but cannot publish anything against government laws, policies and regulations. Then Paul K(1999) says that the government is responsible in protecting the society then in order to protect the society the government must control the mass media activities. O. M kefa(2013) argues that the cencorship of the media operations in Tanzania is done through Tanzania regulation authority(TCRA) then this proves that the media must be loyal to the government. References. M. K Ernest (2003) media and society in Tanzania. DSM Tanzania free dictionary. O M Kefa(2013) cultural and customs in Tanzania ABC –CLIO Newyork. Haralambos(1998) media operations and its role in society. Frank A(1999) censorship of media.
Both owners ,Government, Advertisers and audience stands as the influential power behind Media operation. This is because both plays each its role on letting the media operates. In some Nations the government can influence and control their media greatly although sometimes the powerful corporations also have enormous influence on mainstream media. In other areas/places the major multinational corporations owns the media stations and outlets something which makes them to control the Media and stand as the influential power in media operation. Other times ownership interest may affect what is or is not covered . stories can end up being biased or omitted so as not to offend the owners who also in some places stands as the most influential power behind media operation. The ability for citizen to make informed decisions is crucial for a free and functioning democracy but now becomes threatened by such concentration in ownership. Generally and often many media institutions survive on advertising fees. Something which leads to media outlets being influenced by various corporate interest. This makes the advertisers to be the most influential power behind media operation. Many media in different places survive due to the supply of fees from the advertisers something which helps the media to survive. This is due to commercial media which operates for commercial purposes. This makes the to depend on the advertisers who advertise due to the audience purpose. The advertisers stands as the product and the audience stands as the buyers as the advertisers advertise in media so as the audience e to know their products. Although without the advertisers media operates but due to presence of commercial media fees from the advertisers to the media is mostly needed highly so as the media to operate. Hence in conclusion the advertisers are the most powerful and most influential power behind media operation although they walk hand in hand with the audience who makes the advertisers to be there.
REFERENCE 1. Robert McChesney, The New Global Media, The Nation Magazine, November 29, 1999 2. Rifka Rosen wein, Why Media Mergers Matter, Brills content, December 1999 3. Gerald Caplan, Advancing Fee Media, Open Market, Open Media Forum, November 1997 4. Ben H. bagdikian, The media monopoly, sixth Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000) 5. Miren Gutierez, Fewer players, Less Freedom, Interpressservice, March 20, 2004
The uses and Gratifications approach claimed that media do not do things to people, rather, people do things with media. In other words, the influence of media is limited to what people allow it to be. Because the uses and Gratifications approach emphasizes audience member’ motives for making specific consumption choices and the consequences of that intentional media use, it is sometimes seen as being too apologetic for the media industries. The theorist says that a media user seeks out a media source that best fulfills the needs of the user. Uses and Gratifications assume that the user has alternative choices to satisfy their needs. Active audience theory argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved, often unconsciously, in making sense of the message within their personal and social contexts. Decoding of a media message may therefore be influenced by such things as family background, beliefs, values, culture, interests, education and experiences. Active audience theory is seen as a direct contrast to the Effects traditions, however Jenny Kitzinger argues against discounting the effect or influence media can have on an audience, acknowledging that an active audience does not mean that media effect or influence is not possible. According to this finding audience is the most influential power of the media. Also the media industry produce cultural things or events include the activities done by the people (audience). There fore audience is the most influential power of the media, though the government depends on audience interest in all aspects of stability, management and implementation of policies as well as the advertisers depends on audiences as the consumers of the products.
REFERENCES Baran J. Stanley (2006) Introduction to Mass Communication. Media Literacy and Culture, 4th edition Mc Graw - Hill, New York. Bird E. S (2003). The Audience in Everyday life, Living in a Media World,1st Edition, Routledge, New York. Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, Freedom of Expression. Universal Declaration of Human Right of 1948, Freedom of Expression. Kitzinger, J (1999). A sociology of media power: key issues in audience reception research. Message Received. Harlow: Longman
The government is the most loyal agent or power of the media this is because of the following reasons. According to Ernest K. Mrutu he states that, " in Tanzania, the government manages broadcasting Act of 1993" this shows the government control of the the media. Furthermore according to Simeon Djankov, Caralee McLeish say, " we examine the patterns of media ownership in 97 countries around the world. We find almost universally the largest media firms are owned by the government." Another scholar Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin Sonin they say " Even if the owner of media is private, however the government may be able to indirectly control news content, providing various Inducements to encourage the private owner..." Pg 10. Alexandar Higgins says that " The gove rment is entirely controlling the news and the media is doing nothing more regurgitating an official narrative crafted by spooks in the shadow government". Reference Media and society in Tanzania, (2003),Ernest K. Mrutu, Dar es salaam Simeon Djankov, Caralee McLeish, Tatiana Nenova, and Andrei Shleifer, World Bank andHarvard university, June 200. www.blacklist, Scott Gehlbach, Konstatin Sonin,Government control of the media, 2008.
According to Stanley baran in Introduction to mass communication supported that the goverment that is the controller of the media so he tried to convince that the government should be free from the media as how its now by saying that logic of a free and unfettered press has come into play in the areas of broadcast deregulation. It also detail the shift in the underlying philosophy of media freedom from libertarianism to social responsibly theory providing the background for discussion on the ethical environment in which media professionals must work as they strive to fulfill the social responsibility obligations. The United States is the first country to allow free press with its ‘first amendment' which stated that "congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech or of the press" this first law gave the press so much freedom that caused damage such as sensational report of court proceedings thereby finding the people on trial guilty before they are actually found guilty by the jury. Another scholar who support the government as the controller of the media is Ernest Mrutu who said Even though many facilities are in private hands, owners tend to politicize them according to their personal sympathies, the panelists admitted. The government controls broadcasting transmitters, but the panelists reported that it is very easy for any applicant to obtain a license. The third scholars who support that the government control the media are Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin sonin in their book called Government control of the Media of 2008 they said We present a formal model of government control of the media to illuminate variation in media freedom across countries and over time, with particular application to less democratic states. The extent of media freedom depends critically on two variables: the mobilizing character of the government and the size of the advertising market. Media bias is greater and state ownership of the media more likely when the need for social mobilization is large; however, the distinction between state and private media is smaller. Large advertising markets reduce media bias in both state and private media, but increase the incentive for the government to nationalize private media. We illustrate these arguments with a case study of media freedom in post communist Russia, where media bias has responded to the mobilizing needs of the Kremlin and government control over the media has grown in tandem with the size of the advertising market. This was taken according to there environment of Russia at are not quietly different from other area or other place are still related.
Fourth scholar are John Keane in his book The media and Democracy 1991 said process 'public opinion' forms and influences government. The media are seen as essential to the operation of a public sphere of open debate. The press constituted a public sphere in which an open political debate could take place. The notion of press freedom developed as a principle during the wave of democracy of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Fifth scholars who they also support thet the government are the ones who they control the media are in the book Do the newspaper serve the state? In cumbert party influence on the US Press 1869-1991 Governments everywhere have an interest in controlling the press. Dictatorships such as North Korea and Cuba maintain nearly total control over media content. Moves toward autocracy in Russia and Venezuela have been accompanied by reduced press freedom (Corrales et al. 2009). In the 1990s, Peru’s secret-police chief Vladimiro Montesinos Torres paid 100 times more in bribes to media outlets than to all judges and politicians combined (McMillan and Zoido 2004).
Scott Gehlbach Governments control of the media sept 2008 Mrutu E k( Media and societyin Tanzania) Gentzkow and Shapiro 2008, Thomas 2006, Benedict et al 2007
Government has the big influence in the media controlling issue as it firstly holds the power to allow which kind of media to start operating in our country.As a state having their rules in controlling and managing the country,it doesn't allow the media to destroy it or just destroy peoples mind in the big effect.Each media has their rules from the owners but even the owners are very aware of the government. We always saw media ending up just creating agenda and sometimes being very aware of the hidden truth about the government but can it be because the government won't allow that to happen. Different picture are being brought by the media in the society and audience eyes and ears but it can be the same media that will make the issue dissaper and start another new agenda.State laws must not be puted aside either by the media,society or owner because the government wont let that happen.we have W.Heale (2010) Tanzania who said that the news media have been carefully controlled by the government for many years,President Nyerere state quite openly "no government likes to be criticized" so by any means government wont let that happen by crossing their boundaries.having conflict with the government won't put the media int good hands.Government holds important keys in everybodys business or normal life as it affect us and in many aspects..also E.Festus (1997) Press Freedom and communication in Africa has argued by saying most groups agree the government-media partnership. Most also agree that the government should stop appointing heads of the public media and also on how much government should stop to control news and how much media should practice self-censorship..We have TBC as public and they are saying no media have to collaborate with the government but is TBC not under control of the government not the society? as we go we can see even other media groups being together with the government as it the power to grab and decide too.H.Goran (2003) Media and democracy said however some government continue to exert considable control over the broadcasting. Now government pay even so much for their advertisement in newspapers to have front pages in television and radio too so it covers its powers by taking also the part of advertisers..Government sponsor some issues or segments in its power yo control is huge..other two last scholars are discussing the matter as follows. B.Barbara (2008) American Government and politics today he is discussing that the opinions measured in polls do set informal limits to government action.The government create exact cleary policies media do follow. While W.Jim (2007) The media Effect says that still opinion is divided among many scholars and other observers on just how important an influence the news media are when it comes to national policy-making as the government.
Authority i.e. government as the ruling organ of the state has the power to control the media rather than media owners, sponsors/advertisers and society/audiences. The controlling of the media by the government can be seen simply since government controls the environment that media operate in. There are three main concepts behind the media controls that have emerged from such an environment. Concepts as why government has the power in controlling the media; First, there is an authoritarian concept. From this concept we can see that the government historically has always had some sort of relationship with the press/media. According to Hachten, the basic principle of authoritarianism is that the press is allowed to gather and publish news, but the news must for ‘the good of the state’ and should not criticize authority or challenge the leadership in any way. 18th century Englishman Dr. Samuel Johnson gives a valid reason for this” Every society has a right to preserve public peace and order and therefore a good right to prohibit the propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency” John MacArthur’s 1991, when conducting an interview for his article with William Pike, editor of New Vision, a government-run paper in Uganda “….we have to follow the government lines in editorial. It would be absurd for the government to publish or broadcasts certain issue that contradicted its policies.” (Media Reader 313). This concept fully addressed government as the controller of the media. Second, there is communist concept. This was the concept advocated by Lenin. According to Lenin, mass media controlled and directed by the government. Media could concentrate on the task of nation building by publishing or broadcasting news relating to entire society’s policies and goals as determined by the top party leadership. So according to the concept government has the full power in controlling the media. Third, there is developmental concept. Hachten’s developmental concept is applied mainly to underdeveloped countries or poorer nations that are lacking in media whereby Tanzania is among them. In this concept, all instruments of mass communication should be mobilized to assist the government in nation building, fighting illiteracy and poverty, building the political consciousness and helping in economic development. Media should support government rather than challenging it. So government has full power in controlling media especially in Tanzania society whereby the act of the government banning media is common especially newspapers for example Mwanahalisi paper was banned. TCRA is an organ used by the government to control mass media in Tanzania. REFERENCE:
Bardes.B (2008) American Government and Politics today. Goran H( 2003) Media and Democracy in Africa. Festus.H (1997) Press freedom and communication in Africa. He ale J (2010) Tanzania Willis J(2007) The media Effect.
One of the most influencers of media operation is the audience as follows; If media have any effect at all, it is only to reinforce preexisting values and beliefs, family, church, school and other socializing agents have much more influence. This shows that audience is the key over media operation. According to Baran S (2005) introduction to mass communication 4th ed. Research on the effects of mass media, some of it based on moral panic about the alleged impact of media draw attention to audience responses, to and uses of mass media which was useful in demonstrating how audience are active rather than passive. From Gorman L and David Mclain (2009) media and society. A historical introduction. There are three major constraints in media operation where the audience, state and media organizations determine mass media. The three constraints shape the press’s roles in the democratic movement advanced by civil society .in capitalist societies all mainstrain media have to rely on audience patronage to survive and thrive. Without an audience, no commercial media can survive and influence society and state. Media which do not need mass support, such as political newspapers generally have only a minor or marginal role to play in development of the society. Michael B (2012) journalism and democracy. The analysis of the media environment circle of 1860 shows that the use of technology as a driving force, places tradition media of a media outlet where the influence of media operation is resisted by national audience. Refer to Joshua P (2008) de-constructing and constructed news events. Media carry advertising which influences consumers through information where the news sections of many of the media carry product information which is useful to citizens and it is important to note again that some observers feel that the mass media exist primarily to deliver an audience for commercial messages so as to run media operations effectively. Richard W (1979) new approaches to mass communication.
ALLY BAKARI. By definition from Oxford dictionary, 8th ed 2010 the term advertisement is defined as a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service. In this discussion am going how advertisement is so powerful. Dr. Antony Curtis, Mass Communication Dept. University of North Carolina at Pembroke Audience ranting important. A commercial medium wants to sell ad space or time to businesses with products or services for sale. To make that sale, they need to be able to tell potential advertisers that their massage on the air, in print, or on the monitor screen will be viewed and heard by large numbers of consumers. THE MEDIA WE WANT The Kenya Media Vulnerability study. Peter Oriere. Rosemarry-Orlale.Wilson Ugangu 2010. In this book says that Advertisers have immense influence on media because advertising is the back born of the media business. The commercial media cannot survive without advertising. The media are often careful not to annoy advertisers. Correspondingly media houses rarely publish offending stories about advertisers. Every now and then journalists will receive injunctions from on high to produce more aspirational human interest stories, based on the findings of surveys or focus groups of the existing or potential audience. At the same time as (supposedly) attracting new readers, such lifestyle copy-entertainment, holydays, healthy, consumer stories and so on- has been used to attract additional advertisers. TWO CONSTRAINTS AND INFLUENCES ON JOURNALISTS 2007 In the words of a Mexican journalist working in the 1990s at the Independent La Jornada ‘’ telling the truth is good business’’ (Lawson, 2002, p. 89), though the extent to which that is the case depends on the responsiveness of advertisers to circulation, viewership, or listenership. Consistent with the findings of an emerging empirical and theoretical literature, we show that private media are generally less biased when the advertising market is large, as purchasing influence through subsidization or outright bribery itarian than ‘’tinpot’’ dictatorship Gehlbach, S. & Sonin, K. (2008), Government control of the Media. In real sense advertisers have more power to make media according to the wish of advertisers. Media practitioners produce programs that will attract audiences who are main targets of the advertisements.
MDINDI MIRIAM, 2013-04-03325 In the study of Mass communication there has been a number of debate on who play the most influential or royal power behind the media operations among the government media owners , the society and advertises. In this issue there are different scholars who provide their arguments about the issue. According Noam E. (2009) “For the media ownership and control are arguably more important than in other industries given the role of information in social, economic and political life”. According to Noam arguments that Owners has the royal power on setting agenda for conversation and the power to frame and control different issues in news items and through different programs.(Noam E. 2009 pg384) According to Stuckey M. (1996) She argue that the owners has power namely as the conflict over concrete political interests in the form of policy preferences and the language is the dimension control over how issues are defined, debate structured and how conceptualizations affect possible actions or the control over agenda and decision making. Media owners has access to public, on how issues are defined and framed in the news , how they omits certain stories while privileging others and has the most influence over labeling events and processes since Owners can determine who takes turn in conversations and who manages conclusions and topic shifts. (Stuckey M. 1996 pg 29) According to Hecker J 2008 He state that the economic factor can influence the number of media outlets as a single entity can own more than one media station which has the same services this influence the increase in number of full control over media ownership in both commercial and non commercial media stations. According to Trevino A.J (2011) The power of owners were able to pursued individual in to believing that through democratic process they can make the key decision affecting the country when in fact they were not. Mills argued that media owner are Image makers involved in opinion molding through manipulation of public opinion. According to Hyden G. & folarin F. 2003 In 1990’s There were enactments of constitutional that facilitates the development of privately owned media in African countries which lead to the privatization of ownership of the media hence rapid growth in newspaper, Radio and Television stations. (Hyden G. & folarin F. 2003pg56) Therefore, in media operation Owners play the most influential power through setting different agenda and through creation of media contents right through programs as it is explained by different scholars.
REFERENCES. Noam E. (2009), Media Ownership and Concentration in Africa: USA.Columbia university. Stuckey M.E (1996), The Theory and Practice Of Political Communication Research.U.S.A. Hecker J. Z (2008), Media Ownership. U.S.A. Trevino A.J (2011), The Social Thought Of C. Wright Mills. Hyden G. & Folarin F.( 2003), Media &Democracy in Africa.
YUSUFU NURU 2012-04-03186 Tanzanian culture constitute of the language(swahili), music(bongo flava), food such as Ugali,cloth (khanga),religion(Christian and Muslim and traditional one),tribe which are approximately to 120 in which some them resulted from interaction with other society through media and other ways.
What the mass media distribute convey an accurate reflection of social reality to the audiences like a television camera turned on the world. This means that what is broadcasted or published in on the media is really a product of the society since media content depend on the society events and behavior(culture), (Shoemaker and Reese 1996.P17).
Tanzanian culture is not accurately reflected in our local media; culture as an identification of ones originality, it is very rare for Tanzanian media to present content which accurately relate to our culture rather than language (Swahili) which mostly used by our local media.
It can be recommended that the kind of culture reflected in our media is mixed one depending on the program and media policy because it comprises western culture, Arabic and other African culture for instance clothes ,food, religion, music ,are not regularly reflected in our local media accurately.
Moreover, foreign culture is more reflected in our local media than traditional one ,forexample the costume by television presenter and news anchor, in the music video(bongo flava) and bongo movie do not accurately reflected as Tanzanian clothes.
REFFERENCE Shoemaker.J.P & Reese.D.S(1996).Mediating The Message:Theories of influences on mass media content.Longman 2nd Edt.USA
According to Hofstede (1997) Culture is the set of customs, traditions, knowledge and values of a society or community which includes some aspects of human behavior such as language (Kiswahili) religion (Christian & Muslims) music (bongofleva), dance, arts, cooking, and clothing in an ethnic group or nation. The things which constitutes Tanzanian culture include Languages, Literature, Music, Arts (paintings, cartoons) sculpture, sports, cuisine and Beverages), Religion, Ethnicity and food. There are over 120 different ethnic groups among Tanzania’s population. But no one group is dominant, many being fairly small. Tanzania media portray culture in religion part, by preparing different programs and direct connection from different churches in radio, television and Newspaper. Example Mwimbieni Bwana program in TBC 1, Tutashinda in Channel ten, and Jibu la Maisha Newspaper discussing different religious matters. Religion is part of culture because it teaches people manners, morals and self-esteem on how to behave among the communities In 1992, Nyerere said “I believe that culture is the essence and spirit of any nation” Thus people have to be in their right frame of mind in order to protect our culture and to participate in economic development because there is relationship between culture and development. REFERENCE: Hofstede (1997), Cultures & Organization Software of the Mind. New York: Mc Graw Hill KACHECHE DORAH 2012-04-03157
QUESTION What Constitute Tanzania Culture ? Is Tanzanian Culture Accurately Reflected in our local Media. ANSWERS Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations or on the other meaning is total way of peoples life. Media refers to the Media means the group of people who decided to organize together with the purpose of Collecting information , process it then disseminate it to their audience through the use of communication technologies like radio , Television and Newspaper. Tanzanian Culture comprise of the Religion, Language that is Swahili language, Clothes example Khanga, Traditional songs, Ethnicity and tribes and even traditional houses made by grass. Local Media in Tanzania tries to Reflect the culture but not accurately by looking the following categories( components) of culture: Language : Most of the Tanzania media use Swahili Language but most of the time you can see the media people code mixing and switching something that loose the accurateness of media portrays to our language Clothes : This is another aspect of culture that is not accurately presented in our media because Media in Tanzania mostly prefers to use their time to promote western clothes and forget to use time to promote home clothes hence influence the growth foreign culture in terms of clothes. Song and Music: Also Tanzania Media even the song that plays in the most of the time the not the songs that may introduce the country as its culture something that rise questions among the head of people on what exactly the kind music that may symbolize the culture of Tanzania . Foods: As we know every country has its own foods that may stand to represent their culture .Tanzania as the Country have their own but media do not real accurately portrays this aspect of culture. In Conclusion Tanzanians media must increase emphasis in promoting our culture that use a lot of time to promote foreign culture.
According to Baran (2006), media is a technology that carries messages to a large number of people. Media makes the information available to its audience, inform and educate them among other things. On other hand, culture is the total way of life. Culture comprises the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, intellectual and emotional features that characterize society, our thought about life, and our ideas. (Ademola & Okunola.2013). Culture is never stagnant, it changes due to many factors including interaction. Tanzanian culture is more of a hybrid culture as it constituted with foreign entities such as religion both Christianity and Islam beliefs. Food, dressing, Swahili language also constitute Tanzanian culture. Tanzanian culture portrayal in media is not accurate. Primetime shows are mostly foreign programs as opposed to local, independently produced content. (TMF. 2012). Media in the country mostly airs programs that rarely reflect Tanzanian culture. With most media houses such as TV1 importing a lot of foreign programs, the culture cannot be accurately reflected. “Imported media undermines the development of the national culture of the receiving countries” (Wang, 2008). Media contents that reflects purely Tanzanian culture are hard to find, this can change especially after the coming of Star Afro Culture channel. The channel being dedicated to African culture can reflect Tanzanian culture and African culture at large accurately. “People are born in a certain culture and exposure to other cultures is a sure way to induce the foreign notions.” Tassel (1996).
OWINO GEORGE P. 2012-04-03179
REFERENCES Van Tassel J. (1996). Television Goes Global. Focal Press. United States Baran S.J. (2006). Introduction to Mass Communication 4Th Edition. McGraw Hill.New York Tanzania Media Fund Strategic Plan June 2012- May 2015
Q. What constitute Tanzanian culture? Is Tanzania culture accurately reflected in our local media? Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of particular people or society. Language A total of 128 languages are spoken in Tanzania, most of which are tribal languages, Swahili and English are the two official languages; however, Swahili is the national language. National anthem The Tanzanian national anthem is Mungu Ibariki Afrika (God Bless Africa). Music Tanzanian music comprises of R&B , pop , Zouk , Taarab ,and dance music while highly consumed with Bongo flava. Sculpture Tanzania has tribes such Makonde of the southern Tanzania whose culture is making of sculptures which are naturally made out of tree logs.
How Tanzanian culture is reflected in the media Not all Tanzanian culture is reflected in the media accurately but there are places were it is accuratelly presented in the media as follows:
Kiswahili is largely used in the Tanzanian media , news and other TV programs are broadcasted in kiswahili and in the print media most of of Newspaper are of Kiswahili except for Daily news , The citizen and The guardian.
Most TV and radio programs are dedicated to Bongo Flava, and there are some Taarab programs.
REFERENCE: Hofstede (1997), Cultures & Organization Software of the Mind. New York: Mc Graw Hill
Justina S. Katabaganda 2012-04-03160 Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Culture is sharing patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socialization. Therefore, it can be seen as the growth of a group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the group. Media refers to the group of people who organize them themselves for the certain reason to deal with specific messages in which their goal might be economical, political, social and cultural. Media’s role is to educate, entertain and surveillance, in which it should play its role at least by portray 70% of our own culture. Tanzanian culture is portrayed in the Media but not accurately. This is because most of the things produced in the media are from the foreigners, and does not cover at least 50% of our own culture. For example their contents, media personnel’s, and language that they use. The fashions that are mostly presented are from outside. This is because Tanzanian media is still dependent from outside media like BBC, CNN and other channels from outside. A good example in Telenovela programmes are given much time than other programs of gramma from here in Tanzania that portray our culture. The following are the constitutes of Tanzanian culture: As culture involves different things including, Ethnicity which are approximately 120. These tribes have their own vernacular language. But Language that is common and unites all tribes in Tanzania is Kiswahili. Food is also what defines culture in Tanzania, as there are many common tradition foods but commonly Ugali Maharage. Tanzanian common cultural cloths is Khanga & Kanzu. Bongo flava is the kind of music that originated from Tanzania and represents Tanzanian Culture. Also Religions in Tanzania are Christians & Muslim, though there are also people with their traditional faith/religion sometimes known as Pagans.
MUKEBEZI DEONIDAS 2102-04-03174 Question: Is tanzania culture portrayed in our media? Mass media have an important role in Tanzania society as the main channel of communication.The population relies on news media as the main source of information.According to cultural selection theory,any selection of masseges in mass media will thus have the profound effects on the entire society. In Tanzania culture can be discussed in two aspects which are indegenous culture as represented by various tribes and ethnic groups and National culture. According to Mkwabi Tanzania culture is portrayed in our media but the national mass media are regarded as urban phenomena due to the composition of their contents,the amount of information they carry pertaining culture and availlability of these channels in urban and rural which are not balanced.For example National newspaper are scarcely available in rural areas and those availlable can not adeguately promote cultural activities. There are some newspapers which have short stories and poetry like SUN which also has some of cartoon pictures like Kifimbocheza promoting good use of Swahili language,but all these are not enough to say that Tanzania culture is portrayed enough in our media. In conclusion the media should expand their circulation in and coverage of rural areas.Through this way they could increase impacts as promoters of culture.Also they should make sure that the content pertaining Tanzania culture like tradition dances,Kiswahili language,our foods,wearing styres and all other element of our culture have enough space to increase speed of promoting our culture to the rest of the world.
REFFERENCE. Ngwanakilala,N. (1980).The Role of Mass Media in Promoting popular participation in Cultural life.United Nation.Paris
Q. What constitute Tanzanian culture? Is Tanzania culture accurately reflected in our local media? Possible answers. By Kivuyo Francis J. Reg: 2012-04-03164 Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another. Hofstede, G. (1984). Therefore according to Hofstede, culture can be refered as a total way of life that can differentiate one person from another, one community from another, one country from another or even one continent from another.The following bellow are several things that constitute Tanzanian culture; Language; One of the most powerful identification of Tanzania culture is the Swahili language. Ninety percent of the Tanzanian speaks Swahili language. Additionally, swahili language is one of the official language in Tanzania apart from English language. Wherever you speak Swahili people firstly think you must be a Tanzanian. Dressing style. In this point we considered a Khanga dress as one of the constitute of our culture because it is only in Tanzania khanga dress worn in most cases by ladies. It’s also argued that khanga has some special uses among Tanzanian women, for example during funeral ceremonies. Kindness. Worldwide Tanzanian are known to be kind people and this has been our cultural identification all over the world. It is only in Tanzania you can find people charting to each other in the public transport (daladala) as if they know each other before. Food. One among the foods that constitute our culture is ugali. Al though this kind of food is sometimes found in the neighbor country, but still represent The Tanzania culture since its one of the oldest and most used food among us. After a little discussion on what constitute Tanzania culture, now, let’s look if Tanzanian culture is accurately reflected in our local media. For my opinions, Tanzanian culture in not accurately reflected in our local media due to the following arguments; Firstly, in Tanzanian media particularly electronic, many program still bearing English names. For this reason, it’s very difficult to state whether Tanzania culture is accurately reflected. Secondly, dressing style. Although Khanga and kitenge seems to be part of our culture, still non of our media houses especial television are using them during their activities in order to really portray the Tanzania culture. Thirdly, the kind of music being played by our local TV and radio station. There is no laws or regulations that forces these station to play those song which reflect our culture as Tanzanian so, you can find the stations playing foreign songs the whole day. By conclusion, the Tanzanian government should establish clear strategies on how to keep and develop our culture. For example by introducing compulsory culture subjects at all levels of education.
References. Hofstede, G. (1984). National cultures and corporate cultures. In L.A. Samovar & R.E. Porter (Eds.), Communication Between Cultures. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
KAWICHE SARAH 2012-04-03161 Culture is the total ways of life of aparticular people in a certain area. It involve the ideas,customs, social behavior, language and life stles like wearing style and food and The following are the Constituents of Tanzanian culture Language is the means of communication within the people who live in a certain area. In Tanzania the language which used is Swahili language. Food is another element of culture where by the kind of food which eaten by people differ depending on their culture, in Tanzania our food is Ugali and Maharage. Also clothes (the way people wearing) differentiate between one culture with another. Tanzanian clothes involve kanga for women and kanzu for men .Ethnicity is the community status relationship whereby in Tanzania we have about more than 120 tribes which use different language by they are joining by Swahili language. We have also our music which is bongo flava. Tanzanian culture is not reflected in our local media due to the fact that the content which aired in our media and mostly radio and television reflect the western or outside culture rather than our local culture,despite the matter that for radio and television 60% of the content which aired must carry local content and the rest which is 40% must reflect others content but still the local content which aired in our media is less than 60%. Another reason which show that Tanzanian culture is not highly portrayed in the media is the language use. Only the Swahili newspapers are the one which use Swahili language without mixing it with English but for radio television most of the language used is mixed language which is Swahil and English except for news stories which use Swahili language.
By beatrice sichalwe 2012-04-03181 Culturw is a centarl concept of in anthropology encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human consist knowledge, beleifs, art, morals, law customs and other capabilities and habits aquired by a man as a member of society. ( free encyclopedia) Media means of mass communication ( television , radio and news papers) regarded collectively their demand were publicized by the main ( free dictionary) Tanzania is one among of the countries in the world that have the culture which it consist the use of swahil language, the dressing and so on. In Tanzania the local media in TAnzania does not potray tanzanian culture which means that the local media in tanzania praise the media from the west countries such as in the progams they are running and hosting they mix language which is english and swahili instead of using theor own language which is swhili language.. And also many programs which are shown and hosting in tanzanian media does not reflect our culture at all means are the coping and pasting from the west countries that is why people are detroyed by new culture example people boys and girls wear half naked and they do not respect elders this is all beacuse of the new culture from western countries which has been brought by our own local media in tanzania... Tanzania have many atractives things .also customs ans norms and so many many..instead of using this chance to advert the tanzanian culture they are showing us the things which are not our ours and new for us.. This is different from the other countries where by when you go to france they are so proud of their own culture example their local media are shown the programs and things fron their country and not outside even the language they are using it their own where by they do not tanzania media have to learn from them and be proud of their own thing ans stop praise the things which does not belong to them and not their cultute... Reference.. Free encyclopedia Free dictionary..
2012-04-03165 KYANDO ANNA BA IN JOURNALISM Culture Is the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Or, is a total way of life that defined everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The following are the constitutes of Tanzanian culture, Languages, in tanzania we have 128 languages ,Arts, Music like national anthem “mungu ibariki”,Literature, sports, cuisine. Tanzanian culture is being portrayed in media because there are different programs most of them are documentaries which shows people’s lives and their culture for stance the program of “Wanawake live” , this program portrayed culture of different people in Tanzania even if the program is to educate women. In Tanzania there are many cultures which are “ mountain climbing”, a good example in clouds television they show “Kambi popote” program, wearing style for example in “nirvana” program which is shown in east Africa television they show some of the Tanzanian clothes like kanga, kitenge and also designers from Tanzania like “Martine Kadinda” and “Mustafa Asanari” they use media to show different clothes which they are designed in a culture way., Languages use, in Tanzania we have the national language which is Kiswahili and in our media they use Kiswahili for istance in “TBC television”. There are some programs which show Tanzanian life style a good a example is “Uswazi” which is being hosted by Zembwela , by watching this program you can see how people are living in different areas.
Q. What constitute Tanzanian culture? Is Tanzania culture accurately reflected in our local media? Possible answers. By Khalfan., Athuman Reg: 2012-04-03162
Culture defined as a total way of life that includes beliefs, customs, languages, arts, music etc that appeared within a certain community as common practice. Culture can be a tool of unification which identifies a certain community as different from others like the use of Swahili language by Tanzanians majority. In Tanzania you may found difficulty to pin point which common practice that can be described as culture to the whole community. Different types of tribes and tradition makes Tanzanians to be a nation cultural diversity, only Swahili language remains as common symbol as it is spoken by majority. Most of local media in Tanzania does not reflect our culture in accurate way although some of the programs displays various tradition content from different tribes, example NGOMA ZA ASILI aired by TBC and UTALII WA NDANI by channel ten. Globalization made lots of effects in our local media whereby high percentage of media content comes from Western media. This range from types of music, lifestyles, attitude and values which are different from our ancestral culture; Example most of series and documentaries imparted from outside in form of Other languages like THE LEGAL WIFE in channel ten, and lots of foreign music tunes. For that matter our local media is the major source of destroying our culture than promoting it.
2012-04-03165 KYANDO ANNA BA IN JOURNALISM Culture Is the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. Or, is a total way of life that defined everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The following are the constitutes of Tanzanian culture, Languages, in tanzania we have 128 languages ,Arts, Music like national anthem “mungu ibariki”,Literature, sports, cuisine. Tanzanian culture is being portrayed in media because there are different programs most of them are documentaries which shows people’s lives and their culture for stance the program of “Wanawake live” , this program portrayed culture of different people in Tanzania even if the program is to educate women. In Tanzania there are many cultures which are “ mountain climbing”, a good example in clouds television they show “Kambi popote” program, wearing style for example in “nirvana” program which is shown in east Africa television they show some of the Tanzanian clothes like kanga, kitenge and also designers from Tanzania like “Martine Kadinda” and “Mustafa Asanari” they use media to show different clothes which they are designed in a culture way., Languages use, in Tanzania we have the national language which is Kiswahili and in our media they use Kiswahili for istance in “TBC television”. There are some programs which show Tanzanian life style a good a example is “Uswazi” which is being hosted by Zembwela , by watching this program you can see how people are living in different areas.
Name:Wilfred Judith Reg: 2012-04-03185 According to Fotopoulos (1999:23) define culture as “integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior.This includes all aspect of culture which arelanguage,ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, work of art, ceremonies, food, clothes, music,and religious. Swahili language portrayed as cultural identity of Tanzania. Cultural policy in 1997under Ministry of education and culture declare that Swahili language used a national language and medium of instruction in primary and secondary education and encouraged in higher education. Clothes as one among culture identity of the particular society in Tanzania kanga, kitenge and kanzu are identity of our culture moreover fiber of other ethnic group like msai, and hanzabe are not ignored. In my on point of view Tanzania culture does not accurately portrayed in our media due to the following reasons Under the presence of cultural homogenization Tanzania media imitate what other international media like BBC, MTV, HOLLYWOOD, and CCN do, so as to attract its market and control it over the other countries. Take a good example of Tanzania films mix Swahili and English at the same time (Kiswaenglish) and don’t wear our own fibers which present our culture. The main purpose of Tanzania media do this is to win market in East African countries which later on led failure in portray our national identity accurately. In lighting this assertion when look on the Tanzania cuisine Tv and radio’s program you can find that most of time discuss recipe of foreign food like pizza, burger sausage rolls and Bolognese. The culture of Tanzania traditional cuisine are being left behind in the Tv programs example MAPISHI YETU in ITV and MAANJUMATI in channel ten so as win market of multiculturalism REFERENCE Fotopoulos, T. (1999)Mass media, culture and democracy:The international journal of inclusive democracy vol.5, no1, pp 19-52
Culture is everything that dominate every aspect in daily life of human being, including language, political system, economical system, arts, music, clothes, and social distribution of works. Tanzania as free country has some components of its own culture that is used as the identity and to differentiate from other countries, for example including Swahili as our language, kanga as our clothing, people have their religions dominated by Muslims and Christians though the government itself do not have religion, our own music which do not use advanced technology and sophisticated instruments but each tribe has its own traditional music with simple instruments. We do not have our own political system and economical system. Local Media in Tanzania portray our culture to some extent neither at a very high percent nor at a very low percent this because despite the fact that Swahili is mostly used in our local media at large percent over foreign languages. Television is the mostly influencing media since the audiences can hear and see exactly what is being portrayed. Large percent of things displayed in our local televisions are not reflecting our culture starting from clothing, music, movies despite using Swahili as a medium of instructions on those media with code mixing.
REFERENCE Askegaard, S. [1991]. Towards a semiotic structure of cultural identity. Marketing Semiotics. Nordisk Forlag Arnold Bursk. Copenhagen. Denmark Brislin, R. [1990]. Applied cross-cultural psychology. Sage Publication. Newbury Park. Califonia, USA.
Janowitz(1968),defines media as an institution and techniques through which devices like press; radio and television are normally used to transmit symbolic content, varied to the targeted audiences. It includes news papers, magazine, TV, radio. According to Hofstede(1984), defines culture as the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. Tanzania culture is somewhat rich and has contributed plenty to the advancement of the country. About 128 languages are spoken in Tanzania from Bantu, way of dressing example Maasai people, food stuffs like Ugali, religious, music (local dance of Tanzania tribes like Haya, Chagga) together comprise Tanzania culture. It is not accurate that Tanzania media portray our culture because nowadays most of media for instance in EATV there are some programs like Nirvana and E-News have a tendency of using English than Swahili language even their way of dressing doesn’t reflects our culture so that others could identify us as Tanzanian. So, media contributes a lot to the destruction of Tanzania culture through Music(R n B),movies like Telemundo people starts to imitate role models from western culture like dressing style, hairstyle and hence become addicted with them than their own.
MWAKIHABA, WINNIE P. 2012-04-03176
REFERENCE Hofstede, G. (1984). Culture’s consequences: International Differences in Work –Related Values (2nd edtion. Beverly Hills CA: SAGE Publication
BY: MASSAWE EVALILIAN K, BA JOURNALISM: 3RD YEAR: 2012-04-03167 E.B Taylor, refers to culture as, "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." Culture is a total way of life. Tanzanian constitute of different elements which are likely to be found in other cultures, but what makes it unique and gives it its Identity is the national language (Swahili) and the exceptional generosity, and hospitality that is hard to find elsewhere. These two elements among many other identify Tanzanian culture. The local media fairly portray major elements of Tanzanian culture. This approach will base on the following two factors: Language used for broadcasting: Swahili is the major language used for broadcasting in most of the broadcasting as well as print media. This not only portrays Swahili as a Tanzanian culture but also helps in reaching out to majority of audience in the country. Broadcasted content: Most of the programs broadcast content that reflects Tanzanian culture, a good example being lulu za Kiswahili from TBC1 where they discuss several matters concerning Swahili language, mirindimo ya pwani in Chanel Ten where they express culture of Tanzanians from the coastal region, to mention but few.
Edward Tylor (1871, 1), who opens his seminal anthropology text with the stipulation that culture is, “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Subsequent authors have worried that Tylor's definition packs in too much, combining together psychological items (e.g., belief) with external items (e.g., art). As Tylor explain when he discuss about culture that culture is all about morals, laws, art,custom and belief. also in Tanzania we have our laws from the family level to the state level also we have several customs but the important thing we have our local or traditional belief and we practice several work of art like music, fashion etc. So when you take the Tylor explanation when he discuss about culture you can see that even Tanzania practicing culture. when we came to the side of media about how it practicing our local culture it is very fair and enough to say that our local media doing enough to present and practicing our local culture because of the following big reasons. Firstly our media have several programs which direct touch the areas and values of the culture as Tylor define, in ITV there is program which called SANAA NA WASNII and in EATV there is NIRVANA both of them deals with the work of art and according to Tylor art is among the work of art so our media by preparing that programs it shows how they practicing our local culture but also the issue of deciding to use Swahili language as the medium of communication in our media is big reason to show that our media doing enough to practicing our media
REFERENCES Tylor, E.B. (1871). Primitive Culture: Researches in the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art and Custom. London: John Murray.
AYUMBA HABIBU 2012-04-03153 Media can be defined as a group of organized people who deals with collecting, processing and disseminate through the use of technology to the targeted audience with the specific goals. And when we talk about culture simply is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Other people said that media was accurately portrayed the culture but others said that media does not portrayed culture. In my said I disagreed that the media accurately portrayed Tanzania culture, this is because of the duration of programs, most of our programs in our local media shows and prepare the programs which based on the culture from abroad for a long period such as 4 up to 6 hours example in Mlimani TV there is a program from CCTV China which based on Chinese culture only and aired for 6 hours every day compared to Tanzanian culture programs. But our culture programs was very few and in short period of time only one program for a week which took 1 hour only or half an hour , so due to this our media does not portrayed Tanzania culture.
CHOSE STELA D 2012-04-03151 Culture is refers to the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The advance research on language Acquisition goes a step further, defining culture as shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socialization. Thus, it can be seen as the growth of a group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the group. Media refers to the channel through which selected information disseminated to the specific audiences. In terms of language media in Tanzania tried to portray the Tanzania culture, due to TCRA policy allows media to choose Swahili or English language, as the result there are many media which using Swahili as known worldwide Swahili language represent Tanzania. But the media failed to present Tanzania culture in wearing style, housing style due to most of media cop the western style of different things based on wearing. Even most of media program do not show the real/original or natural life of Tanzanians. Thus media in Tanzania contribute a lot in destroy Tanzania culture though language use {pronouncing Swahili in English accent}, food and wearing style.
NGONYANI GRACE C. 2012-04-03177 Culture refers to the arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group. Media refers to organization that with collecting, processing and disseminate specific message to the target audience through technology to meet a specific goal .There are two groups of media organization such as print media and broadcasting. All countries in the World have got its own culture and those cultures tend to be practiced by many people in that particular country. Those cultures used to be presented in the media. Local media in Tanzania has got a chance of portray their culture in different ways such as:- Through the language used; many media house choose language to be used which will be easy to be understood by many audience. Kiswahili is the national language in Tanzania which tends to be used in many media so that many people may understand what has been presented to them. Although the same media used to prefer much Western culture, in terms of wearing style, hair styles and other stuffs which affect even the children who try to cope with different things shown in media especially television.
ALFEO INNOCENT M. 2012-04-03150 Culture is the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next. (Matsumo 1996:16). Therefore all attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that are shared in Tanzania are our culture. Tanzania culture is constituted by various elements such as religions (Islam and Christian), language (Kiswahili as a national language and other vernacular languages used according to tribes), cloths (khanga, kanzu and kaniki), foods, music (taarab, bongo flavor, mchiriku, mduara etc.) and dressing style etc. Tanzanian culture is reflected in our local media but not accurately. Most of television and radio programs, newspaper article and stories use Swahili language. There are religious programs like dini ya kiislamu (Mlimani tv), Kutoka kanisani (TBC1) which demonstrate our cultural religions. Music programs such as Mziki wa mwambao, ngoma zetu etc are mainly for Tanzania flavors. Articles are also published to explain our beautiful foods, and clothes, on the other hands there are few programs which demonstrate foreign culture such as music (urban heats of EATV), language (Hollywood movies), clothes, and foods. This reflection of Tanzanian culture in our media is not accurately because it does not reach the expected goals of having all programs which portrays our total ways of life. REFERENCE 1. Matsumo, D. (1996) culture and psychology. Pacific Grove, CA:Brooks/cole
Culture is the total way of life. This comprises of the ideas, customs and social behavior of particular people or society. Tanzanian culture constitutes of various customs and social behaviors. The language, although in Tanzania there’s a total of about 128 languages spoken, Kiswahili as the National language which is spoken by most of the country’s population. Music, Tanzania has its own genres of music known as bongo fleva and taarab. Apart from that, Tanzanian culture also comprises of its unique dressing style made of fabrics known as Khanga, mostly dressed by women in various occasions including funerals. In my point of view, Our local media does not really accurately reflect Tanzanian culture due to the fact that they way our media organziations operate and most of the media content are through the use of western culture. For example, in Television programs, the hosts of the programs are observed dressing in the western dressing style hence not reflecting Tanzania culture through wearing clothes made of local Tanzania khanga and kitenge which can also be designed formally for Television programs. Another good example is the language that is used in our local media, although Swahili is our national language most of the programs found in Television and radio are run through the mixing of English and Swahili, ontop of that most of the names of the programs are given English names such as ‘Top Ten’, ‘countdown’ and ‘Friday night live’, this vivid shows that our culture is not accurately reflected in our local media. In conclusion, media organizations should have prestige of Tanzanian culture and reflect it in their daily works so as for the country’s development.
Enter your comment...culture refers to a whole way of living. In other words this means everything you do in life that refers to culture. In society we live we do practice a lot of things that stand as a culture. Tanzania in one way or the other do have a culture that we practice since each and everyone must have a culture. Several key issues can be refered to what constitute culture, these are like, Language, language spoken in Tanzania as a national language is kiswahili and this in one way or an other constitute Tanzania culture since it does represent Tanzania identity. One could be recognized as a Tanzanian wherever he goes if he speaks kiswahili. therefore kiswahili make it a big identity for Tanzania culture. Another issue is food type, in Tanzania there are common food that when eaten do identify the type of person you are. Ugali and Maharagwe is the most common food in Tanzania and that stands as a part and parcel of our culture by the way. Tribes, in Tanzania we have a lot of tribes that are scattered all over the country. Each trube has got its own unique practice that identify as it is. But these tribes they have a common features they share that identify as Tanzania culture such as children upbringing. Greeting style, a greeting style of Tanzanians constitute or rather make it different to other culture all over the world. In Tanzania people do greer one another by shaking hands something not done in some other parts of the world. therefore, through these criterias, Tanzania culture may be identified in such a way. Issa bernard 2012-04-03155
Readership research is the type of research done to study how people read, use and respond to the media. This research is mostly conducted by the advertisers. Market Imperatives; Readership research is concerned with measuring audiences, identifying their demographic distribution and tracking issues such as attention flow and channel loyalty. Morality, sex and violence; Readership research here concerned about morality, sex and violence influenced by the media. Responses to the technological development; this is about the implications of new media and communications device. Culture, politics and identity; readership research here is concerned with the media’s role in developing identities, culture and politics. AWET, EMANUEL B. 2013-04-03303
Readership research tries to raise the following issues; Demographic data of readers; by conducting this research the newspaper company is able to understand the kind of people who read their issues in terms of age, sex, location, education level and so on. Item selection; the newspaper company gets to know what exactly their readers want most from the whole package of an issue and this helps in improving that item. Readers and non readers of that particular newspaper are identified. And this gives knowledge on the newspaper company on how to develop new readers. PAUL PAULINE S, 2013-04-03292.
RAJABU, RAMADHANI 2013-04-03335. Readership research is kind of research which is done to understand the motivations, reaction and behavior of the readers. The advertisers, bloggers, editors, journalists, newspapers and magazines conducted this kind of research to know the motivations, reaction and behavior of their readers. The issues which can be rise on readership research are the following Market Audience, location where the audiences are found, sex and status. Due to this research involve the advertisers, bloggers, editors, journalists, newspapers and magazines those are the issues supposed to be researched simply the high number of readers the high sells of media.s
ASUKILE SUBIRA 2013-04-03299 Readership research deal with the number of people who read a particular newspapers, the content, and what the customers wants give them according to their status, ages, gender, location, readability research raised the question that who is the reader, how and where example at urban, educated residents and purchasing ability to determine the circulation. The item selection studies, reader’s stories, uses and gratification studies and editors are also the issues which will raise in readership research, in conclusion the high the population the higher the circulation.
LABAN, SARAFINA 2013-04-03319 Readership research is the research which done in order to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but is also very useful to online content companies, traditional, newspaper, magazines, journalists and also editors. Purpose of readership research is to determine the demographics of readers of particular newspaper, content and what the customers want according to their status, ages, gender, and location. Also readership research deal with the number of circulation of newspaper this can help sell more papers or magazines, and it can also sell more ad space. Advertisers can use the information to place their ads in the right locations. Readership research can be used by advertisers, bloggers, journalists, magazine, newspapers, online newspapers, magazine, and content web sites.
Readership research refers to the Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazines and Newspapers that appear periodically. Of primary importance in this context are readership analyses that ascertain findings on print-media coverage (reach or cumulative audience) and readership structure (composition of readership to describe print-media target groups). Readership research arise a lot of things as such as circulation of news paper or magazine at a certain area which helps to know how many coppies will satisfy readers at a certain area. Uses and gratification helps to know the behaviour of the readers like reasons for reading a certain News paper. Another issue arised is in Research profile which let us know the characteristics of the readers in issue of status, age, gender,location culture and the purchasing power. Other issue arised in readership research is issue of lifestyle of the readers which will helps you to know kind of news to make of how you can arrange the news paper after knowing the details of your readers. Hamis mgaya 2013-04-03296
NJAU DORIS 2013-04-03300 CO 203 BA IN MASS COMM In readership research there is reader profile; aim is to determine a demographic by determining the quality of the reader such as location, age, status, and gender. Item selection; based on which reader read a part of newspaper and why! By conduct aided recall and asking questions in order to know what part of newspaper someone can remember. Reader and non-readers; to know who read and who doesn't read a newspaper and why.Uses and gratification; to know motives of reading newspaper also editor-reader comparison study; by asking questions between readers and editors and making comparison of the answers.
What issues will you rise on readership research. Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage,it focusing mainly on magazine and newspapers.also this readership research comprise of print media to describe target groups.these methods are supplemented by, Reception analyses,which investigate reading habit in more general sense,a distinction can be drawn between readership research as medium adverstising research. Performance of print,as a medium of advertising medium and editorial readership research,which aimed at optimizing newspaper and magazine content and layout. Market imperative,which is done by advertisers and others useful online content companies,traditional newspapers and journalist and editors.
NDUNGURU JOYCE B 2013-04-03354 Readership is a number of people who read or are thought to read a particular book, newspaper or magazine. Issues that can be raised on readership research are Demographic, you will need to know the gender and age of your readership, their purchased power, their culture (lifestyle) as well as where they are located. Content, what is their preference is it sport and games, entertainment, fashion or adventure this will help you know what content you should come with. Page layout, how does the page will be look like? What color is more suitable? size, fonts, paragraphs , headlines.
Readership research is the research concerning the number of people who read or are thought to read a particular book, newspaper or magazine. Issues that can be raised in this research is content, this is the message portrayed in the research to the audience. There is a corresponding wide variety in the techniques used to study audiences, the context within which they are placed, and the meanings made out of such research. Audience cannot be separated from personal, social and cultural continuity, so texts cannot be isolated from their broader cultural significance, or from the history of that significance.
NJOVU HAPPINESS 2013-04-03389 Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations, and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but it also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspaper, magazine, journalists and also editors. Readership research can use by advertisers, bloggers, jourlinalist, magazine, newspapers, or website. The following are the issue that will rise on readership research such a Demographics that deals with age, sex gander, location, and culture, of the reader. Lifestyle it helps us to understand the interest hobbies, of the readers Preference it help us to understand with what readers prefer.
SHIJA EVA 2013-04-03342 Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by journalists, traditional news, magazines, editors and it is also useful to advertisers. Issues that can be raised in readership research one is readers preference that one should research on what readers prefer to read and why do they read that kind of news paper. Also demographic that the research should research on the status, age, gender, culture and location of the readers. Life style segmentation, what one likes determine the kind of media that he/she uses example; fashion.
NAME: MUHAJIR RAHMA REG NO:2012-04-03266 Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomena. While mass media research refers to survey conducted to investigate what segment of consumer read which periodicals and or listen to or watch radio or TV program. Readership research is among braches of print media research whereby it conducted for the aims of looking on how people read particular newspaper. Things to raise are Firstly you should determine readers in particular newspaper, audiences based in demography and to know who are they through, sex, ages, income and their income level.
JOSEPH SARAPIA, 2013-04-03366, BA in PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISING QN: What issues will you raise on readership research? READERSHIP RESEARCH Is done to understand the behavior, motivations and creations of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines, journalists and also editor and advertisers. Issues should raise on readership research are; nature of your readers by considering status, age groups, language level, size of your readers, and other issues like, item select study or content preference what exactly your readers interested in it, circulation, reader and non reader study, competitors what are they doing, and advertisers who buy space and adverts your newspaper.
Readership research is done to understand the behaviors, motivations and reactions of readers. The research is often conducted by advertising, journalist, magazines and newspaper. The purpose of readership is helping you knowing exactly where you should be advertising to reach your target demographic or audience. In readership research issues which I will rise are content of the newspaper do the content matches with the targeted audience locally and internationally, also readership research deals with the circulation of the newspaper or magazines which can help to sell more and increase profit to the firm.
Qn: what issues will you raise on readership research? Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazines and newspapers that appear periodically. This research investigate why do people like to read a certain kind of magazine or newspaper and why others hate them. Also this kind of research focuses on number of people who reads the particular newspaper or magazine. There are various issues on readership research such as content preference like political, social and economic, language used, culture, circulation, nature of the reader regarding to their status, language level, age and gender, competitors in other magazine/newspapers what do they do? As well as advertisers in that newspaper or magazine. Readership research concerned about the number of people who read particular information.
ATHUMAN MUSA M 2013-04-06849 BA.PUBLIC RELATION AND ADVERTISING CO 2O3 Readership research is the number of people who read a particular newspaper or magazines, is conducted to understand the behaviors, motivation and reactions of the readers. Issues which will rise in readership research are content at content will be looking at kind of stories which are preferred by the audiences, and the content based on what either political, educational or economical. The other issue is demographic in demographic will look at gender, status, occupation, age, location and lifestyle of people. Readership research is done by advertisers, journalist and bloggers.
2013-04-03284 IDRISSA MARIAM BAJ 2. QN, what issues will you raise on readership research? A readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations, and reaction of the reader, this research is mainly done by advertisers and media companies especially in print media in order to understand their status and increase more sells. In order to conduct a useful reader research, as a research I will focus on the demographic factors to guide me, as to look on the economic status of the people on that area, age difference of your audience, gander, purchasing power of that newspaper, preference of the readers, culture, and total population of the readers in order to investigate print media usage.
SALUM SHEILA 2013-04-06908 BA.Public Relation and Advertising CO 203 Readership research is done to understand the behavior motivation and reactions of readers, where by when referring to newspapers and printed publications, circulation is the number of copies distributed on an average day, however readership is number of people who read a newspaper or other publication each day. Research is often conducted by advertisers, journalists but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines and editors. Therefore the issues I will raise on readership research are age, gender, occupation, location and lifestyle which directly specify the readers.
LEMALI MARTHA.N -2013-04-03323 Readership research is the type of print media research which involves studying the number of people or readers reading the newspapers. The issues raise in readership research are; reader profile used to determine demographic summary of readership and lifestyle segmentation used to determine who the readers are and what they prefer to read. Item selection study so as to know who read newspaper and why by doing an aided recall. Readers and non-readers study so as to know who reads and who doesn’t read newspaper and why. Uses and gratification study used to know the reasons behind newspaper reading.
MSEJA, CHRISTINA 2013-04-03321 BA IN MASS COMMUNICATION CO 203 Readership is the number of the people who read a newspaper or other publication each day .also people who read particular newspaper or magazine, that is done to understand the behavior motivations and reaction of readers. There are several issues raised during readership research which are gender which include sex and age for example youth are tend to read simple stories while other like serious stories , circulation of newspapers, occupation people of the different occupation , location people of different places also their reading will be different, copies and the content.
JOHN NAOMI J 2013-04-03345 BA IN PUBLIC RELATION AND ADVERTISING CO 203 Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. The issues will raise in readership research are circulation you may need to know the numbers of copy that are sold and the places where those newspapers are sold. Demographic you will need to know the gender and age of readers, their status, their culture and lifestyle and also the location of the reader’s. Content you will know the reader’s preference whether is fashion, stories, news, and cartoon and will help to develop your content.
QUESTION; What issues will you raise on readership research? SALEHE, SAUMU S 2013-04-03386.
Readership research, this is the kind of research which is done so as to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers over particular newspaper or magazine. Issues which can be raised in this research; i. How many people read the newspaper or magazine? You need to know the number of your readers. ii. What part of newspaper is the most readable? You need to understand which part of newspaper interest your readers. iii. What are the people’s interest? You need to understand what interest most the readers. iv. Does newspaper reach all of the audience? You need to make sure that the newspaper is reaching many people as possible.
MSABAHA ARAFA 2013-04-03375 BA.PUBLIC RELATIONA AND ADVERTISING CO 203 Readership research is the type of research which concerning the people who reader or thought of read the certain magazine, newspaper or book. The readership research content is based on learning about the audience. Readership research is concerning of measuring the audience and the demographic distribution. The issues that will rise in readership research are morality, sex, occupation, violence, location, status and culture. Also this research can be used by advertisers, blogger, journalist, magazine, newspaper or website. This help to understand the lifestyle segmentation of the reader, hobbies example fashion
BERNARD IRENE 2013-04-03385 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISING. Readership research is a type of print research that is done in order to know the number of people who read a particular newspaper. Here we study the readers who read a certain newspaper. In readership research the issue to be risen are as follows; Reader profile studies which is done to determine the demographic summary or quality of your readers by knowing their status, age, sex, location, purchasing power and their lifetime segmentation. Item selection studies which is done to understand which reader reads which part of the newspaper and why. You have to make sure the readers get interested.
TEMBA BEATRICE B, REG NO. 2013-04-03384 BAPRA. Readership research is type of the print media research that deals with the measurement of the number of people who read a particular magazine or newspaper. The following are the issues that I can raise on readership research; • Readers profile; this considers age, gender, status and location of the reader • Readers preference; the researcher should consider the kind of news that interests the reader. • Understandability of the texts; how easy can the readers understand the texts in newspaper or magazine. • Uses and gratification; what can be added or reduced in the newspaper to satisfy the reader.
Mpandana Rosemary s 2013-04-03365 BA. PR &Advertising Question; What issues raised on readership research??? Readership is the people who read a certain publication news .Readership research is the research done to understand readers. The following are issued raised in readership research. Demographic influence this based on status like economic status, education status and social status age, localization and gender. Another issue raised is preference people prefer to read news according to what he or she prefer it the best for them and like to buy a certain newspaper according to what they prefer. Lastly is lifestyle readers buy and read a certain news for their seek of interest and their lifestyle.
QUESTION: What issues will you raise on readership research? Readership is the tendency of people to read variety of books , or any other written or printed material while readership research is the3 type of research that deals with finding out , investigating on what makes certain group of people to read a certain type or variety of newspapers or magazines. There are several factors which contribute to readership research; Demographic; this include age, status, gender and culture.
ELIGI MTENGA MAXIMILIANA REG. NO.2013-04-03388 BAPRA. Readership are the people who read or are thought to read a particular publication or are the audience reached by written communications. Issues rises in readership research are; Demographic numbers of population as per status, age, gander, location, and culture. This means that people from different area have different status and different gander with different age and culture so these people will obviously differ in term of publication at times. Preference, readers may prefer different publications according to their interest. Lifestyle can denote the interests, opinion, behavior group or culture. As the written communication differs the opinion can also differ.
SHOO CHRISTINA S, REG NO. 2013-04-03390, BAPRA. Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazine and newspaper that appear periodically. In readership research we raise the following things: Circulation. When you provide copies to your audience you can recognize the number of reader that you have through number of copies that you sold in a particular place. Reader profile. Through that you will get summary of readers by considering demographic which involve their status, age, gender, location and culture. Gratification. You look for motive behind for people to read your news paper and why don’t read them to get average score.
LADSON KILEO E 2013-04-03382 Readership research is the empirical method of investigating pint media usage, which focuses mainly on magazine and newspapers that appear periodically. The primary importance of readership is to analyze or finding on print media coverage. Demographic research, the term used to identify the market to determine when and where adverting should be placed so as to achieve maximum result. Content study; the researcher should make inference by objectively and systematically identify the characteristics of the message. Nature of readers; this help in the undertake market research in order to build a profile of groups of customers.
KIMATI PRISCA D, REG NO. 2013-04-03349, BAPRA. Readership research is among the type of print media research that is done to understand the behavior, motivation and reactions of readers. Issues that can be raised in readership research are; • Creative elements including if the newspaper appears interesting, also visual appeal and attention value that is created to the reader. • Content element; including clarity, the newsworthy information, and persuasiveness of the message to its readers. • Its relevance to the reader as in terms of one’s social surroundings like society. • Communication value; concerns whether the newspaper is communicable to its reader in terms of the language used.
BAKARI, ALLY. Reg. 2013-04-03309. BAMC Readership research is the study deals with knowing number of people who read newspaper, which content they like, what they dislike and why they don’t like. The following are issues that I will raise: Readership profile; to knowing demographic summary of the readers. It’s about number of people according to age, status and gender. Item-selection; knowing what kind of article the readers like. Uses and gratification; knowing why the readers select one item or one newspaper and live the other. Circulation; to know number of copies being circulated. Reader-nonreader; knowing why people read and why others don’t read the newspaper.
TEMI ALPHA 2013-04-03376 BAPRA Readership research is the study of readers that is who reads what in a print media. In readership research there are a number of issues that arise in the context. Reader profile, this is done to determine the demographic summary of the readers. Lifestyle segmentation, the lifestyle determines the type of media you consume. Item selection studies, this means which reader read what type of news, which part of newspaper and why. Reader and non-reader studies, establishes who reads and who does not read and what might be the reason for that.
TAGAME AMANDA 2013-04-03353 BAPRA Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. In readership research there are a number of issues that arise in the study. The issues are such as reader profile, this explains generally the demographic summary of the readers that is it is done to identify the kind of readers you have. Also lifestyle segmentation can determine the type of media one can chose as they will select the media that best matches their lifestyle, hobbies and activities. Item selection studies, it explains which reader is interested in what type of news and why so.
ROBERT, HERIETH 2013-04-03381 What issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research is done to understand the behaviour motivation and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but useful also in newspaper organisation. Readership research is done specifically do determine some issues that a researcher is ought to find out from the readers concern the way they perceive and appreciate the given news from the concerned organisation. Issues that one would probably raise in conducting a readership research are, Research on the demographic nature of the newspaper that the organisation is distributing simply to know the maximum number of reader of that particular newspaper. Setting questions about that particular newspaper by asking the readers on things they like and dislike about that newspaper so as to get their arguments about it. Making suggestion by asking the readers what they would prefer to appear on the newspaper that it has not been there. Many more things can be rouse in conducting a readership research depends on the content of the newspaper that it publishes.
MDOE IRENE 2013-04-03394 BAPRA In readership research the main focus is an on getting of summary on the readers, the people reading the newspaper. Issues that an individual may can be. Reader profile, whereby demographic information such as status, culture, age, gender is obtained. Lifestyle segmentation, who as the preference of the readers may be obtained, activities, hobbies, interest. Item selection studies, the type of newspaper, read by people and why that type. Readers and non- readers research studies, who reads who does not and why. Uses and gratification studies, motives behind the reading. Editor-reader comparison study, are they different and why they differ.
VUALE, RAIYE M 2013-04-03380 BAPRA 2 Readership research this is the kind of research which is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of the readers. It can be used by advertiser, bloggers, journalists, and newspapers. The issues that will rise on are following; Reader profile, to determine demographic information to know quality of the readers like age, status, gender Readers and non-readers study, to determine who read or not read the newspaper Editor reader comparison, to make comparison of intent to the reader Uses and gratification, to study what people read in newspaper. Item selection, to study who read which party in newspaper
Readership research is the types of research in print media where by behavior, pleasure and the way people react on that are being identified. This aimed to understand and determine demography such as age, status, location, gender. Also help to evaluate what people prefer to read, their interest and hobbies. To know the kind of readers and which types of newspaper they read, example men what they like, women and youth. To know the readers and non- readers of the newspaper as well as why people shift from reading one kind of newspaper to another newspaper and to understand circulation.
Baliyendeza Yekonia E. 2013-04-03363 B.A PR & Advertising Readership research is the one of the way to understand readers. Issues raised in readership research are like demographic issues which include gender different type of reader female and male they are differ in reading news, status such as economic and education status there some newspapers considered as educated and economic well status when you read well as aged such as adult people and youth or children they differ in read news without forget localization and cultural influence. Another issue is preference people prefer to read a certain news regarding to their content lastly issue is lifestyle readers read news for their sake of interest and hobbies
FRANCIS GLORIA 2013-04-03378 B.A.PRA Readership research is done by determining the demographic summary of readers that includes the number of people reading a certain publication. It’s the ease with which a written text can be understood by the readers of that given publication. It depends on both the context (complexity of the vocabulary and syntax) and the typography (font size, line height and line length). The issues that are likely to be raised here are demographic (age, location, status, culture) life style segments (hobbies) and reader preferences. Readership research involves reader profile research, reader and non-readers researches and item selection studies.
JOSHUA MARIAM J 2013-04-03377 BAPRA The study of readers that is who reads what in the print media. In the context of readership research there are a number of issues that arise in the study as follows; • Reader profile, done to be determine the demographic summary of the readers. • Uses and gratification studies, done to determine the motives of what makes one to read a newspaper and what are the rewards. • Item selection studies, which reader read what type of news, which part of newspaper and why. • Lifestyle segmentation, the type of activities and hobbies determine the consumption of media.
MALLYA, WILBARD 2013-04-03361 BA.PUBLICRELATION QUESTION; what issues will you raise on readership research? Readership is the process whereby people tend to read any written or printed materials. While readership research is the type f research which deals with investigating on what stimulate a group of people to read a certain type of newspaper or magazine. The following are the issues which I will raise on readership research; Demographic, this factor comprises of certain points like localization, gender, status, age. Secondly; is Preferences this includes certain people’s choices they prefer on reading the magazines, we call them hobbies or people’s choices of interests.
MBAGA, ANITA , 2013-04-03374 BAPRA Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivation and reactions of readers. Readership can be used by Advertiser, Bloggers, Journalists, Newspaper and Online news paper. The purpose of readership research is to determining the demographics of readers can help sell more papers or magazines and it can also sell more space. Advertisers can use the information to place their ads in the right locations. Without readership, the advertiser will be able to evaluate space purchases based on the publisher. The issue will rise on readership research is, Demographic s, sex, age, income, literate level, and advertising interest with paper. MBAGA, ANITA , 2013-04-03374 BAPRA Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivation and reactions of readers. Readership can be used by Advertiser, Bloggers, Journalists, Newspaper and Online news paper. The purpose of readership research is to determining the demographics of readers can help sell more papers or magazines and it can also sell more space. Advertisers can use the information to place their ads in the right locations. Without readership, the advertiser will be able to evaluate space purchases based on the publisher. The issue will rise on readership research is, Demographic s, sex, age, income, literate level, and advertising interest with paper.
WEGA ROBERT J REG NO 2013-04-03346 Readership research refers research done to understand the behavior, motivation and reaction of readers of certain newspaper, magazine or journal. This issues can be measured through Average Readers Issue( ARI) which indicate of potential audience. such issues that are measured are Frequency of readership which indicate how many times do a certain reader read the copy. Source of copy research conducted to understand how the readers of copy obtain the copy. Time spending is the readership survey conducted to measure on reading intensity of the certain copy. Profile this is readership research conducted to the readers to understand age, sex, education, and demographic of readers.
Refference Http:national in readership research RETRIVED ON Thursday 08:00 am
KIPENGELE JANE – 2013-04-00357 Readership research is about people who read newspaper. Issues raised in readership research are reader profile which used to collect demography information about culture, gender, location, age and status. Psychographic can be conducted in order to get the levels of agreement and disagreement of readers. Another issue is lifestyle segmentation which used to determine who are the readers, what you prefer to read, hobbies and interests. Item selection study is used to determine who read which type of newspapers and why. However readers and non- readers research is used to understand who read newspaper and who doesn’t read and why.
MLAY JESCA 2013-04-03352 B.A.PRA Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines, journalists and also editors. In readership research, the issues that are likely to be raised here are demographic that is age, location, status and culture, life style segments where by lifestyle this will help to understand the interest hobbies of a reader and attitude of the reader preference; Readership research involves reader profile research, reader and non-readers researches and item selection studies.
KERENGE MARIETHA, 2013-04-03343 The readership research is done to understand the behavior motivation and reaction of readers, it became important to management during 1960-1970 concerning the interest of their readers, editors and publishers began to depend on surveys to shape the content of the publication, the following are the issues which can be rise on readership research Reader profile which provides demographic summary Item selection studies which determine who reads specific part of the paper Editor reader comparison, what makes a quality/ standard newspaper with regarding to public’s preferences? Reader and non-readers studies, who are generally do/ do not read newspaper Uses and gratification studies, by examining the motives that lead to newspaper reading.
Lyimo Getrude 2013-04-03344 B.A.PRA Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazine and news paper that appear periodically. These are the issues which will rise on readership research Demographic it used for the readers in order to know there status education and economy, gender (female or male), location, purchase power and culture. Lifestyle, this will help to understand the interest hobbies of a reader and attitude of the reader preference; based on the things the reader preferences according to convincing of other people and through his or her own look on a certain thing.
SELEMANI MARIAM 2013- 04- 03338. Readership research is the research that conducted so as to understand behavior, motivation, and reaction of the reader. It’s most conducted by journalists, editors, advertisers, as well as newspaper and magazines. Issues that will be raised in this type of research are Demographic data, contents, advertiser interest to the paper. That means through readership research you can get data or details of your readers that will help to determine their needs, wants and not wants, location and also power of purchasing. Also it can help to create content which is more interesting to the readers according to their views. Addition to that advertiser will be interested to buy space in particular news paper or magazine as their ads will be advertised in a right location as it reaches targeted audiences
SHAO IRENE-2013-04-03329- BA MASS COMMUNICATION Readrship research the behaviour ,motivation and reaction of readers,also readership research tries to determine demographic of readers Readership research is mostly done by journalists and bloggers
Newspapers and magazines bussiness are going through fremendous change as readers are accessing contect in multiple format from multiple devices
2013-04-03271 readership research is a print media type of study, is known as the research that determines the number of people that actually read the newspapers, and those that do not read and the reasons why.there are types of readability research include, readers profile, item selection, reader-non reader, users and gratification,and editor- reader comparisons. some of the causes include, increase in competition of other media, decline in market of the newspaper. the reasons that are discovered in the study, diverse perspective of content, different age groups, time, and developing technology.
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers.Issues raise include frequency of reading describe reader's relationship with the publication, generate probabilities for schedule analysis models. Source of copy and circulation, in research help to determine which newspaper audience read due to number of circulation and copy also by providing overall classification of primary and secondary readership. Example Mwananchi circulation are high compare to others. Time spent reading, research involve measure of reading intensity time taken to accumulate readership depends not only on the publication and it is obtained, read and passed another readers.
Readership research is responsible and conducted to understand and know what are the behaviors, motivations and reactions of readers. This kind of research mostly conducted by advertisers, but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines, journalists, bloggers, and also editors. This is done to determine a demographic summary of readers In demographic when conducting readership research there are some issues which may be raised, those issues are as follows; -Issue about culture, politics and identity -Technological development -Sex and morality -Location -Economic status -Purchasing power -Age
BA IN MASS COM Wazir bakari Readership research is the kind of research which can be conducted by journalists, media house, advertisers and many others to understand the behavior, motivations, and reaction of readers. The main idea during conducting readership research is to target the readers, but in terms of their ages, status, geographical dispersion, level of agreement to readers, item selection on the news paper etc which can increase the daily circulation of that news paper or which can led the advertiser to select a certain newspaper to advertise their product but also for the on who want to establish a newspaper to meet their demand 2013-04-03295
Nzumbi Mageni T 2013-04-03379 Readership research is done to understand behaviour,motivation and reaction of readers.The issues i will raise is methodological used.Through time there has been different methods used to understand readership nature and tendency and there are some that has rejected.It can either be through face to face interview with readers or just simply through observing their reading tendency.Another issue is research budget and measurement.Doing research requires money to understand circulation of magazine and newspaper to people,also halps you to reach to different audiences and know their sizes,status and content people are interested in.
According to Uyo. A. O (1989) readership research is conducted to observe behavior, motivation and reactions of the readers. It normally conducted by media organizations, media outlets and advertisers in order to understand; Circulation; the number of copies published, sold and finally number of audience. Reader profile; here we consider age, gender and locations of readers. Reader preference; what are readers prefer to read, which kind of news are important for the readers. Reader and non-reader; helps to understand who reads and who doesn’t and why.
SWALEHE, ZAUJIA. 2013-04-03294. Readership research is the kind of print media research conducted in order to know the number of people who read a certain newspaper or magazine according to their age, culture, status, activities, gender, location. There are some issues which can be raised on readership research. One of them is readers and non readers, this helps to know the number of people who read a certain newspapers and who don’t. Also item selection this helps to determine the item for publishing so as to understand the reader who read what kind of newspaper and which part. Not only that but also the circulation this study helps to know the number of copies of newspaper or magazines needed by looking people’s activities, hobbies, attitudes. So the readership research is needed in order to know the right number of publication needed to the people and kind of content needed.
There are a lot of issues to rise in readership research, such as the average issue readership: an attempt to establish at each interview wether or not the person interviewed has look at any copy of the publication in question, reading frequency which is based on how many times people read the newspaper, is it `almost` `quite often` `only occasionally` or `not in the past year`. Others are the impetus for audience research, framing the question-a review of diverse approaches and disputes, framing the audience-deciding who to study (when and where) and data collection techniques and approaches
There are a lot of issues to rise in readership research, such as the average issue readership: an attempt to establish at each interview wether or not the person interviewed has look at any copy of the publication in question, reading frequency which is based on how many times people read the newspaper, is it `almost` `quite often` `only occasionally` or `not in the past year`. Others are the impetus for audience research, framing the question-a review of diverse approaches and disputes, framing the audience-deciding who to study (when and where) and data collection techniques and approaches
-2013-04-03325 Readership research is a print media research in which a researcher may find out the number of people who read a particular newspaper that appears periodically. Possible Issues raise on Readership Research includes:- Reader profile- researcher intends to know the population summary, in term of economic or education status, age, gender, location and life style. Reader’s Item selection -Involves selection of item in newspaper on what to read and what not to read. Readers/ non readers describes who read or not read particular newspaper. Uses and gravitation shows motive behind from what reader have read in a particular newspaper.
Abraham Winner BA IN MASS COMM. 2013-04-03311 Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly magazines and Newspapers that appear periodically. This kind of research can be conducted by the journalists, media owners, advertisers, editors and many others aimed to know internally and externally their readers. Things or issues that can I raise in readership research are such as to know the different characters of the readers such as age,sex,stats,geographical location, level of understanding an interprets the message. Which can be the important thing to increase or upgrade the newspaper, but also increase it daily circulation, and attract advertisers.
Readership research is the research done by advertisers, bloggers, journalist so as they can understand the behavior, reactions and motivations of readers. There are issues which will raise on readership research which are the following. Circulation, this considers on how many copies of a particular publication are distributed to readers of different society. Also research on how many copies are circulated to readers or are sold, the relationship between readership and circulation is known as readership per copy the amount of readers per copy varies by publication Interests of the readers, also as to do the readership research one will have to consider the interest of the people one should see on how people are interested in the magazine or the blog one is reading. Number of readers, also the number of readers one should look at the statistics on how many people read the magazine or the newspaper the higher the number the higher the readership so the number of readers should also be considered in readership research. The above are not the only things to be raised but the researcher will also look upon the content of the magazine or the newspaper.
MMARI KENNEDY 2013-04-03351 Readership research is a form of research that is conducted to know exactly situation on things about a newspaper that concerns a certain newspaper organisation. In readership research the researcher is supposed to look at some issues so as to come up with the exactly picture on how the readers perceive the newspaper he or she works on. Issues that a researcher can come up with in readership research could be like research on the demographic of the readers by looking at the distribution areas that the newspaper reaches, content of the newspaper is another thing that a researcher can come up with in readership research this is by forming questions and send to the readers to comment on the newspapers’ content, by doing so a researcher would be able to collect information that people will comment and it may help him or jer in improving things that are published in a newspaper. Readership research is so very important in any newspaper organisation as it helps a lot in knowing the reader who are the potential customers of the newspaper then knowing what they prefer in a newspaper is so important hence readership research supposed to be practise.
ALPHA ABDALA 2013-04-03305 The consideration of reader’s profile, any author should consider the status, level and the age of their customers. The demographic research; the publisher of the prints media should study the number of population over the area to understand age, and their sex. Also the circulations of the news; the publisher should also study the circulation of the print in a day the number sold of the prints. To study about the news item in the print magazine or news paper the issue of content should be understand by the publisher and the interest to the customer, readers.
KIMANGI EMANUEL 2013-04-03283 Readership research is research emphases on knowing the total number of persons, that read a given newspaper and not only that; but also as to why they are attracted to it and it’s mainly conducted through interview. Some major issues are raised in readership research which include; • Lifestyle segmentation; of which entails the hobbies and intentions of which regulate their media devouring. • Personal preference; involving what individuals fancy reading that which is important to them. • Determination of users and gratification theory; that of which contains what individuals prefer to read versus what they do not.
MTAMIKE FARIDA , I 2013-04-03371 BA. PUBLIC RELATION QN; What issues will you raise on readership research? Readership research, is the process whereby it deals with finding out some of certain types of newspapers and magazines which happen to be different from other people. There are various issues raised on readership research and these are; Demographic; In this actor there are some several factors like localization, gender, age, status which tend to be the factors for certain people to read newspapers. Another factor is Preference; which happen to be ones choices and interests on reading certain types of newspapers For example ;Tanzania daima.
SIMON GETRUDA 2013-04-03387 Readership research is done in print media in order to know the number of people who read a certain publication (magazines and newspaper). Issues which can be raised in readership research are demographic which determine the age, culture, status, gender and location of the readers. Also the life style of the readers which helps to understand their hobbies, activities and attitude hence it examine their preference on what, why and which part or segment they need the most in accordance with their motives. Readership research also determines the level of marketing on the side of sales
Hyein Cho 2013-04-06848 B.A.Journalism Concerning that through readership research we formulate the content of a publication by getting detailed information of the readers of the publication with a survey, or interviews, I will start with raising the basic issue which is the profile of the readers such as age, status, gender, location, culture, and life style segmentation, to the deeper issues such as “What is his/her hobby?” to know the preferences of the readers, “How often he/she read the newspaper?” to understand non-readers as well and also ask what is the personal reason for choosing the newspaper (for entertainment, education etc.)
Readership research is the research which is done by different people so as the can see the behavior and reaction of readers towards a newspaper, this readership research is done by advertisers, bloggers. The issues which will raise readership research are the following Content analysis, as a researcher one will look at the content people like for example if the magazine or newspaper have more than one content. The content which will be liked more is the one which people read much. Readership number, also the number of the people who read the newspaper will be considered if the number of the readers is high then the readership will be good and higher. And here the researcher should consider the statistics of the number of readers. Interview, i`ll also use the interview to different people in the society to know the data of the readers for example looking at people of what age read the newspaper, economic status. Here the conclusion will be good.
Gabriel Elizabeth 2013-04-03358 B.A PR & Advertising
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. It can be used by journalists, magazines, bloggers, newspaper, advertisers etc Issues to rise in a readership research to understand readers include; • Demographic; where readers are selective in reading materials as a result of age, culture, education status, economic status etc • Personal interest: Reader’s interest vary some are into social life, some into politics, some into sports etc • Preference or status of the material let say a newspaper or a magazines. Some people would believe what is written in Mwananchi rather than in Sani.
MWIINE, MADONNA MUHEKI 2013 - 04 - 03272 It is important to understand readership as the amount of people reading a particular newspaper, magazine etc. Readership research is necessary in order to know exactly what attracts readers. There are key issues that must be raised while carrying out readership research; ●Reader profile, i.e age, gender, status, culture.etc it is important to study the reader. ● Readership preferences is effective in knowing what part of the newspaper attracts a particular audience and why. ●Facilitating conditions(H Wolswinkel, 2008). Here we mainly look at the way of living of readers and if they can afford newspaper purchase daily. Moreso, if they can understand the content.
Reference; H Wolswinkel-2008 "Attraction of young newspaper readers"
WANGAI SUZANA 2013-04-03372 BA.PUBLICRELATION QN; what issues will you raise on readership research? Readership research is a situation where by a researcher searching, investigation in order to find out why do people prefer to read a certain newspaper or magazine most of the time There are so many factors that contribute people to choose a certain newspaper over another such as. First factor is demographic which contain other factors like age, gender, localization, and status. Second is content analysis where by people differ in taste of stories. Lastly is the issue of preference base on interest.
NGOWI LIZZY 2013-04-03274 BA.JOURNALISM QUESTION; what issues will you raise on readership research? Readership research involves with ability of a researcher in finding out and collecting some information’s on which types of newspapers and magazines do certain types of people prefer to read most of the times. The following are some of the reasons which make those people to choose certain types of newspaper; Firstly; is the issue of Demographic which comprises some several factors like localization, gender, age, status of people in reading those types of newspapers? Secondly; Is the issue of Preface which constitutes of ones hobby and interests.
Readership research is the kind of research that is done in order to understand the behavior, perception and reaction of the readers. Can be sited that, readership research is conducted by the advertisers in order to understand the demographic and Psychographic data or information. Issues to rise in readership research can be direct refers to the demographics and psychographics factors. In demographics matters, there should be issues on the age of the people who are readers or consumers of such a paper. Also in case of location, sex and the economic level to what those media users are living into. While in psychographic it deals with the behavior and understanding of the people on the media contents. This can help to determine whether such a paper can be profitable to the advertisers to place their ads in term of copies to be sold and adverts space purchases based on the publisher’s data.
Reg# : 2013-04-03288 Qn : What issues will you raise on readership research?
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
Program: B.A in Journalism
Reg# : 2013-04-03288 Qn : What issues will you raise on readership research?
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
ANDREW BNIPHACE 2013-04-03393 BAPRA Readership research is the kind of research which is done to understand the behavior, motivation and the way people react and pressure of the reader Issue to rise in readership research can be direct refers to the following issue demographic matter which these information to know age, sex and gender to know quality of reader. Users and gratification this done to media determine and show how media satisfy readers and what people get from the media especially news paper Question setting to the people who read newspaper and see their argumentation
What issue will raise the readership research? The main issue that raises the readership research is the readership profile. These are the distinctive factors that make people to choose what to and not read. Age is a first factor whereby young people prefer to read the non-serious newspapers such as SANI and old people prefer serious ones like MWANANCHI. Other people prefer to read their local newspapers of where they belong or reside; Social, economic and academic status of the reader has a lot to contribute on it also. Lastly, culture and gender of the reader are also part of what raises the readership research.
KOMBA YOHANA 2013-04-03362 BAPRA The main issue for the raises of the leadership research is the users or readers profile that differ from one user to another user they differ in the issue of status, culture, gender , their original location they come from . For example in gender number of female magazine and newspaper will be mostly used by female. But also culture as the total way of doing things that includes language used , wearing style and so on , number of newspaper in a specific language will determines by the number of users also for example newspaper in English language have got fewer number of users due to it popularity of Swahili language in Tanzania.
What issue will raise the readership research? The main issue that raises the readership research is the readership profile. These are the distinctive factors that make people to choose what to and not read. Age is a first factor whereby young people prefer to read the non-serious newspapers such as SANI and old people prefer serious ones like MWANANCHI. Other people prefer to read their local newspapers of where they belong or reside; Social, economic and academic status of the reader has a lot to contribute on it also. Lastly, culture and gender of the reader are also part of what raises the readership research.
PETER,Anna 2013-04-03280 BAJ. What issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research is a survey that is done to understand the detailed, information, and responses of the readers in order to shape the content of the publication, or generate profit through advertising (Wimmer & Dominick, 2011).
The issues that I will raise in readership research are the reading habit and user and gratification. I will examine, who reading eg. Ijumaa or Mwananchi, their income,age,sex,what people likes to read,their hobbies.What enjoyment they get from reading.This information will help to know your readers,improve the content and convince a client to invest in the Newspaper.
Reference: 1.Wimmer, Roger & Dominick, Joseph (2011), Mass Media Research: An Introduction, p. 335 Boston,Wadsworth.
Singaile Franco -2013-04-03293 Readership research is the kind of print media studies which deals with the measurement of number of people read particular copies of newspaper or magazine. According to wimmer and Dominick (2011) says this study involve survey on understanding details information and response of readers for the aim of improving content of publication for the betterment of advertising. In readership study we raise the following Reader profile. For doing that you will get summary of readers by using demographic which involve their gender,status,age and location. Circulation. Distribution of copies to audience can determine number of a particular newspaper. Uses and gratification. Through that media can get chance to identify what to reduce and what to add in order to get rewards from readers.
Research in rise readership research is not a social, or political linear process, but it is embedded in a web like process in involving in socioeconomic condition of production and historical context. Even the theory states that, “Any Theory about the media is incomplete if it does not take readers into account”. Key concept of readership research (a) Nature of the readership, researcher must understand the behavior of people some inspired politics and entertainment story. (b) Economic background. (c) Culture. (d) Geographical factors. (e) Circulation, to recognize the number of readers.
Readership research is a research that deals with understanding the number of a particular newspaper readers. In a readership research, we should consider the following: The demographic summary where we should look on gender, age, status, location and cultural identity so that through this we understand the real number of our readers. Circulation, on the other hand in order to perform this research, the researcher should observe the circulation of the copies hence the number of readers can be determined. Other issues on doing readership research are like practicing a questionnaire, interviewing the readers through uses and gratification study.
WILSON, Mtapa. 2013-04-03315. BAMC. Readership research refers to as an area of media research which help to get the number of readers who get read to media products – newspaper copies, public adverts, and online or internet materials. In readership research there are issues that should be raised up as the results of the research. This includes; Reader profile studies, Items selection, Readers and non-readers studies, Uses and gratifications studies, and Editor-reader comparison. Generally, readership research is very important in media especially newspaper simply because it helps to understand your readers what do they want from your media house.
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ReplyDeleteBritish dictionary define audience as a group of spectators or listeners, especial at a public event such as concert or play.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Dr Antony R Curtis said that a commercial medium wants to sell add space or time to businesses with products or service for sale. To make that sale, they need to be able to tell potential advertisers that their message on the air in print or on the monitor screen will be viewed and heard by large number of consumer. He said that we buy goods that media tell us are fashionable and acceptable to society.
By M A Mughal said that we live in a society which depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, healthcare, education personal relationships, travelling and anything else that we have to do.
The mass media refers to communicating with large number of people without direct contact. They include TV, Radio, newspapers, magazines, comics, books, films and advertising bill boards. (Haralambos,M et al 1986:28).
Stanley Baran defines mass communication as the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audience. John Bittner defines mass communication as messages communicated through a mass medium to a large number of people.
Audience is a very important concept throughout media studies. All media texts are made with an audience in mind. Audience is a group of people who will receive it and make some sort of sense out of it.
When a media text is being planned perhaps the most important question the producers consider is “does it have an audience?” if the answer to this is “no” then there is no point in going any further. If no one is going to watch, read, play, buy the text. The producers aren’t going to make any money or get their message across.
For example Hollywood studies routinely show a pre release version of every movie they make to a test audience and will often make changes to the movies that are requested by that audience
Antony R Curtis (2000), mass media influence on society.
British dictionary
Baran, S J (2002), Introduction to mass communication. New York: MC Grew
Haralambos (met al 1986:28), Media and Society.
Sybil J Ode, and Soola O (1990). Introduction to Communication for business Organization. Ibadan. Spectrum Books.
Mass media is a channel by which information originated from the source to the receiver, having been thoroughly filtered and transmitted through it.(Sembe 2005)
ReplyDeleteOr media is a means or channel in which information or messages are disseminated to large, anonymous and scattered heterogeneous masses of receivers who may be far removed from the message sources through the use of sophisticated equipments.( Uyo A. O. 1989)
The advertisers have a great influence in modern media in my view, because media become a business in recent world. Dr A.Rioba(2000) defined mass media in other hand as “business of collecting and distributing mass message...” So people are establishing media to make a profit or to run their lives through this business. It is an investment. McQuail (2005) argues “...the pressure to make profits have a lot influence on media conduct. McQuail goes on saying “ Media are always say that there is a public interest in how they conduct themselves. But the problem is that many media are not established for the public interest as such but to follow some goals of their own choosing. This goal sometimes defined in cultural, professional or political terms, but more often it the goal of making profit as a business” Here McQuail reminds us that the aim of establishment of media is collecting money despite the claim of media owners that their main target is to reach the informational need of the public.
However, the influence of the advertisers in not limited to the media owners only, but also the audience or media consumers, how many times we read newspapers looking for the job opportunities announcements?
Baran S (2005) while explaining the symbolic interaction theory argued “...advertisers are succeed to encourage the audience to perceive their products as symbol that have meaning beyond the products’ actual function” If that so the influence of the advertisers goes further than we expect.
Finally, a person can argue that the power of advertisers is only to the private media or to so called commercial media, and not state or public media, but that cannot change the fact that even the so called public media in the third world countries are getting some of their fund through licence fee which are paid by commercial media, so availability of commercial media influence a part of running public or state media, as the advertisers influence the availability of commercial media, so there is no way of denying the power of advertisers, they have a great power in mass media industry than any.
Uyo A. O (1989) Mass Media; Classification and charecteristics. New York Civilities 1987
Foloran B. (1998) Theories of mass communication; An introductory text. Ibadan; sttriling. Hoden publishers.
McQuail, D. (1983) Mass Communication theory. An introduction. London SAGE publications. Wadsworch Wimmer D.R & Dominick J.R (2000) Mass media and reserch. U.S.A.
Bitner R.(1989) Mass Communication: An Introduction. New Jersey. Prentice Hall.
Sambe J.A (2005) Introduction to Mass Communication practice in Nigeria. Ibadan: SBooks Limited.
Baran S and Davis D(2003) Mass Communication Theories.
The most influencial and loyal on media is advertiser. Advertiser is a person,organization or a company that places advertisements on media in order to target the customers. Mostly of media are shaped the way to get advertisement. Example the content of media are well used sophisticated technique such as short film where the aim is to sell a product of advertiser. Anup Shah-1998 on Global issues say that sometimes even news stories are often subtle product advertisement. Also Anup Shah added that is the advertiser who bring the money that allow media company to survive.
ReplyDeleteMost of media in Tanzania biases its content to benefit advertisers. Example power breakfast on clouds fm use alot of words to praise the advertiser and they fall under content bias.According to Jonathan Reuter on his book of DO ADS INFLUENCE EDITORS show that mutual fund receiving more media attention receiving correspondingly higher inflow.
In Tanzania most of serious program like news bulleting surrounding by adverts this show how the advertiser is so special on running media organization. The accurate time of broadcast adverts are more preserved than anything else. Even news stories can delay but not the adverts time. Bruce Horovitz says that more advertiser probaly trying to influence how the media cover them.
Media in Tanzania sign the contract with advertiser and much serve its interest than society interest. These days radio and television are prepared by advertising agencies for their client. According to the Management study Guide shows that media understand much the need of the client and make the commercial keeping on mind the current state affairs. Even companies allocate specific budget for media,this show how media organization facilitated by advertisers.
In generally the aim of establishing media organization in Tanzania is to get profit. So that because adverts is source of that profit,media increase the chance to respect and work for advertiser than society and government.
Shoemaker,P& Reese,S (1996) Mediating the Massage,Longman,USA
Reuter,J (2003)Do ads influenceEditors
In my view, audience is the most royal power of the media.
ReplyDeleteAudience plays a great party in the media so audience is royal power of the media more than government, advertisers, and owners.
According to the book of Media audience and social structure,
“Probably the most visible linkage the media provide is the audience .just as the media share certain organization realities in which they produced content, so do media audience share certain social and personal realities concerned with understanding, acting effectively in engaging a private media system and social play. The media system is intricately involved in all of this aspect of the life of its audience.”
Audience is the royal power of the media Because news is for people so the audience is the one who decided whether to watch, listen or read.
According to Bob Franklin.
“At the bottom there is an assumption by most journalists that news is for people ,that out there are readers, viewers, and listeners. Editor’s circulation managers’ band advertisers care greatly about the number of the people who buy a publication, listen or watch at particular times. They also care about whether they are reaching the target audience and worry greatly about audience fragmentation and audience segmentation”.
The audience measurement has became more sophisticated in the past 20 years, not only number which are gathered but survey and focus groups also generate information the profile of the audience , their age, their interests, their habits measurement system carefully define words such as listener, viewer and readers.(kent 1994).
According to Lawrence Kilimwiko and Joseph Mapunda.(1998)
Even in the constitution its shows direct the importance of the audience on the media, its gives right for majority to express, receive, seek and disseminate information. So the government has to fall the constitution. Through this it’s seem that audience is the most powerfully in the media.
ARTICLE 18 OF THE constitution of the united republic of Tanzania provides that:
“18(1) without prejudice to the laws of the land, every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, to seek, receive and impart or disseminate information and ideas through any media regardless of national frontiers and also has right to freedom from interference with his communication.
18(2) every citizen has right to be informed at all times of various events in the country and in the world at large which are of importance to the lives and activities of the people and also of issues of importance to the society”.
Also the media have greatly role to play in the society, to solve society problems, and the media gives out what society wants. So audience is the royal of the media.
Also the media have greatly role to play in the society, to solve society problems, and the media gives out what society wants. So audience is the royal of the media.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Ernest Mrutu (2003)
“The media has a role to play as a mirror of the society .problem facing peoples like roads, poor transport systems, exploitation of peasants through price mechanism, modern agriculture techniques, corruption, human right abuses and bad government, poverty and gender imbalance should be highlighted through the print as well as electronic media.
For their party Rogers and shoemaker (1971) who diffusionist and innovationist believed that mass media must act as the agents of social change.
Scholar of modernization Pye and de Sole (1963) considered the media as an instrument in the process of political modernization in political modernization developing societies.”
Media focus much on targeted audience so as they can receive information,.
According to Stanley Baran (2006.)
“The audience in mass communication is typically large ,varied group about which the media industries know only the most superficial information. what will happen as smaller, more specific audience become better known to their partners in the process of making meaning? What will happen to the nation culture that blinds us as we became increasingly into demographically targeted taste public- groups of people bound by little more than an interest in the given form of media content.”
Kilimwiko. L & Mapunda. (1998),HANDBOOK ON THE STATE OF MEDIA IN TANZANIA ,printed by Amref.
Mrutu. E(2003) MEDIA AND SOCIETY IN TANZANIA, Encoprint ltd Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Baran. S (2006.) INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION ,Mc Graw-hill Newyork.
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ReplyDeleteMost of media are loyal to advertisers.According to Dr Rioba (2009) he defined media as the business of collecting and distributing mass message, so if it is a business the question is who are the buyers? and the answer is simple the advertisers are the one who buying advertising spaces to the media.due to the aim of achieving of information provision needs, follow the government regulation, advertisers needs and owners demand it’s not easy for the media to be loyal to the both sides so this result to the most of the media to choose the side and because most of private media establishment aim so to get the money (commercial purposes) this makes media to be very loyal to the advertisers than other sides
ReplyDeleteAccording to mbusiness dictionary advertiser is person,organization or company that places advertisements in order to target its costomers below are some reasons to why media find themselves loyal to advertisers than the others
Even the media owners aim is to get money, government do provide regulations but they don’t provide money to run the media, advertisement is the great source of income of media
Baran s (2005) argue that the advertisers are succeed to encourage the audience to perceive their products as the symbol that have meaning beyond the product and that meaning is to attract the advertisers
The advertisers will be upset when having paid thousands of shillings for a major campaign in a newspaper or with a broadcasting station and then they find that the journalists on the same outlet are running derogatory stories about their products chris frost (media ethics and regulation 2007) so according to chris frost advertisers have great influence to the editors and media at general.
so someone can conclude that most of the media are loyal to the advertisers than others due to the fact that most of the media are commercial oriented and the one who provide direct money for the media to survive is advertisers once McQuail ( mass communication theory1983) say that the aim of media establishment is to make money
Mcquail,d. (1983) mass communication theory an introduction London sage
Baran, sj (2002) introduction to mass communication Newyork mc grew
Chris Frost (2007), Media ethics and regulations,Longman
syibil j ode and soola o (1990).introduction ofcommunication for business .specrum books.Ibadan
From the four media influence which are government, audience, owners and advertisers, state or government is more influential than others as explained by different scholars:
ReplyDeleteAccording to Curran 1991 notes that censorship of any kind tends to destroy intellectual ability by denying people the freedom of expression. A society subject to censorship is forced to accept what is not right for it but instead, those in power impose their wishes on the people leading to conflicts.
Also Curran explain more about censorship says censorship has become an integral part of many states whether is liberal, socialist or democratic governments, those in power often strive to protect their activities from public exposure through controlling of information.
On the other hand Fuller (1996) argues that secrecy, like lying, rubs roughly against the basic purposes of journalism and thus deserves scrutiny. The idea of self censorship is to imprecise to be of much use in understanding news values. Everyday, media make countless decisions not to make information public. Often media have limiting rules in deciding to publish or disseminate information. The decision of what to publish or not publish is made by the government, so it is seen that government has much power on media activities supervision. Media is affected by government in its censorship activities.
Frank A, (1995) argues that censorship has special reference to the control of news. Censorship encompasses a wide are of action aimed at making sure media publish what is said by the government, the government is responsible through establishing various laws and regulations to regulate activities. For instance Newspaper Act of 1976 contains things that newspaper has to be registered. Act authorize the minister to define important specific of the media content freedom, also journalist must have a press card. Broadcasting Service act of 1993 replaced 2003 by the communication Regulation Authority Act.
Mulley (1992) in his perception says media censorship is managed as an act of mental distortion because people are prevented from thinking themselves and give up on facts. People rely on what media produces or publish as directed by the government through its laws. For example Regional Administration Act of 1997 allow regional and district commissioner to ban people like journalist from operating in certain district.
By concluding it can be seen that the government in most countries particularly Tanzania is responsible for monitoring and regulating media activities, the government establishes various laws to direct media performance. Although other agencies like advertisers, owners and audience have power over the media but not the same as the government.
1.Mrutu, E (2003) , “media and society” Ecoprint Ltd, Dar es Salaam.
3. surfed on 9:22, Sunday
4.Sturmer, M (1998), Media History in Tanzania, Wiener, Salzburg
5.Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977. (2005), Dar es Salaam.
MWAKIPESILE JOHN 2013-04-03332
among the owners, government, adverts and society the one which is behind media operation is governmant due to different argument from different scholars
ReplyDeletefirst according to O. M Kefa (2013) argues that tha Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authorty (TCRA) has since 2003 spearheaded the government everyday oversight of broadcasting media. Te foregoing laws gives the government of Tanzania a lot of discretionary power over the press power that it has used on occasion to ban publications and harass journalists perceived to be a threat to society and government( O. M Kefa 2013 page 86)
second is according to D. A Gumucio (2006) argues that there is a growing debate in developing countries about who should control mass media. It has already been pointed out that there are several forms and varieties of control but what we are interested in here is to underscore the main areas considaration in deciding that the best form of control. In country that has as its priority the creation of nationhood, the state or government must have control the mass media (D > A Gumucio 2006 page 310)
third according to C. L John and C Jean (1999) argues that Tanzania has been one of the most openly politicized countries in Africa. Significant here is that this domain of political action occurs in contest with foreign organization and that the citizen-policy of daily life and personal conduct occur in the government run media.The media provide a critical institution for a more productive engagement between state and society ( C . L John 1999 page 132)
the fourth is according to P Alex(2011) argues that Tanzania government remains in control of many aspects of broadcasting even it allow for media freedoms. Legislation and regulations exist in Tanzania that provide policy makers and political leaders latitude to censor or restrict the broadcasting practices of companies or individual ( P. Alex 2011 page 193)
and lastily according to M. K Ernest (2003) came up with an argument that the Tanzania media widely covered the electoral campains carried out by various people aspiring for election as councilors members of parliament and president what attracted the media most was the extent or magnitude of acts of curruption with which most of the aspirants were associated.
And it is very difficult for government in developing countries to surrender ownership of media. Even in Britain the United State of America and Germany government own media house.
All the different suggestion above direct indicate that the GOVERNMENT IS THE ONE WHO IS BEHIND MEDIA OPERATION.
C. L John and C Jean (1999) Civil Society and the political Imagination in Africa: Critical Persepectivies, University of Chicago Press, New York
D. A. Gumucio and T Thomas (2006) Communication for social change Anthology: historical and contemporary Readings, CFSC Consortium Inc, USA
M. K Ernest (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania, Media development Association, Dar es Salaam
O. M Kefa (2013) Culture and Customs of Tanzania, ABC-CLIO, New York
P. Alex (2011) Live from Dar es Salaam: popular Music and Tanzanians Music Economy, Indiana University Press, India
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ReplyDeleteASUKILE,SUBIRA REG NO 2013-04-03299
ReplyDeletesociety is a group of people involved in persistent interpersonal relationship or a larger social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory,typical subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations
according to free dictionary mass media means of communication that reach society in a short time such as TV, newspaper, magazine and radio in other way.
singhal and rogers (1989) argued that society could bring about development to the media in general way such as to create favorable programs according to the interest of the society.
daniel lerner (1958) gave the characteristics of modern society as those who need favorable programmed according to their status
pye and de sola (1963) considered the society as instrument in the process of developing media
wilbur schramm held the same belief that the morden media as a source of information to extent the public horizons of individuals and bridge the communication gap between the rulers and the ruled.
society is a power to the media cause the more people interesting of some programm, the media continue to produce, so society can dictate what media to produce.
Lerner,Daniel,(1952) The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the middle east. free press,New York
Lerner Daniel; Passing of Traditiona Society.
Schramm, Wilbur, (1964) Mass Media and national Development.Stanford.
E.Mrutu, (2003), media and society in Tanzania. DSM Tanzania
free dictionary
SWALEHE, ZAUJIA. 2013- 04 03294
ReplyDeleteGovernment is more powerful than other media influence like owners, advertisers and audience. This is because the government is the one who control the media by media censorship.
Censorship is the systematic control of the content of any communication medium by means of constitutional, judicial, administrative, financial or purely physical measures. It can also be imposed directly by the ruling elite or the ruling power to control the press, radio, television, book publishing and education. (Mrutu,E 2003).
Fuller (1996) says, censorship carries a harsh connotation because it historically refers to official government acts and not private decision about what to publish or say. From what Fuller says it is seen that government has the power of control the media than other media influence through regulating media activities by imposing various laws.
Paul, K(1999) says, freedom and independence of the press is not a special privilege. It constitutes a special protection mechanism for the people. This protection mechanism comes from the government because the government is the one which protect society. For example in Tanzania media is controlled by (TCRA).
Mallay (1992) argued that censorship is managed as an act of mental distortion because people are being prevented from thinking for themselves and therefore give up on facts. Those facts comes from the government because government is the one which chooses what to be published and not what to be published by the media. So people follow those facts from the government.
Curran (1991) says censorship has become an integral part of many states whether liberal, socialist or democratic governments, those in power often strive to protect their activities from public exposure through controlling of information. For example the Tanzania government is the one which formulate media laws and those laws practiced on media and control all information rather than audience, advertisers and audience.
According to media censorship, It seems that the government has the most power of controlling all information from the media. Other influence of media like owners, advertisers, and audience all get the power from government by looking some government laws. So on my side I can say that the government is the most powerful influence than other influence of media.
1. Baran, S (2006), Introduction to mass communication, Mc grewhill, Newyork.
2. Fourie, P (2007), Media Studies, Juta and Com Ltd, Cape Town.
3. Gerald, P (1997) The Dilemas of Journalism, Fakenham press. Great Britain
4. Mrutu, E (2003), Media and Society in Tanzania, Ecoprint Ltd, Dar es Salaam.
5. Sturmer, M (1998), The Media history of Tanzania, Wiener Philharmo, Salzburg.
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ReplyDeleteGovernment as the ruling body of the state, control Media and act most powerfully to the Nation rather than owners, Advertiser, or Audience.
ReplyDeleteGovernment control and power Media in term of some decisions which Government make restriction even to the owners, advertiser or audience do not have a power to decide or say anything. That’s why Government appears to be more and royal to the media rather than other controller.
Presence of Media Laws and Institutions make on other way the Government to be seen most powerfully to the media.
According to online material from Tanzania News Agency Act, No 3 of 1976, led to the establishment of a state owned News Agency to be only collector and disseminator of news and information within and outside the country.
Tanzania Communication Regulation Authority (TCRA) is the technical Authority of the Government that oversees proper operation of the media as far as law will be adhered. It was established by the TCRA Act no. 12 of 2003.
Newspaper Act of 1976 It contains things that newspaper has to be registered. Act authorize the minister to define important specific of the content of media freedom, also journalist must have a press card.
Broadcasting Service Act of 1993 replaced 2003 by the communication Regulation Authority Act. Government authorized to regulate the Media in case the national security is jeopardized, through broadcasting Act, Communication Act and Communication Regulation Act.
According to Constitution of United Republic of Tanzania Article no 18: every person has the right to freedom of expression and to seek, receive and impart or disseminate information and ideas through any Media regardless of the national frontiers.
Some of the legislation limits freedom of Media and society at large, for example Penal Code of 1945; the National Security Act of 1970 makes it unlawful to publish any classified government materials.
According to E.Kilimwiko and O.Mapunda say in National Security Act according to section 13(1), a person suspected of any offence in the Act can be arrested without warrant while section 19 denies him the right to bail.
Those restrict journalist to enter the so called protected places and have in hand the classified documents, while journalist suppose to look for news and handle public document. So military issues it hard for journalist or a Media to publish because also as government put some of limitations.
Regional Administration Act of 1997 allow regional and district commissioner to ban people like journalist from operating in certain district.
Therefore those examples shows direct how Government has a power to the Media rather than those owners or advertiser those follows government.
The government has agencies that control everything, every aspect of our living particularly on issues related to media ownership.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin Sonin{September 2008} on the government control of the media they present a formal model of government control of the media to illuminate variation in media freedom across countries and over time, with particular application to less democratic states. The extent of media freedom depends critically on two variables: the mobilizing character of the government and the size of the advertising market.
Media bias is greater and state ownership of the media more likely when the need for
social mobilization is large; however, the distinction between state and private media
is smaller. Large advertising markets reduce media bias in both state and private
media but increase the incentive for the government to nationalize private media.
First, the mobilizing character of the government determines the value the government places on the mobilization of citizens to take actions that are not necessarily in their individual best
interest, such as voting and demonstrating in favour of the incumbent regime (Magaloni, 2006;
Simpser, 2007) or exposing the corruption of local bureaucrats (Lorentzen, 2006).
When themed for social mobilization is large, the government is more willing to pay the cost (foregone advertising revenue or subsidies) of media bias. Media bias may therefore begreate in autocratic states whose leaders aim to transform society, or under populist governments
that retains power through mass public participation, than in sultanistic"
According to D. A Gumucio (2006) argues that developing countries stills in dilemma about the mass media control. Several forms concerning the varieties of control the aim is underscoring on the areas to form the good control. In country that has as its priority the creation of nationhood, the state or government must have control the mass media.
C. L John and C Jean (1999) argue that Tanzania has been one of the most openly politicized countries in Africa. Significant here is that this domain of political action occurs in contest with foreign organization and that the citizen-policy of daily life and personal conduct occur in the government run media.The media provide a critical institution for a more productive engagement between state and society.
C. L John and C Jean (1999) Civil Society and the political Imagination in Africa: Critical Perspectives, University of Chicago Press, New York
D. A. Gumucio and T Thomas (2006) Communication for social change Anthology: historical and contemporary Readings, CFSC Consortium Inc, USA
WILSON MTAPA. 2013-04-03315
ReplyDeleteIn most part, the mass media in the United Republic of Tanzania are privately owned. Public media sreceive part of their revenues from the government through Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), which represents a comparatively small share of the of the market. Private ownership ensures considerable but not absolute, freedom from the government oversight. It does raise questions, however, about how the mass media operate.
According to Tuchman Gaye (1972) says objectivity is too difficult to be attained by journalists and can never be attained by journalist. This due to some challenges like owners’ priorities, as well as the government laws like Newspaper Act of 1976, this provides a mandate to a minister to abandon any newspaper. This hence led to the government to be the most influence behind the mass media operations. Also there are other government laws which control media operations.
Again, referring to the constitution of the United Republic Of Tanzania, referring in the Article31 (1) of 1984 states that “ Apart from the provisions of article 30 (2), any law enacted by the parliament shall not be void for the reason only that it enables to be taken during a state of emergence or in normal times in relation to persons who are believed to engage in activities which endanger or prejudice the security of the nation, which measures derogate from the provision of article 14 and 15 of this constitution”. This strictly protects media operations from the government interference.
Practically from its inception, the broadcast media has been subjected to regulation. Tanzania has set up licensing procedures to allocate frequencies under the premise that the airwaves belong to the public through Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) Acts. The TCRA regulates the number of the radio and television stations as well as the contents of the particular media.
Also referring to Sturmer M (1998) says that “during 1970’s and 1980’s, all the mass media in the hand of the government which sometime led to power struggle within the revolutionary council, thus in order to regulate the use of filmed materials, the establishment of National Censor Board was legislated under section 22 of Act No 6 of 1983”.(cf Omar 1990,pg 26)
Sturmer continued as he says that “ In respect of section 17, the minister has the power to require any publisher to execute a bond” this all improves the power of the government to the media.
Also the government as the controller of the media is approved by Barran S.J(2006) as he commented that “.…But as we also saw in chapter 3, even the first amendment and libertian philosophy did not guarantee freedom of the press. The alien and sedition act were passed a scant eight years after the constitution was ratified….”
Therefore government has a large influence on the mass media operation since mass media themselves are big business. When media criticize particular government decisions or corporate actions, and when government or corporations try to muzzle or manipulate the media. But at a more fundamental level, these institutions reinforce each other. Without government support, the mass media would disintegrate.
Gaye T. (1972). Objectivity as a Strategic Ritual, UMdrive. University of Memphis.
Sturmer M. (1998) The Media History Of Tanzania, Wiener Philharmo niker, Salzburg.
Baran S.J.(2006) Introduction to Mass Communication, Mc Graw hill, USA.
The Constitution Of the United Republic Of Tanzania Of 1977.(2005) Dar es salaam.
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, (2003). The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Government has given more power and loyalty into the Media for example in term of some decisions Government put some restriction even to the owners. The advertiser, owner or audience does not have a power to decide doing or say anything against the government. That’s why Government appears to be more controller and regulator to the media rather than other controller.
ReplyDeleteAccording to book of “ Tanzania freedom of the press 2011”, the constitution of Tanzania provides for freedom of speech, several other laws limit the ability of the media to effectively function, and press freedom was tested in 2010 as a result of the October elections. The National Security Act allows the government to control the dissemination of information to the public, and publicly insulting the government is criminalized under the country’s libel legislation, which places the burden of proof on the defendant. The Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) settles many defamation suits, but arbitrary verdicts and excessive fines have continued, forcing media outlets to close in some cases. The private weekly MwanaHalisi, which had faced bankruptcy in 2009 after a court ordered it and two associated printing companies to pay approximately $2.2 million in damages, had the verdict overturned on appeal in 2010. Many public officials face legal restrictions on providing information to the media. Progress on enacting freedom of information legislation has been slow, with continued consultations on a draft held during 2010.
Authorities are empowered to register or ban newspapers under the 1976 Newspaper Registration Act “in the interest of peace and good order.” In 2009, the editor of MwanaHalisi,which had been closed in 2008, took the government to court, charging that the law was unconstitutional. The case was still pending at the end of 2010. In January 2010, two other newspapers were punished for allegedly violating journalism ethics: Leo Tena was shut down for publishing pornography, while the investigative weekly Kulikoni was suspended for 90 days because of a report about the army that allegedly compromised national security without first obtaining approval from the MCT.
The 1993 Broadcasting Services Act provides for state regulation of electronic media and allows the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA), a nominally independent body, to shut stations at will. Radio station Saut FM was shuttered in August 2010 on dubious technical grounds. There is concern that the TCRA is not entirely independent because its board chairman and director general are both appointed by the president. Media freedom advocacy groups are generally able to operate freely.
violence against members of the press is rare, there were reports of journalists being harassed throughout the year. Lastly Some journalists, particularly at outlets owned or controlled by the state, practice the government is the most powerful , influential and loyal to the media .
1. Tanzania freedom of the press 2011/ 12:00 PM Sunday
2. http://ww M. K Ernest (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania, Media development Association, Dar es surfed on 1300PM, Sunday.
3. surfed on 9:22, Sunday.
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ReplyDeleteGovernment is a system by which a country or a state is governed. A government has a power to control the whole country. A government of any kind currently affects human activity in many important ways. For this reason government have also influential power behind the media.
ReplyDeleteBelow are some scholars who support that;
According to Gehlbach Sonin, the government chooses an editorial policy which is observed by all media. Editorial policy guide editors and journalist in their news writings. The government may has a direct control over the news outlet, even if the owner is private. However the government may be able indirectly to control news content, providing various inducements to encourage the private owner to bias away with commercial optimal policy. Also the government chooses common editorial policy to maximize investment less the cost of subsides.
Also Mrutu(2003) says, the government controls broadcasting transmitters but the panelist reported that is very easy for any applicant to obtain a license. This means government provides a license to the media so as to operate their works. And as long as the government do so that means it have the duty to control them too. Example in Tanzania there is a government organ known as Tanzania License Regulatory Authority. And is the one which control all media within a country.
Furthermore leaders of communist parties of Soviet Union believed on strict control of mass media and this was implemented under Joseph V.Starlin.The regime required the media, literature and the arts to adhere to this formula. A vast bureaucracy which included party and government censorship and and self censorship by writers and artist.
John Keane also argues that, Media and Democracy (1991) said the process of public opinion forms and influences the government. The media are seen as essential to the operation of a public sphere of open debate. The press constituted a public sphere in which an open political debate could take place. The notion that presses freedom of developed as a principle during the wave of democracy of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Mrutu E. K. (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania .Eco print LTD.DSM
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ReplyDeleteOne of the greatest influencers on the media include the Government or authority. As as it is widely known the media outlets are established in the countries which are governed by laws. Therefore the government in the particular country is controlling the media as shown by the following scholars below.
ReplyDeleteAccording Ernest Mrutu (2003) the government has the power to enact laws and guidelines which may limit or provide guidelines on how the entire content of the media should be. This is done through a so called censorship. Whenever a media outlets disobeys the given guidline is likely to be banned the case which witnessed in media industry in Tanzania.
According to Ayoub Rioba (2012) in his desertation he shows that the government has great influence on what should be published in the media. This happens mostly in countries which are under dictatorship and socialist governments. It is very difficult for the media to go against the government’s wishes even if it is a private owned media outlet.
Normative theories were first proposed by Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm in their book called “Four Theories of the Press”. At first the word “Normative Theory” was pronounced in USA during the height of ‘cold war’ with communism and soviet. Often it called as western theories of mass media.
A Normative theory describes an ideal way for a media system to be controlled and operated by the government, authority, leader and public. The media which is operating in such environment must obey to the laws and principles as proposed by the government.
In general, weather it is in a democratic or non democratic state, each country is ruled by the established laws which can be found in a so called constitution. It is from that document which provides guidelines on how the media should operate. And of course much of those guidelines are being obeyed by the media owners so as they can continue operating and those few which try to go against the ruling class are usually banned. This situation is being experienced in various parts of the world including Tanzania.
Therefore as it is broadly understood that the government has a strong hand the similar situation is also applying when it comes the issue of media control. That is why good stories about the government and the ruling class are too many compared to those which try to underestimate the ruling class.
Mrutu E. K. (2003) Media and Society in Tanzania .Eco print LTD.DSM
Rioba A. (2012) Media in a multiparty Tanzania. Tampere University
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy views are that the government is a tool that influence and control the media operations comparing to the audience, media ow and advertisers. This can be revealed through media censorship in different ways.
ReplyDeleteFrank A (1995) said that the censorship has special to the control of news. He added that “the basic aim of media censorship is making sure that the media publish what the government said”. This can be proved also through formation of various laws, bodies and ministries responsible for monitoring the media activities, for example in Tanzania both TCRA and the ministry of Information, youths, culture and sports are controlling the media operations including burning, punishing and warning the media as it happened to MWANAHALISI, Mtanzania and Mwananchi newspapers.
Ernest Mrutu(2003), he argues that the media can’t be safe only if their operations do not interfere or destroy the government operations. He added that the government always use laws, and bodies to make sure the freedom of mass media is limited.
According to Hyden (2002) he argues on how the the government is taking a big position in controlling the media operations through censorship. In this occasion the owners seems to have powers on the content but cannot publish anything against government laws, policies and regulations.
Then Paul K(1999) says that the government is responsible in protecting the society then in order to protect the society the government must control the mass media activities.
O. M kefa(2013) argues that the cencorship of the media operations in Tanzania is done through Tanzania regulation authority(TCRA) then this proves that the media must be loyal to the government.
M. K Ernest (2003) media and society in Tanzania. DSM Tanzania free dictionary.
O M Kefa(2013) cultural and customs in Tanzania ABC –CLIO Newyork.
Haralambos(1998) media operations and its role in society.
Frank A(1999) censorship of media.
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ReplyDeleteBoth owners ,Government, Advertisers and audience stands as the influential power behind Media operation. This is because both plays each its role on letting the media operates. In some Nations the government can influence and control their media greatly although sometimes the powerful corporations also have enormous influence on mainstream media. In other areas/places the major multinational corporations owns the media stations and outlets something which makes them to control the Media and stand as the influential power in media operation.
ReplyDeleteOther times ownership interest may affect what is or is not covered . stories can end up being biased or omitted so as not to offend the owners who also in some places stands as the most influential power behind media operation. The ability for citizen to make informed decisions is crucial for a free and functioning democracy but now becomes threatened by such concentration in ownership.
Generally and often many media institutions survive on advertising fees. Something which leads to media outlets being influenced by various corporate interest. This makes the advertisers to be the most influential power behind media operation. Many media in different places survive due to the supply of fees from the advertisers something which helps the media to survive. This is due to commercial media which operates for commercial purposes. This makes the to depend on the advertisers who advertise due to the audience purpose.
The advertisers stands as the product and the audience stands as the buyers as the advertisers advertise in media so as the audience e to know their products. Although without the advertisers media operates but due to presence of commercial media fees from the advertisers to the media is mostly needed highly so as the media to operate.
Hence in conclusion the advertisers are the most powerful and most influential power behind media operation although they walk hand in hand with the audience who makes the advertisers to be there.
1. Robert McChesney, The New Global Media, The Nation Magazine, November 29, 1999
2. Rifka Rosen wein, Why Media Mergers Matter, Brills content, December 1999
3. Gerald Caplan, Advancing Fee Media, Open Market, Open Media Forum, November 1997
4. Ben H. bagdikian, The media monopoly, sixth Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000)
5. Miren Gutierez, Fewer players, Less Freedom, Interpressservice, March 20, 2004
The uses and Gratifications approach claimed that media do not do things to people, rather, people do things with media. In other words, the influence of media is limited to what people allow it to be. Because the uses and Gratifications approach emphasizes audience member’ motives for making specific consumption choices and the consequences of that intentional media use, it is sometimes seen as being too apologetic for the media industries.
ReplyDeleteThe theorist says that a media user seeks out a media source that best fulfills the needs of the user. Uses and Gratifications assume that the user has alternative choices to satisfy their needs.
Active audience theory argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved, often unconsciously, in making sense of the message within their personal and social contexts. Decoding of a media message may therefore be influenced by such things as family background, beliefs, values, culture, interests, education and experiences.
Active audience theory is seen as a direct contrast to the Effects traditions, however Jenny Kitzinger argues against discounting the effect or influence media can have on an audience, acknowledging that an active audience does not mean that media effect or influence is not possible.
According to this finding audience is the most influential power of the media. Also the media industry produce cultural things or events include the activities done by the people (audience).
There fore audience is the most influential power of the media, though the government depends on audience interest in all aspects of stability, management and implementation of policies as well as the advertisers depends on audiences as the consumers of the products.
Baran J. Stanley (2006) Introduction to Mass Communication. Media Literacy and Culture, 4th edition Mc Graw - Hill, New York.
Bird E. S (2003). The Audience in Everyday life, Living in a Media World,1st Edition, Routledge, New York.
Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, Freedom of Expression.
Universal Declaration of Human Right of 1948, Freedom of Expression.
Kitzinger, J (1999). A sociology of media power: key issues in audience reception research. Message Received. Harlow: Longman
The government is the most loyal agent or power of the media this is because of the following reasons.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Ernest K. Mrutu he states that, " in Tanzania, the government manages broadcasting Act of 1993" this shows the government control of the the media.
Furthermore according to Simeon Djankov, Caralee McLeish say, " we examine the patterns of media ownership in 97 countries around the world. We find almost universally the largest media firms are owned by the government."
Another scholar Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin Sonin they say " Even if the owner of media is private, however the government may be able to indirectly control news content, providing various Inducements to encourage the private owner..." Pg 10.
Alexandar Higgins says that " The gove rment is entirely controlling the news and the media is doing nothing more regurgitating an official narrative crafted by spooks in the shadow government".
Media and society in Tanzania, (2003),Ernest K. Mrutu, Dar es salaam
Simeon Djankov, Caralee McLeish, Tatiana Nenova, and Andrei Shleifer, World Bank andHarvard university, June 200.
Scott Gehlbach, Konstatin Sonin,Government control of the media, 2008.
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ReplyDeleteAccording to Stanley baran in Introduction to mass communication supported that the goverment that is the controller of the media so he tried to convince that the government should be free from the media as how its now by saying that logic of a free and unfettered press has come into play in the areas of broadcast deregulation. It also detail the shift in the underlying philosophy of media freedom from libertarianism to social responsibly theory providing the background for discussion on the ethical environment in which media professionals must work as they strive to fulfill the social responsibility obligations. The United States is the first country to allow free press with its ‘first amendment' which stated that "congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech or of the press" this first law gave the press so much freedom that caused damage such as sensational report of court proceedings thereby finding the people on trial guilty before they are actually found guilty by the jury.
ReplyDeleteAnother scholar who support the government as the controller of the media is Ernest Mrutu who said
Even though many facilities are in private hands, owners tend to politicize them according to their personal sympathies, the panelists admitted.
The government controls broadcasting transmitters, but the panelists reported that it is very easy for any applicant to obtain a license.
The third scholars who support that the government control the media are Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin sonin in their book called Government control of the Media of 2008 they said We present a formal model of government control of the media to illuminate variation in media freedom across countries and over time, with particular application to less democratic states. The extent of media freedom depends critically on two variables: the mobilizing character of the government and the size of the advertising market. Media bias is greater and state ownership of the media more likely when the need for social mobilization is large; however, the distinction between state and private media is smaller. Large advertising markets reduce media bias in both state and private media, but increase the incentive for the government to nationalize private media. We illustrate these arguments with a case study of media freedom in post communist Russia, where media bias has responded to the mobilizing needs of the Kremlin and government control over the media has grown in tandem with the size of the advertising market.
This was taken according to there environment of Russia at are not quietly different from other area or other place are still related.
Fourth scholar are John Keane in his book The media and Democracy 1991 said process 'public opinion' forms and influences government. The media are seen as essential to the operation of a public sphere of open debate. The press constituted a public sphere in which an open political debate could take place. The notion of press freedom developed as a principle during the wave of democracy of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Fifth scholars who they also support thet the government are the ones who they control the media are in the book Do the newspaper serve the state? In cumbert party influence on the US Press 1869-1991 Governments everywhere have an interest in controlling the press. Dictatorships such as North Korea and Cuba maintain nearly total control over media content. Moves toward autocracy in Russia and Venezuela have been accompanied by reduced press freedom (Corrales et al. 2009). In the 1990s, Peru’s secret-police chief Vladimiro Montesinos Torres paid 100 times more in bribes to media outlets than to all judges and politicians combined (McMillan and Zoido 2004).
Scott Gehlbach Governments control of the media sept 2008
Mrutu E k( Media and societyin Tanzania)
Gentzkow and Shapiro 2008, Thomas 2006, Benedict et al 2007
Government has the big influence in the media controlling issue as it firstly holds the power to allow which kind of media to start operating in our country.As a state having their rules in controlling and managing the country,it doesn't allow the media to destroy it or just destroy peoples mind in the big effect.Each media has their rules from the owners but even the owners are very aware of the government. We always saw media ending up just creating agenda and sometimes being very aware of the hidden truth about the government but can it be because the government won't allow that to happen. Different picture are being brought by the media in the society and audience eyes and ears but it can be the same media that will make the issue dissaper and start another new agenda.State laws must not be puted aside either by the media,society or owner because the government wont let that happen.we have W.Heale (2010) Tanzania who said that the news media have been carefully controlled by the government for many years,President Nyerere state quite openly "no government likes to be criticized" so by any means government wont let that happen by crossing their boundaries.having conflict with the government won't put the media int good hands.Government holds important keys in everybodys business or normal life as it affect us and in many aspects..also E.Festus (1997) Press Freedom and communication in Africa has argued by saying most groups agree the government-media partnership. Most also agree that the government should stop appointing heads of the public media and also on how much government should stop to control news and how much media should practice self-censorship..We have TBC as public and they are saying no media have to collaborate with the government but is TBC not under control of the government not the society? as we go we can see even other media groups being together with the government as it the power to grab and decide too.H.Goran (2003) Media and democracy said however some government continue to exert considable control over the broadcasting. Now government pay even so much for their advertisement in newspapers to have front pages in television and radio too so it covers its powers by taking also the part of advertisers..Government sponsor some issues or segments in its power yo control is huge..other two last scholars are discussing the matter as follows. B.Barbara (2008) American Government and politics today he is discussing that the opinions measured in polls do set informal limits to government action.The government create exact cleary policies media do follow. While W.Jim (2007) The media Effect says that still opinion is divided among many scholars and other observers on just how important an influence the news media are when it comes to national policy-making as the government.
ReplyDeleteAuthority i.e. government as the ruling organ of the state has the power to control the media rather than media owners, sponsors/advertisers and society/audiences.
ReplyDeleteThe controlling of the media by the government can be seen simply since government controls the environment that media operate in.
There are three main concepts behind the media controls that have emerged from such an environment. Concepts as why government has the power in controlling the media;
First, there is an authoritarian concept. From this concept we can see that the government historically has always had some sort of relationship with the press/media.
According to Hachten, the basic principle of authoritarianism is that the press is allowed to gather and publish news, but the news must for ‘the good of the state’ and should not criticize authority or challenge the leadership in any way.
18th century Englishman Dr. Samuel Johnson gives a valid reason for this” Every society has a right to preserve public peace and order and therefore a good right to prohibit the propagation of opinions which have a dangerous tendency”
John MacArthur’s 1991, when conducting an interview for his article with William Pike, editor of New Vision, a government-run paper in Uganda “….we have to follow the government lines in editorial. It would be absurd for the government to publish or broadcasts certain issue that contradicted its policies.” (Media Reader 313). This concept fully addressed government as the controller of the media.
Second, there is communist concept. This was the concept advocated by Lenin. According to Lenin, mass media controlled and directed by the government. Media could concentrate on the task of nation building by publishing or broadcasting news relating to entire society’s policies and goals as determined by the top party leadership. So according to the concept government has the full power in controlling the media.
Third, there is developmental concept. Hachten’s developmental concept is applied mainly to underdeveloped countries or poorer nations that are lacking in media whereby Tanzania is among them.
In this concept, all instruments of mass communication should be mobilized to assist the government in nation building, fighting illiteracy and poverty, building the political consciousness and helping in economic development. Media should support government rather than challenging it.
So government has full power in controlling media especially in Tanzania society whereby the act of the government banning media is common especially newspapers for example Mwanahalisi paper was banned. TCRA is an organ used by the government to control mass media in Tanzania.
Emmanuel Awet
Reg; 2013-04-03303
ReplyDeleteBardes.B (2008) American Government and Politics today.
Goran H( 2003) Media and Democracy in Africa.
Festus.H (1997) Press freedom and communication in Africa.
He ale J (2010) Tanzania
Willis J(2007) The media Effect.
Abraham Winner
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ReplyDeleteOne of the most influencers of media operation is the audience as follows;
ReplyDeleteIf media have any effect at all, it is only to reinforce preexisting values and beliefs, family, church, school and other socializing agents have much more influence. This shows that audience is the key over media operation. According to Baran S (2005) introduction to mass communication 4th ed.
Research on the effects of mass media, some of it based on moral panic about the alleged impact of media draw attention to audience responses, to and uses of mass media which was useful in demonstrating how audience are active rather than passive. From Gorman L and David Mclain (2009) media and society. A historical introduction.
There are three major constraints in media operation where the audience, state and media organizations determine mass media. The three constraints shape the press’s roles in the democratic movement advanced by civil society .in capitalist societies all mainstrain media have to rely on audience patronage to survive and thrive. Without an audience, no commercial media can survive and influence society and state. Media which do not need mass support, such as political newspapers generally have only a minor or marginal role to play in development of the society. Michael B (2012) journalism and democracy.
The analysis of the media environment circle of 1860 shows that the use of technology as a driving force, places tradition media of a media outlet where the influence of media operation is resisted by national audience. Refer to Joshua P (2008) de-constructing and constructed news events.
Media carry advertising which influences consumers through information where the news sections of many of the media carry product information which is useful to citizens and it is important to note again that some observers feel that the mass media exist primarily to deliver an audience for commercial messages so as to run media operations effectively. Richard W (1979) new approaches to mass communication.
ReplyDeleteBy definition from Oxford dictionary, 8th ed 2010 the term advertisement is defined as a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service. In this discussion am going how advertisement is so powerful.
Dr. Antony Curtis, Mass Communication Dept. University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Audience ranting important.
A commercial medium wants to sell ad space or time to businesses with products or services for sale. To make that sale, they need to be able to tell potential advertisers that their massage on the air, in print, or on the monitor screen will be viewed and heard by large numbers of consumers.
The Kenya Media Vulnerability study. Peter Oriere. Rosemarry-Orlale.Wilson Ugangu 2010.
In this book says that Advertisers have immense influence on media because advertising is the back born of the media business. The commercial media cannot survive without advertising. The media are often careful not to annoy advertisers. Correspondingly media houses rarely publish offending stories about advertisers.
Every now and then journalists will receive injunctions from on high to produce more aspirational human interest stories, based on the findings of surveys or focus groups of the existing or potential audience. At the same time as (supposedly) attracting new readers, such lifestyle copy-entertainment, holydays, healthy, consumer stories and so on- has been used to attract additional advertisers.
In the words of a Mexican journalist working in the 1990s at the Independent La Jornada ‘’ telling the truth is good business’’ (Lawson, 2002, p. 89), though the extent to which that is the case depends on the responsiveness of advertisers to circulation, viewership, or listenership. Consistent with the findings of an emerging empirical and theoretical literature, we show that private media are generally less biased when the advertising market is large, as purchasing influence through subsidization or outright bribery itarian than ‘’tinpot’’ dictatorship
Gehlbach, S. & Sonin, K. (2008), Government control of the Media.
In real sense advertisers have more power to make media according to the wish of advertisers. Media practitioners produce programs that will attract audiences who are main targets of the advertisements.
MDINDI MIRIAM, 2013-04-03325
ReplyDeleteIn the study of Mass communication there has been a number of debate on who play the most influential or royal power behind the media operations among the government media owners , the society and advertises. In this issue there are different scholars who provide their arguments about the issue.
According Noam E. (2009) “For the media ownership and control are arguably more important than in other industries given the role of information in social, economic and political life”.
According to Noam arguments that Owners has the royal power on setting agenda for conversation and the power to frame and control different issues in news items and through different programs.(Noam E. 2009 pg384)
According to Stuckey M. (1996) She argue that the owners has power namely as the conflict over concrete political interests in the form of policy preferences and the language is the dimension control over how issues are defined, debate structured and how conceptualizations affect possible actions or the control over agenda and decision making.
Media owners has access to public, on how issues are defined and framed in the news , how they omits certain stories while privileging others and has the most influence over labeling events and processes since Owners can determine who takes turn in conversations and who manages conclusions and topic shifts. (Stuckey M. 1996 pg 29)
According to Hecker J 2008 He state that the economic factor can influence the number of media outlets as a single entity can own more than one media station which has the same services this influence the increase in number of full control over media ownership in both commercial and non commercial media stations.
According to Trevino A.J (2011) The power of owners were able to pursued individual in to believing that through democratic process they can make the key decision affecting the country when in fact they were not. Mills argued that media owner are Image makers involved in opinion molding through manipulation of public opinion.
According to Hyden G. & folarin F. 2003 In 1990’s There were enactments of constitutional that facilitates the development of privately owned media in African countries which lead to the privatization of ownership of the media hence rapid growth in newspaper, Radio and Television stations. (Hyden G. & folarin F. 2003pg56)
Therefore, in media operation Owners play the most influential power through setting different agenda and through creation of media contents right through programs as it is explained by different scholars.
Noam E. (2009), Media Ownership and Concentration in Africa: USA.Columbia university.
Stuckey M.E (1996), The Theory and Practice Of Political Communication Research.U.S.A.
Hecker J. Z (2008), Media Ownership. U.S.A.
Trevino A.J (2011), The Social Thought Of C. Wright Mills.
Hyden G. & Folarin F.( 2003), Media &Democracy in Africa.
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Tanzanian culture constitute of the language(swahili), music(bongo flava), food such as Ugali,cloth (khanga),religion(Christian and Muslim and traditional one),tribe which are approximately to 120 in which some them resulted from interaction with other society through media and other ways.
What the mass media distribute convey an accurate reflection of social reality to the audiences like a television camera turned on the world. This means that what is broadcasted or published in on the media is really a product of the society since media content depend on the society events and behavior(culture), (Shoemaker and Reese 1996.P17).
Tanzanian culture is not accurately reflected in our local media; culture as an identification of ones originality, it is very rare for Tanzanian media to present content which accurately relate to our culture rather than language (Swahili) which mostly used by our local media.
It can be recommended that the kind of culture reflected in our media is mixed one depending on the program and media policy because it comprises western culture, Arabic and other African culture for instance clothes ,food, religion, music ,are not regularly reflected in our local media accurately.
Moreover, foreign culture is more reflected in our local media than traditional one ,forexample the costume by television presenter and news anchor, in the music video(bongo flava) and bongo movie do not accurately reflected as Tanzanian clothes.
Shoemaker.J.P & Reese.D.S(1996).Mediating The Message:Theories of influences on mass media content.Longman 2nd Edt.USA
According to Hofstede (1997) Culture is the set of customs, traditions, knowledge and values of a society or community which includes some aspects of human behavior such as language (Kiswahili) religion (Christian & Muslims) music (bongofleva), dance, arts, cooking, and clothing in an ethnic group or nation.
ReplyDeleteThe things which constitutes Tanzanian culture include Languages, Literature, Music, Arts (paintings, cartoons) sculpture, sports, cuisine and Beverages), Religion, Ethnicity and food. There are over 120 different ethnic groups among Tanzania’s population. But no one group is dominant, many being fairly small.
Tanzania media portray culture in religion part, by preparing different programs and direct connection from different churches in radio, television and Newspaper. Example Mwimbieni Bwana program in TBC 1, Tutashinda in Channel ten, and Jibu la Maisha Newspaper discussing different religious matters. Religion is part of culture because it teaches people manners, morals and self-esteem on how to behave among the communities
In 1992, Nyerere said “I believe that culture is the essence and spirit of any nation” Thus people have to be in their right frame of mind in order to protect our culture and to participate in economic development because there is relationship between culture and development.
Hofstede (1997), Cultures & Organization Software of the Mind. New York: Mc Graw Hill
NAME: Kanuda, Yunge REG#: 2012-04-03158
What Constitute Tanzania Culture ? Is Tanzanian Culture Accurately Reflected in our local Media.
Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations or on the other meaning is total way of peoples life.
Media refers to the Media means the group of people who decided to organize together with the purpose of Collecting information , process it then disseminate it to their audience through the use of communication technologies like radio , Television and Newspaper.
Tanzanian Culture comprise of the Religion, Language that is Swahili language, Clothes example Khanga, Traditional songs, Ethnicity and tribes and even traditional houses made by grass.
Local Media in Tanzania tries to Reflect the culture but not accurately by looking the following categories( components) of culture:
Language : Most of the Tanzania media use Swahili Language but most of the time you can see the media people code mixing and switching something that loose the accurateness of media portrays to our language
Clothes : This is another aspect of culture that is not accurately presented in our media because Media in Tanzania mostly prefers to use their time to promote western clothes and forget to use time to promote home clothes hence influence the growth foreign culture in terms of clothes.
Song and Music: Also Tanzania Media even the song that plays in the most of the time the not the songs that may introduce the country as its culture something that rise questions among the head of people on what exactly the kind music that may symbolize the culture of Tanzania .
Foods: As we know every country has its own foods that may stand to represent their culture .Tanzania as the Country have their own but media do not real accurately portrays this aspect of culture.
In Conclusion Tanzanians media must increase emphasis in promoting our culture that use a lot of time to promote foreign culture.
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ReplyDeleteAccording to Baran (2006), media is a technology that carries messages to a large number of people. Media makes the information available to its audience, inform and educate them among other things. On other hand, culture is the total way of life. Culture comprises the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, intellectual and emotional features that characterize society, our thought about life, and our ideas. (Ademola & Okunola.2013). Culture is never stagnant, it changes due to many factors including interaction. Tanzanian culture is more of a hybrid culture as it constituted with foreign entities such as religion both Christianity and Islam beliefs. Food, dressing, Swahili language also constitute Tanzanian culture.
ReplyDeleteTanzanian culture portrayal in media is not accurate. Primetime shows are mostly foreign programs as opposed to local, independently produced content. (TMF. 2012). Media in the country mostly airs programs that rarely reflect Tanzanian culture. With most media houses such as TV1 importing a lot of foreign programs, the culture cannot be accurately reflected. “Imported media undermines the development of the national culture of the receiving countries” (Wang, 2008).
Media contents that reflects purely Tanzanian culture are hard to find, this can change especially after the coming of Star Afro Culture channel. The channel being dedicated to African culture can reflect Tanzanian culture and African culture at large accurately. “People are born in a certain culture and exposure to other cultures is a sure way to induce the foreign notions.” Tassel (1996).
Van Tassel J. (1996). Television Goes Global. Focal Press. United States
Baran S.J. (2006). Introduction to Mass Communication 4Th Edition. McGraw Hill.New
Tanzania Media Fund Strategic Plan June 2012- May 2015
Haule Neema
ReplyDeleteReg: 2012-04-03154
Q. What constitute Tanzanian culture? Is Tanzania culture accurately reflected in our local media?
Culture is the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of particular people or society.
A total of 128 languages are spoken in Tanzania, most of which are tribal languages, Swahili and English are the two official languages; however, Swahili is the national language.
National anthem
The Tanzanian national anthem is Mungu Ibariki Afrika (God Bless Africa).
Tanzanian music comprises of R&B , pop , Zouk , Taarab ,and dance music while highly consumed with Bongo flava.
Tanzania has tribes such Makonde of the southern Tanzania whose culture is making of sculptures which are naturally made out of tree logs.
How Tanzanian culture is reflected in the media
Not all Tanzanian culture is reflected in the media accurately but there are places were it is accuratelly presented in the media as follows:
Kiswahili is largely used in the Tanzanian media , news and other TV programs are broadcasted in kiswahili and in the print media most of of Newspaper are of Kiswahili except for Daily news , The citizen and The guardian.
Most TV and radio programs are dedicated to Bongo Flava, and there are some Taarab programs.
Hofstede (1997), Cultures & Organization Software of the Mind. New York: Mc Graw Hill
Justina S. Katabaganda
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Culture is sharing patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socialization. Therefore, it can be seen as the growth of a group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the group.
Media refers to the group of people who organize them themselves for the certain reason to deal with specific messages in which their goal might be economical, political, social and cultural. Media’s role is to educate, entertain and surveillance, in which it should play its role at least by portray 70% of our own culture.
Tanzanian culture is portrayed in the Media but not accurately. This is because most of the things produced in the media are from the foreigners, and does not cover at least 50% of our own culture. For example their contents, media personnel’s, and language that they use. The fashions that are mostly presented are from outside. This is because Tanzanian media is still dependent from outside media like BBC, CNN and other channels from outside. A good example in Telenovela programmes are given much time than other programs of gramma from here in Tanzania that portray our culture.
The following are the constitutes of Tanzanian culture:
As culture involves different things including, Ethnicity which are approximately 120. These tribes have their own vernacular language. But Language that is common and unites all tribes in Tanzania is Kiswahili. Food is also what defines culture in Tanzania, as there are many common tradition foods but commonly Ugali Maharage. Tanzanian common cultural cloths is Khanga & Kanzu. Bongo flava is the kind of music that originated from Tanzania and represents Tanzanian Culture. Also Religions in Tanzania are Christians & Muslim, though there are also people with their traditional faith/religion sometimes known as Pagans.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Is tanzania culture portrayed in our media?
Mass media have an important role in Tanzania society as the main channel of communication.The population relies on news media as the main source of information.According to cultural selection theory,any selection of masseges in mass media will thus have the profound effects on the entire society. In Tanzania culture can be discussed in two aspects which are indegenous culture as represented by various tribes and ethnic groups and National culture.
According to Mkwabi Tanzania culture is portrayed in our media but the national mass media are regarded as urban phenomena due to the composition of their contents,the amount of information they carry pertaining culture and availlability of these channels in urban and rural which are not balanced.For example National newspaper are scarcely available in rural areas and those availlable can not adeguately promote cultural activities.
There are some newspapers which have short stories and poetry like SUN which also has some of cartoon pictures like Kifimbocheza promoting good use of Swahili language,but all these are not enough to say that Tanzania culture is portrayed enough in our media.
In conclusion the media should expand their circulation in and coverage of rural areas.Through this way they could increase impacts as promoters of culture.Also they should make sure that the content pertaining Tanzania culture like tradition dances,Kiswahili language,our foods,wearing styres and all other element of our culture have enough space to increase speed of promoting our culture to the rest of the world.
Ngwanakilala,N. (1980).The Role of Mass Media in Promoting popular participation in Cultural life.United Nation.Paris
Q. What constitute Tanzanian culture? Is Tanzania culture accurately reflected in our local media?
ReplyDeletePossible answers.
By Kivuyo Francis J.
Reg: 2012-04-03164
Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another. Hofstede, G. (1984).
Therefore according to Hofstede, culture can be refered as a total way of life that can differentiate one person from another, one community from another, one country from another or even one continent from another.The following bellow are several things that constitute Tanzanian culture;
Language; One of the most powerful identification of Tanzania culture is the Swahili language. Ninety percent of the Tanzanian speaks Swahili language. Additionally, swahili language is one of the official language in Tanzania apart from English language. Wherever you speak Swahili people firstly think you must be a Tanzanian.
Dressing style. In this point we considered a Khanga dress as one of the constitute of our culture because it is only in Tanzania khanga dress worn in most cases by ladies. It’s also argued that khanga has some special uses among Tanzanian women, for example during funeral ceremonies.
Kindness. Worldwide Tanzanian are known to be kind people and this has been our cultural identification all over the world. It is only in Tanzania you can find people charting to each other in the public transport (daladala) as if they know each other before.
Food. One among the foods that constitute our culture is ugali. Al though this kind of food is sometimes found in the neighbor country, but still represent The Tanzania culture since its one of the oldest and most used food among us.
After a little discussion on what constitute Tanzania culture, now, let’s look if Tanzanian culture is accurately reflected in our local media. For my opinions, Tanzanian culture in not accurately reflected in our local media due to the following arguments;
Firstly, in Tanzanian media particularly electronic, many program still bearing English names. For this reason, it’s very difficult to state whether Tanzania culture is accurately reflected.
Secondly, dressing style. Although Khanga and kitenge seems to be part of our culture, still non of our media houses especial television are using them during their activities in order to really portray the Tanzania culture.
Thirdly, the kind of music being played by our local TV and radio station. There is no laws or regulations that forces these station to play those song which reflect our culture as Tanzanian so, you can find the stations playing foreign songs the whole day.
By conclusion, the Tanzanian government should establish clear strategies on how to keep and develop our culture. For example by introducing compulsory culture subjects at all levels of education.
Hofstede, G. (1984). National cultures and corporate cultures. In L.A. Samovar & R.E. Porter (Eds.), Communication Between Cultures. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
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Culture is the total ways of life of aparticular people in a certain area. It involve the ideas,customs, social behavior, language and life stles like wearing style and food and
The following are the Constituents of Tanzanian culture
Language is the means of communication within the people who live in a certain area. In Tanzania the language which used is Swahili language. Food is another element of culture where by the kind of food which eaten by people differ depending on their culture, in Tanzania our food is Ugali and Maharage. Also clothes (the way people wearing) differentiate between one culture with another. Tanzanian clothes involve kanga for women and kanzu for men .Ethnicity is the community status relationship whereby in Tanzania we have about more than 120 tribes which use different language by they are joining by Swahili language. We have also our music which is bongo flava.
Tanzanian culture is not reflected in our local media due to the fact that the content which aired in our media and mostly radio and television reflect the western or outside culture rather than our local culture,despite the matter that for radio and television 60% of the content which aired must carry local content and the rest which is 40% must reflect others content but still the local content which aired in our media is less than 60%.
Another reason which show that Tanzanian culture is not highly portrayed in the media is the language use. Only the Swahili newspapers are the one which use Swahili language without mixing it with English but for radio television most of the language used is mixed language which is Swahil and English except for news stories which use Swahili language.
By beatrice sichalwe
Culturw is a centarl concept of in anthropology encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human consist knowledge, beleifs, art, morals, law customs and other capabilities and habits aquired by a man as a member of society. ( free encyclopedia)
Media means of mass communication ( television , radio and news papers) regarded collectively their demand were publicized by the main ( free dictionary)
Tanzania is one among of the countries in the world that have the culture which it consist the use of swahil language, the dressing and so on.
In Tanzania the local media in TAnzania does not potray tanzanian culture which means that the local media in tanzania praise the media from the west countries such as in the progams they are running and hosting they mix language which is english and swahili instead of using theor own language which is swhili language..
And also many programs which are shown and hosting in tanzanian media does not reflect our culture at all means are the coping and pasting from the west countries that is why people are detroyed by new culture example people boys and girls wear half naked and they do not respect elders this is all beacuse of the new culture from western countries which has been brought by our own local media in tanzania...
Tanzania have many atractives things .also customs ans norms and so many many..instead of using this chance to advert the tanzanian culture they are showing us the things which are not our ours and new for us..
This is different from the other countries where by when you go to france they are so proud of their own culture example their local media are shown the programs and things fron their country and not outside even the language they are using it their own where by they do not tanzania media have to learn from them and be proud of their own thing ans stop praise the things which does not belong to them and not their cultute...
Free encyclopedia
Free dictionary..
Is the ideas, customs, and social
behavior of a particular people or
society. Or, is a total way of life that
defined everything from language,
religion, cuisine, social habits, music
and arts.
The following are the constitutes of
Tanzanian culture, Languages, in
tanzania we have 128 languages
,Arts, Music like national anthem
ibariki”,Literature, sports, cuisine.
Tanzanian culture is being portrayed
in media because there are different
programs most of them are
documentaries which shows
people’s lives and
their culture for stance the program
of “Wanawake live” , this program
portrayed culture of different people
in Tanzania even if the program is to
educate women.
In Tanzania there are many cultures
which are “ mountain climbing”, a
example in clouds television they
show “Kambi popote” program,
style for example in “nirvana”
program which is shown in east
television they show some of the
Tanzanian clothes like kanga,
kitenge and
also designers from Tanzania like
“Martine Kadinda” and “Mustafa
they use media to show different
clothes which they are designed in a
culture way., Languages use, in
Tanzania we have the national
which is Kiswahili and in our media
they use Kiswahili for istance in
There are some programs which
show Tanzanian life style a good a
example is
“Uswazi” which is being hosted by
Zembwela , by watching this
program you
can see how people are living in
different areas.
Q. What constitute Tanzanian culture? Is Tanzania culture accurately reflected in our local media?
ReplyDeletePossible answers.
By Khalfan., Athuman
Reg: 2012-04-03162
Culture defined as a total way of life that includes beliefs, customs, languages, arts, music etc that appeared within a certain community as common practice. Culture can be a tool of unification which identifies a certain community as different from others like the use of Swahili language by Tanzanians majority.
In Tanzania you may found difficulty to pin point which common practice that can be described as culture to the whole community. Different types of tribes and tradition makes Tanzanians to be a nation cultural diversity, only Swahili language remains as common symbol as it is spoken by majority.
Most of local media in Tanzania does not reflect our culture in accurate way although some of the programs displays various tradition content from different tribes, example NGOMA ZA ASILI aired by TBC and UTALII WA NDANI by channel ten.
Globalization made lots of effects in our local media whereby high percentage of media content comes from Western media. This range from types of music, lifestyles, attitude and values which are different from our ancestral culture; Example most of series and documentaries imparted from outside in form of Other languages like THE LEGAL WIFE in channel ten, and lots of foreign music tunes.
For that matter our local media is the major source of destroying our culture than promoting it.
Is the ideas, customs, and social
behavior of a particular people or
society. Or, is a total way of life that
defined everything from language,
religion, cuisine, social habits, music
and arts.
The following are the constitutes of
Tanzanian culture, Languages, in
tanzania we have 128 languages
,Arts, Music like national anthem
ibariki”,Literature, sports, cuisine.
Tanzanian culture is being portrayed
in media because there are different
programs most of them are
documentaries which shows
people’s lives and
their culture for stance the program
of “Wanawake live” , this program
portrayed culture of different people
in Tanzania even if the program is to
educate women.
In Tanzania there are many cultures
which are “ mountain climbing”, a
example in clouds television they
show “Kambi popote” program,
style for example in “nirvana”
program which is shown in east
television they show some of the
Tanzanian clothes like kanga,
kitenge and
also designers from Tanzania like
“Martine Kadinda” and “Mustafa
they use media to show different
clothes which they are designed in a
culture way., Languages use, in
Tanzania we have the national
which is Kiswahili and in our media
they use Kiswahili for istance in
There are some programs which
show Tanzanian life style a good a
example is
“Uswazi” which is being hosted by
Zembwela , by watching this
program you
can see how people are living in
different areas.
Name:Wilfred Judith
ReplyDeleteReg: 2012-04-03185
According to Fotopoulos (1999:23) define culture as “integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behavior.This includes all aspect of culture which arelanguage,ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, work of art, ceremonies, food, clothes, music,and religious.
Swahili language portrayed as cultural identity of Tanzania. Cultural policy in 1997under Ministry of education and culture declare that Swahili language used a national language and medium of instruction in primary and secondary education and encouraged in higher education.
Clothes as one among culture identity of the particular society in Tanzania kanga, kitenge and kanzu are identity of our culture moreover fiber of other ethnic group like msai, and hanzabe are not ignored.
In my on point of view Tanzania culture does not accurately portrayed in our media due to the following reasons
Under the presence of cultural homogenization Tanzania media imitate what other international media like BBC, MTV, HOLLYWOOD, and CCN do, so as to attract its market and control it over the other countries. Take a good example of Tanzania films mix Swahili and English at the same time (Kiswaenglish) and don’t wear our own fibers which present our culture. The main purpose of Tanzania media do this is to win market in East African countries which later on led failure in portray our national identity accurately.
In lighting this assertion when look on the Tanzania cuisine Tv and radio’s program you can find that most of time discuss recipe of foreign food like pizza, burger sausage rolls and Bolognese. The culture of Tanzania traditional cuisine are being left behind in the Tv programs example MAPISHI YETU in ITV and MAANJUMATI in channel ten so as win market of multiculturalism
Fotopoulos, T. (1999)Mass media, culture and democracy:The international journal of inclusive democracy vol.5, no1, pp 19-52
Culture is everything that dominate every aspect in daily life of human being, including language, political system, economical system, arts, music, clothes, and social distribution of works.
Tanzania as free country has some components of its own culture that is used as the identity and to differentiate from other countries, for example including Swahili as our language, kanga as our clothing, people have their religions dominated by Muslims and Christians though the government itself do not have religion, our own music which do not use advanced technology and sophisticated instruments but each tribe has its own traditional music with simple instruments. We do not have our own political system and economical system.
Local Media in Tanzania portray our culture to some extent neither at a very high percent nor at a very low percent this because despite the fact that Swahili is mostly used in our local media at large percent over foreign languages. Television is the mostly influencing media since the audiences can hear and see exactly what is being portrayed.
Large percent of things displayed in our local televisions are not reflecting our culture starting from clothing, music, movies despite using Swahili as a medium of instructions on those media with code mixing.
Askegaard, S. [1991]. Towards a semiotic structure of cultural identity. Marketing Semiotics. Nordisk Forlag Arnold Bursk. Copenhagen. Denmark
Brislin, R. [1990]. Applied cross-cultural psychology. Sage Publication. Newbury Park. Califonia, USA.
Janowitz(1968),defines media as an institution and techniques through which devices like press; radio and television are normally used to transmit symbolic content, varied to the targeted audiences. It includes news papers, magazine, TV, radio.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Hofstede(1984), defines culture as the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. Tanzania culture is somewhat rich and has contributed plenty to the advancement of the country. About 128 languages are spoken in Tanzania from Bantu, way of dressing example Maasai people, food stuffs like Ugali, religious, music (local dance of Tanzania tribes like Haya, Chagga) together comprise Tanzania culture.
It is not accurate that Tanzania media portray our culture because nowadays most of media for instance in EATV there are some programs like Nirvana and E-News have a tendency of using English than Swahili language even their way of dressing doesn’t reflects our culture so that others could identify us as Tanzanian. So, media contributes a lot to the destruction of Tanzania culture through Music(R n B),movies like Telemundo people starts to imitate role models from western culture like dressing style, hairstyle and hence become addicted with them than their own.
Hofstede, G. (1984). Culture’s consequences: International Differences in Work –Related
Values (2nd edtion. Beverly Hills CA: SAGE Publication
E.B Taylor, refers to culture as, "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." Culture is a total way of life.
Tanzanian constitute of different elements which are likely to be found in other cultures, but what makes it unique and gives it its Identity is the national language (Swahili) and the exceptional generosity, and hospitality that is hard to find elsewhere. These two elements among many other identify Tanzanian culture.
The local media fairly portray major elements of Tanzanian culture. This approach will base on the following two factors:
Language used for broadcasting: Swahili is the major language used for broadcasting in most of the broadcasting as well as print media. This not only portrays Swahili as a Tanzanian culture but also helps in reaching out to majority of audience in the country.
Broadcasted content: Most of the programs broadcast content that reflects Tanzanian culture, a good example being lulu za Kiswahili from TBC1 where they discuss several matters concerning Swahili language, mirindimo ya pwani in Chanel Ten where they express culture of Tanzanians from the coastal region, to mention but few.
Edward Tylor (1871, 1), who opens his seminal anthropology text with the stipulation that culture is, “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Subsequent authors have worried that Tylor's definition packs in too much, combining together psychological items (e.g., belief) with external items (e.g., art).
As Tylor explain when he discuss about culture that culture is all about morals, laws, art,custom and belief. also in Tanzania we have our laws from the family level to the state level also we have several customs but the important thing we have our local or traditional belief and we practice several work of art like music, fashion etc. So when you take the Tylor explanation when he discuss about culture you can see that even Tanzania practicing culture.
when we came to the side of media about how it practicing our local culture it is very fair and enough to say that our local media doing enough to present and practicing our local culture because of the following big reasons.
Firstly our media have several programs which direct touch the areas and values of the culture as Tylor define, in ITV there is program which called SANAA NA WASNII and in EATV there is NIRVANA both of them deals with the work of art and according to Tylor art is among the work of art so our media by preparing that programs it shows how they practicing our local culture but also the issue of deciding to use Swahili language as the medium of communication in our media is big reason to show that our media doing enough to practicing our media
Tylor, E.B. (1871). Primitive Culture: Researches in the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art and Custom. London: John Murray.
Media can be defined as a group of organized people who deals with collecting, processing and disseminate through the use of technology to the targeted audience with the specific goals. And when we talk about culture simply is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Other people said that media was accurately portrayed the culture but others said that media does not portrayed culture.
In my said I disagreed that the media accurately portrayed Tanzania culture, this is because of the duration of programs, most of our programs in our local media shows and prepare the programs which based on the culture from abroad for a long period such as 4 up to 6 hours example in Mlimani TV there is a program from CCTV China which based on Chinese culture only and aired for 6 hours every day compared to Tanzanian culture programs. But our culture programs was very few and in short period of time only one program for a week which took 1 hour only or half an hour , so due to this our media does not portrayed Tanzania culture.
Culture is refers to the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. The advance research on language Acquisition goes a step further, defining culture as shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socialization. Thus, it can be seen as the growth of a group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the group.
Media refers to the channel through which selected information disseminated to the specific audiences.
In terms of language media in Tanzania tried to portray the Tanzania culture, due to TCRA policy allows media to choose Swahili or English language, as the result there are many media which using Swahili as known worldwide Swahili language represent Tanzania.
But the media failed to present Tanzania culture in wearing style, housing style due to most of media cop the western style of different things based on wearing. Even most of media program do not show the real/original or natural life of Tanzanians.
Thus media in Tanzania contribute a lot in destroy Tanzania culture though language use {pronouncing Swahili in English accent}, food and wearing style.
Culture refers to the arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group. Media refers to organization that with collecting, processing and disseminate specific message to the target audience through technology to meet a specific goal .There are two groups of media organization such as print media and broadcasting. All countries in the World have got its own culture and those cultures tend to be practiced by many people in that particular country. Those cultures used to be presented in the media. Local media in Tanzania has got a chance of portray their culture in different ways such as:-
Through the language used; many media house choose language to be used which will be easy to be understood by many audience. Kiswahili is the national language in Tanzania which tends to be used in many media so that many people may understand what has been presented to them.
Although the same media used to prefer much Western culture, in terms of wearing style, hair styles and other stuffs which affect even the children who try to cope with different things shown in media especially television.
ALFEO INNOCENT M. 2012-04-03150
ReplyDeleteCulture is the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next. (Matsumo 1996:16). Therefore all attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that are shared in Tanzania are our culture. Tanzania culture is constituted by various elements such as religions (Islam and Christian), language (Kiswahili as a national language and other vernacular languages used according to tribes), cloths (khanga, kanzu and kaniki), foods, music (taarab, bongo flavor, mchiriku, mduara etc.) and dressing style etc. Tanzanian culture is reflected in our local media but not accurately. Most of television and radio programs, newspaper article and stories use Swahili language. There are religious programs like dini ya kiislamu (Mlimani tv), Kutoka kanisani (TBC1) which demonstrate our cultural religions. Music programs such as Mziki wa mwambao, ngoma zetu etc are mainly for Tanzania flavors. Articles are also published to explain our beautiful foods, and clothes, on the other hands there are few programs which demonstrate foreign culture such as music (urban heats of EATV), language (Hollywood movies), clothes, and foods. This reflection of Tanzanian culture in our media is not accurately because it does not reach the expected goals of having all programs which portrays our total ways of life.
REFERENCE 1. Matsumo, D. (1996) culture and psychology. Pacific Grove, CA:Brooks/cole
Name:Atuza G. Nkurlu
ReplyDeleteReg No: 2012-04-06635
Culture is the total way of life. This
comprises of the ideas, customs and
social behavior of particular people or
society. Tanzanian culture
constitutes of various customs and social
behaviors. The language, although
in Tanzania there’s a total of about 128
languages spoken, Kiswahili as the
National language which is spoken by
most of the country’s population.
Music, Tanzania has its own genres of
music known as bongo fleva and
taarab. Apart from that, Tanzanian culture
also comprises of its unique
dressing style made of fabrics known as
Khanga, mostly dressed by women in
various occasions including funerals.
In my point of view, Our local media does
not really accurately reflect
Tanzanian culture due to the fact that
they way our media organziations
operate and most of the media content
are through the use of western
culture. For example, in Television
programs, the hosts of the programs are
observed dressing in the western
dressing style hence not reflecting
Tanzania culture through wearing clothes
made of local Tanzania khanga and
kitenge which can also be designed
formally for Television programs.
Another good example is the language
that is used in our local media,
although Swahili is our national language
most of the programs found in
Television and radio are run through the
mixing of English and Swahili,
ontop of that most of the names of the
programs are given English names
such as ‘Top Ten’, ‘countdown’ and ‘Friday
night live’, this vivid shows
that our culture is not accurately reflected
in our local media.
In conclusion, media organizations should
have prestige of Tanzanian
culture and reflect it in their daily works
so as for the country’s
Enter your comment...culture refers to a whole way of living. In other words this means everything you do in life that refers to culture. In society we live we do practice a lot of things that stand as a culture.
ReplyDeleteTanzania in one way or the other do have a culture that we practice since each and everyone must have a culture. Several key issues can be refered to what constitute culture, these are like,
Language, language spoken in Tanzania as a national language is kiswahili and this in one way or an other constitute Tanzania culture since it does represent Tanzania identity. One could be recognized as a Tanzanian wherever he goes if he speaks kiswahili. therefore kiswahili make it a big identity for Tanzania culture.
Another issue is food type, in Tanzania there are common food that when eaten do identify the type of person you are. Ugali and Maharagwe is the most common food in Tanzania and that stands as a part and parcel of our culture by the way.
Tribes, in Tanzania we have a lot of tribes that are scattered all over the country. Each trube has got its own unique practice that identify as it is. But these tribes they have a common features they share that identify as Tanzania culture such as children upbringing.
Greeting style, a greeting style of Tanzanians constitute or rather make it different to other culture all over the world. In Tanzania people do greer one another by shaking hands something not done in some other parts of the world. therefore, through these criterias, Tanzania culture may be identified in such a way.
Issa bernard
Readership research is the type of research done to study how people read, use and respond to the media. This research is mostly conducted by the advertisers.
ReplyDeleteMarket Imperatives; Readership research is concerned with measuring audiences, identifying their demographic distribution and tracking issues such as attention flow and channel loyalty.
Morality, sex and violence; Readership research here concerned about morality, sex and violence influenced by the media.
Responses to the technological development; this is about the implications of new media and communications device.
Culture, politics and identity; readership research here is concerned with the media’s role in developing identities, culture and politics.
Readership research tries to raise the following issues;
ReplyDeleteDemographic data of readers; by conducting this research the newspaper company is able to understand the kind of people who read their issues in terms of age, sex, location, education level and so on.
Item selection; the newspaper company gets to know what exactly their readers want most from the whole package of an issue and this helps in improving that item.
Readers and non readers of that particular newspaper are identified. And this gives knowledge on the newspaper company on how to develop new readers.
PAUL PAULINE S, 2013-04-03292.
RAJABU, RAMADHANI 2013-04-03335.
ReplyDeleteReadership research is kind of research which is done to understand the motivations, reaction and behavior of the readers. The advertisers, bloggers, editors, journalists, newspapers and magazines conducted this kind of research to know the motivations, reaction and behavior of their readers.
The issues which can be rise on readership research are the following
Audience, location where the audiences are found, sex and status.
Due to this research involve the advertisers, bloggers, editors, journalists, newspapers and magazines those are the issues supposed to be researched simply the high number of readers the high sells of media.s
Readership research deal with the number of people who read a particular newspapers, the content, and what the customers wants give them according to their status, ages, gender, location, readability research raised the question that who is the reader, how and where example at urban, educated residents and purchasing ability to determine the circulation. The item selection studies, reader’s stories, uses and gratification studies and editors are also the issues which will raise in readership research, in conclusion the high the population the higher the circulation.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Readership research is the research which done in order to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but is also very useful to online content companies, traditional, newspaper, magazines, journalists and also editors. Purpose of readership research is to determine the demographics of readers of particular newspaper, content and what the customers want according to their status, ages, gender, and location. Also readership research deal with the number of circulation of newspaper this can help sell more papers or magazines, and it can also sell more ad space. Advertisers can use the information to place their ads in the right locations. Readership research can be used by advertisers, bloggers, journalists, magazine, newspapers, online newspapers, magazine, and content web sites.
Readership research refers to the Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazines and Newspapers that appear periodically. Of primary importance in this context are readership analyses that ascertain findings on print-media coverage (reach or cumulative audience) and readership structure (composition of readership to describe print-media target groups). Readership research arise a lot of things as such as circulation of news paper or magazine at a certain area which helps to know how many coppies will satisfy readers at a certain area. Uses and gratification helps to know the behaviour of the readers like reasons for reading a certain News paper. Another issue arised is in Research profile which let us know the characteristics of the readers in issue of status, age, gender,location culture and the purchasing power. Other issue arised in readership research is issue of lifestyle of the readers which will helps you to know kind of news to make of how you can arrange the news paper after knowing the details of your readers. Hamis mgaya 2013-04-03296
CO 203
In readership research there is reader profile; aim is to determine a demographic by determining the quality of the reader such as location, age, status, and gender.
Item selection; based on which reader read a part of newspaper and why! By conduct aided recall and asking questions in order to know what part of newspaper someone can remember.
Reader and non-readers; to know who read and who doesn't read a newspaper and why.Uses and gratification; to know motives of reading newspaper also editor-reader comparison study; by asking questions between readers and editors and making comparison of the answers.
What issues will you rise on readership research.
ReplyDeleteReadership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage,it focusing mainly on magazine and newspapers.also this readership research comprise of print media to describe target groups.these methods are supplemented by,
Reception analyses,which investigate reading habit in more general sense,a distinction can be drawn between readership research as medium adverstising research.
Performance of print,as a medium of advertising medium and editorial readership research,which aimed at optimizing newspaper and magazine content and layout.
Market imperative,which is done by advertisers and others useful online content companies,traditional newspapers and journalist and editors.
2013 04 03328 megelwa radhia
Readership is a number of people who read or are thought to read a particular book, newspaper or magazine.
Issues that can be raised on readership research are Demographic, you will need to know the gender and age of your readership, their purchased power, their culture (lifestyle) as well as where they are located.
Content, what is their preference is it sport and games, entertainment, fashion or adventure this will help you know what content you should come with.
Page layout, how does the page will be look like? What color is more suitable? size, fonts, paragraphs , headlines.
Readership research is the research concerning the number of people who read or are thought to read a particular book, newspaper or magazine. Issues that can be raised in this research is content, this is the message portrayed in the research to the audience. There is a corresponding wide variety in the techniques used to study audiences, the context within which they are placed, and the meanings made out of such research. Audience cannot be separated from personal, social and cultural continuity, so texts cannot be isolated from their broader cultural significance, or from the history of that significance.
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations, and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but it also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspaper, magazine, journalists and also editors. Readership research can use by advertisers, bloggers, jourlinalist, magazine, newspapers, or website.
The following are the issue that will rise on readership research such a Demographics that deals with age, sex gander, location, and culture, of the reader. Lifestyle it helps us to understand the interest hobbies, of the readers Preference it help us to understand with what readers prefer.
MWILILA MARIA 2013-04-03327
ReplyDeleteSHIJA EVA
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by journalists, traditional news, magazines, editors and it is also useful to advertisers.
Issues that can be raised in readership research one is readers preference that one should research on what readers prefer to read and why do they read that kind of news paper. Also demographic that the research should research on the status, age, gender, culture and location of the readers. Life style segmentation, what one likes determine the kind of media that he/she uses example; fashion.
ReplyDeleteREG NO:2012-04-03266
Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomena. While mass media research refers to survey conducted to investigate what segment of consumer read which periodicals and or listen to or watch radio or TV program.
Readership research is among braches of print media research whereby it conducted for the aims of looking on how people read particular newspaper. Things to raise are Firstly you should determine readers in particular newspaper, audiences based in demography and to know who are they through, sex, ages, income and their income level.
JOSEPH SARAPIA, 2013-04-03366,
QN: What issues will you raise on readership research?
Is done to understand the behavior, motivations and creations of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines, journalists and also editor and advertisers.
Issues should raise on readership research are; nature of your readers by considering status, age groups, language level, size of your readers, and other issues like, item select study or content preference what exactly your readers interested in it, circulation, reader and non reader study, competitors what are they doing, and advertisers who buy space and adverts your newspaper.
CO 2O3
Readership research is done to understand the behaviors, motivations and reactions of readers. The research is often conducted by advertising, journalist, magazines and newspaper. The purpose of readership is helping you knowing exactly where you should be advertising to reach your target demographic or audience. In readership research issues which I will rise are content of the newspaper do the content matches with the targeted audience locally and internationally, also readership research deals with the circulation of the newspaper or magazines which can help to sell more and increase profit to the firm.
KIWELU HAPPINESS F: 2013-04-03364
Qn: what issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazines and newspapers that appear periodically. This research investigate why do people like to read a certain kind of magazine or newspaper and why others hate them. Also this kind of research focuses on number of people who reads the particular newspaper or magazine.
There are various issues on readership research such as content preference like political, social and economic, language used, culture, circulation, nature of the reader regarding to their status, language level, age and gender, competitors in other magazine/newspapers what do they do? As well as advertisers in that newspaper or magazine.
Readership research concerned about the number of people who read particular information.
CO 2O3
Readership research is the number of people who read a particular newspaper or magazines, is conducted to understand the behaviors, motivation and reactions of the readers. Issues which will rise in readership research are content at content will be looking at kind of stories which are preferred by the audiences, and the content based on what either political, educational or economical. The other issue is demographic in demographic will look at gender, status, occupation, age, location and lifestyle of people. Readership research is done by advertisers, journalist and bloggers.
BAJ 2.
QN, what issues will you raise on readership research?
A readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations, and reaction of the reader, this research is mainly done by advertisers and media companies especially in print media in order to understand their status and increase more sells.
In order to conduct a useful reader research, as a research I will focus on the demographic factors to guide me, as to look on the economic status of the people on that area, age difference of your audience, gander, purchasing power of that newspaper, preference of the readers, culture, and total population of the readers in order to investigate print media usage.
BA.Public Relation and Advertising
CO 203
Readership research is done to understand the behavior motivation and reactions of readers, where by when referring to newspapers and printed publications, circulation is the number of copies distributed on an average day, however readership is number of people who read a newspaper or other publication each day. Research is often conducted by advertisers, journalists but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines and editors. Therefore the issues I will raise on readership research are age, gender, occupation, location and lifestyle which directly specify the readers.
ReplyDeleteLEMALI MARTHA.N -2013-04-03323
Readership research is the type of print media research which involves studying the number of people or readers reading the newspapers.
The issues raise in readership research are; reader profile used to determine demographic summary of readership and lifestyle segmentation used to determine who the readers are and what they prefer to read.
Item selection study so as to know who read newspaper and why by doing an aided recall.
Readers and non-readers study so as to know who reads and who doesn’t read newspaper and why. Uses and gratification study used to know the reasons behind newspaper reading.
CO 203
Readership is the number of the people who read a newspaper or other publication each day .also people who read particular newspaper or magazine, that is done to understand the behavior motivations and reaction of readers. There are several issues raised during readership research which are gender which include sex and age for example youth are tend to read simple stories while other like serious stories , circulation of newspapers, occupation people of the different occupation , location people of different places also their reading will be different, copies and the content.
CO 203
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. The issues will raise in readership research are circulation you may need to know the numbers of copy that are sold and the places where those newspapers are sold. Demographic you will need to know the gender and age of readers, their status, their culture and lifestyle and also the location of the reader’s. Content you will know the reader’s preference whether is fashion, stories, news, and cartoon and will help to develop your content.
ReplyDeleteWhat issues will you raise on readership research?
SALEHE, SAUMU S 2013-04-03386.
Readership research, this is the kind of research which is done so as to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers over particular newspaper or magazine.
Issues which can be raised in this research;
i. How many people read the newspaper or magazine? You need to know the number of your readers.
ii. What part of newspaper is the most readable? You need to understand which part of newspaper interest your readers.
iii. What are the people’s interest? You need to understand what interest most the readers.
iv. Does newspaper reach all of the audience? You need to make sure that the newspaper is reaching many people as possible.
CO 203
Readership research is the type of research which concerning the people who reader or thought of read the certain magazine, newspaper or book. The readership research content is based on learning about the audience. Readership research is concerning of measuring the audience and the demographic distribution. The issues that will rise in readership research are morality, sex, occupation, violence, location, status and culture. Also this research can be used by advertisers, blogger, journalist, magazine, newspaper or website. This help to understand the lifestyle segmentation of the reader, hobbies example fashion
BERNARD IRENE 2013-04-03385
Readership research is a type of print research that is done in order to know the number of people who read a particular newspaper. Here we study the readers who read a certain newspaper.
In readership research the issue to be risen are as follows;
Reader profile studies which is done to determine the demographic summary or quality of your readers by knowing their status, age, sex, location, purchasing power and their lifetime segmentation.
Item selection studies which is done to understand which reader reads which part of the newspaper and why. You have to make sure the readers get interested.
ReplyDeleteREG NO. 2013-04-03384
Readership research is type of the print media research that deals with the measurement of the number of people who read a particular magazine or newspaper. The following are the issues that I can raise on readership research;
• Readers profile; this considers age, gender, status and location of the reader
• Readers preference; the researcher should consider the kind of news that interests the reader.
• Understandability of the texts; how easy can the readers understand the texts in newspaper or magazine.
• Uses and gratification; what can be added or reduced in the newspaper to satisfy the reader.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMpandana Rosemary s
BA. PR &Advertising
What issues raised on readership research???
Readership is the people who read a certain publication news .Readership research is the research done to understand readers. The following are issued raised in readership research. Demographic influence this based on status like economic status, education status and social status age, localization and gender.
Another issue raised is preference people prefer to read news according to what he or she prefer it the best for them and like to buy a certain newspaper according to what they prefer.
Lastly is lifestyle readers buy and read a certain news for their seek of interest and their lifestyle.
QUESTION: What issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership is the tendency of people to read variety of books , or any other written or printed material while readership research is the3 type of research that deals with finding out , investigating on what makes certain group of people to read a certain type or variety of newspapers or magazines.
There are several factors which contribute to readership research;
Demographic; this include age, status, gender and culture.
ReplyDeleteREG. NO.2013-04-03388
Readership are the people who read or are thought to read a particular publication or are the audience reached by written communications. Issues rises in readership research are;
Demographic numbers of population as per status, age, gander, location, and culture. This means that people from different area have different status and different gander with different age and culture so these people will obviously differ in term of publication at times.
Preference, readers may prefer different publications according to their interest.
Lifestyle can denote the interests, opinion, behavior group or culture. As the written communication differs the opinion can also differ.
ReplyDeleteREG NO. 2013-04-03390,
Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazine and newspaper that appear periodically.
In readership research we raise the following things:
Circulation. When you provide copies to your audience you can recognize the number of reader that you have through number of copies that you sold in a particular place.
Reader profile. Through that you will get summary of readers by considering demographic which involve their status, age, gender, location and culture.
Gratification. You look for motive behind for people to read your news paper and why don’t read them to get average score.
LADSON KILEO E 2013-04-03382
ReplyDeleteReadership research is the empirical method of investigating pint media usage, which focuses mainly on magazine and newspapers that appear periodically. The primary importance of readership is to analyze or finding on print media coverage.
Demographic research, the term used to identify the market to determine when and where adverting should be placed so as to achieve maximum result.
Content study; the researcher should make inference by objectively and systematically identify the characteristics of the message.
Nature of readers; this help in the undertake market research in order to build a profile of groups of customers.
ReplyDeleteREG NO. 2013-04-03349,
Readership research is among the type of print media research that is done to understand the behavior, motivation and reactions of readers.
Issues that can be raised in readership research are;
• Creative elements including if the newspaper appears interesting, also visual appeal and attention value that is created to the reader.
• Content element; including clarity, the newsworthy information, and persuasiveness of the message to its readers.
• Its relevance to the reader as in terms of one’s social surroundings like society.
• Communication value; concerns whether the newspaper is communicable to its reader in terms of the language used.
BAKARI, ALLY. Reg. 2013-04-03309. BAMC
ReplyDeleteReadership research is the study deals with knowing number of people who read newspaper, which content they like, what they dislike and why they don’t like. The following are issues that I will raise:
Readership profile; to knowing demographic summary of the readers. It’s about number of people according to age, status and gender.
Item-selection; knowing what kind of article the readers like.
Uses and gratification; knowing why the readers select one item or one newspaper and live the other.
Circulation; to know number of copies being circulated.
Reader-nonreader; knowing why people read and why others don’t read the newspaper.
TEMI ALPHA 2013-04-03376
Readership research is the study of readers that is who reads what in a print media. In readership research there are a number of issues that arise in the context.
Reader profile, this is done to determine the demographic summary of the readers.
Lifestyle segmentation, the lifestyle determines the type of media you consume.
Item selection studies, this means which reader read what type of news, which part of newspaper and why.
Reader and non-reader studies, establishes who reads and who does not read and what might be the reason for that.
TAGAME AMANDA 2013-04-03353
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. In readership research there are a number of issues that arise in the study.
The issues are such as reader profile, this explains generally the demographic summary of the readers that is it is done to identify the kind of readers you have.
Also lifestyle segmentation can determine the type of media one can chose as they will select the media that best matches their lifestyle, hobbies and activities.
Item selection studies, it explains which reader is interested in what type of news and why so.
What issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research is done to understand the behaviour motivation and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but useful also in newspaper organisation.
Readership research is done specifically do determine some issues that a researcher is ought to find out from the readers concern the way they perceive and appreciate the given news from the concerned organisation.
Issues that one would probably raise in conducting a readership research are,
Research on the demographic nature of the newspaper that the organisation is distributing simply to know the maximum number of reader of that particular newspaper.
Setting questions about that particular newspaper by asking the readers on things they like and dislike about that newspaper so as to get their arguments about it.
Making suggestion by asking the readers what they would prefer to appear on the newspaper that it has not been there.
Many more things can be rouse in conducting a readership research depends on the content of the newspaper that it publishes.
MDOE IRENE 2013-04-03394
In readership research the main focus is an on getting of summary on the readers, the people reading the newspaper. Issues that an individual may can be.
Reader profile, whereby demographic information such as status, culture, age, gender is obtained.
Lifestyle segmentation, who as the preference of the readers may be obtained, activities, hobbies, interest.
Item selection studies, the type of newspaper, read by people and why that type.
Readers and non- readers research studies, who reads who does not and why.
Uses and gratification studies, motives behind the reading.
Editor-reader comparison study, are they different and why they differ.
Readership research this is the kind of research which is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of the readers. It can be used by advertiser, bloggers, journalists, and newspapers. The issues that will rise on are following;
Reader profile, to determine demographic information to know quality of the readers like age, status, gender
Readers and non-readers study, to determine who read or not read the newspaper
Editor reader comparison, to make comparison of intent to the reader
Uses and gratification, to study what people read in newspaper.
Item selection, to study who read which party in newspaper
Readership research is the types of research in print media where by behavior, pleasure and the way people react on that are being identified. This aimed to understand and determine demography such as age, status, location, gender. Also help to evaluate what people prefer to read, their interest and hobbies. To know the kind of readers and which types of newspaper they read, example men what they like, women and youth. To know the readers and non- readers of the newspaper as well as why people shift from reading one kind of newspaper to another newspaper and to understand circulation.
ReplyDeleteBaliyendeza Yekonia E.
B.A PR & Advertising
Readership research is the one of the way to understand readers.
Issues raised in readership research are like demographic issues which include gender different type of reader female and male they are differ in reading news, status such as economic and education status there some newspapers considered as educated and economic well status when you read well as aged such as adult people and youth or children they differ in read news without forget localization and cultural influence.
Another issue is preference people prefer to read a certain news regarding to their content lastly issue is lifestyle readers read news for their sake of interest and hobbies
Readership research is done by determining the demographic summary of readers that includes the number of people reading a certain publication. It’s the ease with which a written text can be understood by the readers of that given publication. It depends on both the context (complexity of the vocabulary and syntax) and the typography (font size, line height and line length).
The issues that are likely to be raised here are demographic (age, location, status, culture) life style segments (hobbies) and reader preferences. Readership research involves reader profile research, reader and non-readers researches and item selection studies.
JOSHUA MARIAM J 2013-04-03377
The study of readers that is who reads what in the print media. In the context of readership research there are a number of issues that arise in the study as follows;
• Reader profile, done to be determine the demographic summary of the readers.
• Uses and gratification studies, done to determine the motives of what makes one to read a newspaper and what are the rewards.
• Item selection studies, which reader read what type of news, which part of newspaper and why.
• Lifestyle segmentation, the type of activities and hobbies determine the consumption of media.
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QUESTION; what issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership is the process whereby people tend to read any written or printed materials. While readership research is the type f research which deals with investigating on what stimulate a group of people to read a certain type of newspaper or magazine.
The following are the issues which I will raise on readership research;
Demographic, this factor comprises of certain points like localization, gender, status, age.
Secondly; is Preferences this includes certain people’s choices they prefer on reading the magazines, we call them hobbies or people’s choices of interests.
MBAGA, ANITA , 2013-04-03374 BAPRA
ReplyDeleteReadership research is done to understand the behavior, motivation and reactions of readers. Readership can be used by Advertiser, Bloggers, Journalists, Newspaper and Online news paper. The purpose of readership research is to determining the demographics of readers can help sell more papers or magazines and it can also sell more space. Advertisers can use the information to place their ads in the right locations. Without readership, the advertiser will be able to evaluate space purchases based on the publisher.
The issue will rise on readership research is, Demographic s, sex, age, income, literate level, and advertising interest with paper.
MBAGA, ANITA , 2013-04-03374 BAPRA
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivation and reactions of readers. Readership can be used by Advertiser, Bloggers, Journalists, Newspaper and Online news paper. The purpose of readership research is to determining the demographics of readers can help sell more papers or magazines and it can also sell more space. Advertisers can use the information to place their ads in the right locations. Without readership, the advertiser will be able to evaluate space purchases based on the publisher.
The issue will rise on readership research is, Demographic s, sex, age, income, literate level, and advertising interest with paper.
ReplyDeleteREG NO 2013-04-03346
Readership research refers research done to understand the behavior, motivation and reaction of readers of certain newspaper, magazine or journal.
This issues can be measured through Average Readers Issue( ARI) which indicate of potential audience. such issues that are measured are Frequency of readership which indicate how many times do a certain reader read the copy. Source of copy research conducted to understand how the readers of copy obtain the copy. Time spending is the readership survey conducted to measure on reading intensity of the certain copy. Profile this is readership research conducted to the readers to understand age, sex, education, and demographic of readers.
Http:national in readership research RETRIVED ON Thursday 08:00 am
ReplyDeleteKIPENGELE JANE – 2013-04-00357
Readership research is about people who read newspaper.
Issues raised in readership research are reader profile which used to collect demography information about culture, gender, location, age and status. Psychographic can be conducted in order to get the levels of agreement and disagreement of readers. Another issue is lifestyle segmentation which used to determine who are the readers, what you prefer to read, hobbies and interests. Item selection study is used to determine who read which type of newspapers and why.
However readers and non- readers research is used to understand who read newspaper and who doesn’t read and why.
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. This research is often conducted by advertisers, but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines, journalists and also editors.
In readership research, the issues that are likely to be raised here are demographic that is age, location, status and culture, life style segments where by lifestyle this will help to understand the interest hobbies of a reader and attitude of the reader preference;
Readership research involves reader profile research, reader and non-readers researches and item selection studies.
KERENGE MARIETHA, 2013-04-03343
ReplyDeleteThe readership research is done to understand the behavior motivation and reaction of readers, it became important to management during 1960-1970 concerning the interest of their readers, editors and publishers began to depend on surveys to shape the content of the publication, the following are the issues which can be rise on readership research
Reader profile which provides demographic summary
Item selection studies which determine who reads specific part of the paper
Editor reader comparison, what makes a quality/ standard newspaper with regarding to public’s preferences?
Reader and non-readers studies, who are generally do/ do not read newspaper
Uses and gratification studies, by examining the motives that lead to newspaper reading.
Lyimo Getrude
Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly on magazine and news paper that appear periodically. These are the issues which will rise on readership research
Demographic it used for the readers in order to know there status education and economy, gender (female or male), location, purchase power and culture.
Lifestyle, this will help to understand the interest hobbies of a reader and attitude of the reader preference; based on the things the reader preferences according to convincing of other people and through his or her own look on a certain thing.
2013- 04- 03338.
Readership research is the research that conducted so as to understand behavior, motivation, and reaction of the reader. It’s most conducted by journalists, editors, advertisers, as well as newspaper and magazines. Issues that will be raised in this type of research are Demographic data, contents, advertiser interest to the paper. That means through readership research you can get data or details of your readers that will help to determine their needs, wants and not wants, location and also power of purchasing. Also it can help to create content which is more interesting to the readers according to their views. Addition to that advertiser will be interested to buy space in particular news paper or magazine as their ads will be advertised in a right location as it reaches targeted audiences
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ReplyDeleteReadrship research the behaviour ,motivation and reaction of readers,also readership research tries to determine demographic of readers
Readership research is mostly done by journalists and bloggers
Newspapers and magazines bussiness are going through fremendous change as readers are accessing contect in multiple format from multiple devices
ReplyDeletereadership research is a print media type of study, is known as the research that determines the number of people that actually read the newspapers, and those that do not read and the reasons why.there are types of readability research include, readers profile, item selection, reader-non reader, users and gratification,and editor- reader comparisons.
some of the causes include, increase in competition of other media, decline in market of the newspaper.
the reasons that are discovered in the study, diverse perspective of content, different age groups, time, and developing technology.
ReplyDeleteReadership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers.Issues raise include frequency of reading describe reader's relationship with the publication, generate probabilities for schedule analysis models.
Source of copy and circulation, in research help to determine which newspaper audience read due to number of circulation and copy also by providing overall classification of primary and secondary readership. Example Mwananchi circulation are high compare to others.
Time spent reading, research involve measure of reading intensity time taken to accumulate readership depends not only on the publication and it is obtained, read and passed another readers.
Readership research is responsible and conducted to understand and know what are the behaviors, motivations and reactions of readers. This kind of research mostly conducted by advertisers, but it is also very useful to online content companies, traditional newspapers, magazines, journalists, bloggers, and also editors. This is done to determine a demographic summary of readers
In demographic when conducting readership research there are some issues which may be raised, those issues are as follows;
-Issue about culture, politics and identity
-Technological development
-Sex and morality
-Economic status
-Purchasing power
ReplyDeleteWazir bakari
Readership research is the kind of research which can be conducted by journalists, media house, advertisers and many others to understand the behavior, motivations, and reaction of readers.
The main idea during conducting readership research is to target the readers, but in terms of their ages, status, geographical dispersion, level of agreement to readers, item selection on the news paper etc which can increase the daily circulation of that news paper or which can led the advertiser to select a certain newspaper to advertise their product but also for the on who want to establish a newspaper to meet their demand
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ReplyDeleteNzumbi Mageni T 2013-04-03379
ReplyDeleteReadership research is done to understand behaviour,motivation and reaction of readers.The issues i will raise is methodological used.Through time there has been different methods used to understand readership nature and tendency and there are some that has rejected.It can either be through face to face interview with readers or just simply through observing their reading tendency.Another issue is research budget and measurement.Doing research requires money to understand circulation of magazine and newspaper to people,also halps you to reach to different audiences and know their sizes,status and content people are interested in.
According to Uyo. A. O (1989) readership research is conducted to observe behavior, motivation and reactions of the readers. It normally conducted by media organizations, media outlets and advertisers in order to understand;
ReplyDeleteCirculation; the number of copies published, sold and finally number of audience.
Reader profile; here we consider age, gender and locations of readers.
Reader preference; what are readers prefer to read, which kind of news are important for the readers.
Reader and non-reader; helps to understand who reads and who doesn’t and why.
Readership research is the kind of print media research conducted in order to know the number of people who read a certain newspaper or magazine according to their age, culture, status, activities, gender, location.
There are some issues which can be raised on readership research. One of them is readers and non readers, this helps to know the number of people who read a certain newspapers and who don’t. Also item selection this helps to determine the item for publishing so as to understand the reader who read what kind of newspaper and which part. Not only that but also the circulation this study helps to know the number of copies of newspaper or magazines needed by looking people’s activities, hobbies, attitudes. So the readership research is needed in order to know the right number of publication needed to the people and kind of content needed.
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ReplyDeleteHENRY, WINNIE 2013-04-03359
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of issues to rise in readership research, such as the average issue readership: an attempt to establish at each interview wether or not the person interviewed has look at any copy of the publication in question, reading frequency which is based on how many times people read the newspaper, is it `almost` `quite often` `only occasionally` or `not in the past year`. Others are the impetus for audience research, framing the question-a review of diverse approaches and disputes, framing the audience-deciding who to study (when and where) and data collection techniques and approaches
HENRY, WINNIE 2013-04-03359
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of issues to rise in readership research, such as the average issue readership: an attempt to establish at each interview wether or not the person interviewed has look at any copy of the publication in question, reading frequency which is based on how many times people read the newspaper, is it `almost` `quite often` `only occasionally` or `not in the past year`. Others are the impetus for audience research, framing the question-a review of diverse approaches and disputes, framing the audience-deciding who to study (when and where) and data collection techniques and approaches
ReplyDeleteReadership research is a print media research in which a researcher may find out the number of people who read a particular newspaper that appears periodically.
Possible Issues raise on Readership Research includes:-
Reader profile- researcher intends to know the population summary, in term of economic or education status, age, gender, location and life style.
Reader’s Item selection -Involves selection of item in newspaper on what to read and what not to read.
Readers/ non readers describes who read or not read particular newspaper.
Uses and gravitation shows motive behind from what reader have read in a particular newspaper.
Abraham Winner
Readership research employs empirical methods to investigate print media usage, focusing mainly magazines and Newspapers that appear periodically.
This kind of research can be conducted by the journalists, media owners, advertisers, editors and many others aimed to know internally and externally their readers.
Things or issues that can I raise in readership research are such as to know the different characters of the readers such as age,sex,stats,geographical location, level of understanding an interprets the message.
Which can be the important thing to increase or upgrade the newspaper, but also increase it daily circulation, and attract advertisers.
Readership research is the research done by advertisers, bloggers, journalist so as they can understand the behavior, reactions and motivations of readers. There are issues which will raise on readership research which are the following.
ReplyDeleteCirculation, this considers on how many copies of a particular publication are distributed to readers of different society. Also research on how many copies are circulated to readers or are sold, the relationship between readership and circulation is known as readership per copy the amount of readers per copy varies by publication
Interests of the readers, also as to do the readership research one will have to consider the interest of the people one should see on how people are interested in the magazine or the blog one is reading.
Number of readers, also the number of readers one should look at the statistics on how many people read the magazine or the newspaper the higher the number the higher the readership so the number of readers should also be considered in readership research.
The above are not the only things to be raised but the researcher will also look upon the content of the magazine or the newspaper.
QN, what issues will raise on readership research.
1. Baran,s.(2006), introduction to mass communication, MC Grewhill, Newyork.
Readership research is a form of research that is conducted to know exactly situation on things about a newspaper that concerns a certain newspaper organisation.
In readership research the researcher is supposed to look at some issues so as to come up with the exactly picture on how the readers perceive the newspaper he or she works on.
Issues that a researcher can come up with in readership research could be like research on the demographic of the readers by looking at the distribution areas that the newspaper reaches, content of the newspaper is another thing that a researcher can come up with in readership research this is by forming questions and send to the readers to comment on the newspapers’ content, by doing so a researcher would be able to collect information that people will comment and it may help him or jer in improving things that are published in a newspaper.
Readership research is so very important in any newspaper organisation as it helps a lot in knowing the reader who are the potential customers of the newspaper then knowing what they prefer in a newspaper is so important hence readership research supposed to be practise.
ALPHA ABDALA 2013-04-03305
ReplyDeleteThe consideration of reader’s profile, any author should consider the status, level and the age of their customers.
The demographic research; the publisher of the prints media should study the number of population over the area to understand age, and their sex.
Also the circulations of the news; the publisher should also study the circulation of the print in a day the number sold of the prints.
To study about the news item in the print magazine or news paper the issue of content should be understand by the publisher and the interest to the customer, readers.
KIMANGI EMANUEL 2013-04-03283
ReplyDeleteReadership research is research emphases on knowing the total number of persons, that read a given newspaper and not only that; but also as to why they are attracted to it and it’s mainly conducted through interview. Some major issues are raised in readership research which include;
• Lifestyle segmentation; of which entails the hobbies and intentions of which regulate their media devouring.
• Personal preference; involving what individuals fancy reading that which is important to them.
• Determination of users and gratification theory; that of which contains what individuals prefer to read versus what they do not.
QN; What issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research, is the process whereby it deals with finding out some of certain types of newspapers and magazines which happen to be different from other people.
There are various issues raised on readership research and these are;
Demographic; In this actor there are some several factors like localization, gender, age, status which tend to be the factors for certain people to read newspapers.
Another factor is Preference; which happen to be ones choices and interests on reading certain types of newspapers For example ;Tanzania daima.
Readership research is done in print media in order to know the number of people who read a certain publication (magazines and newspaper).
Issues which can be raised in readership research are demographic which determine the age, culture, status, gender and location of the readers. Also the life style of the readers which helps to understand their hobbies, activities and attitude hence it examine their preference on what, why and which part or segment they need the most in accordance with their motives. Readership research also determines the level of marketing on the side of sales
Hyein Cho 2013-04-06848 B.A.Journalism
ReplyDeleteConcerning that through readership research we formulate the content of a publication by getting detailed information of the readers of the publication with a survey, or interviews, I will start with raising the basic issue which is the profile of the readers such as age, status, gender, location, culture, and life style segmentation, to the deeper issues such as “What is his/her hobby?” to know the preferences of the readers, “How often he/she read the newspaper?” to understand non-readers as well and also ask what is the personal reason for choosing the newspaper (for entertainment, education etc.)
ReplyDeleteManyanya, Mathias.
Readership research is the research which is done by different people so as the can see the behavior and reaction of readers towards a newspaper, this readership research is done by advertisers, bloggers.
The issues which will raise readership research are the following
Content analysis, as a researcher one will look at the content people like for example if the magazine or newspaper have more than one content. The content which will be liked more is the one which people read much.
Readership number, also the number of the people who read the newspaper will be considered if the number of the readers is high then the readership will be good and higher. And here the researcher should consider the statistics of the number of readers.
Interview, i`ll also use the interview to different people in the society to know the data of the readers for example looking at people of what age read the newspaper, economic status. Here the conclusion will be good.
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ReplyDeleteGabriel Elizabeth
B.A PR & Advertising
Readership research is done to understand the behavior, motivations and reactions of readers. It can be used by journalists, magazines, bloggers, newspaper, advertisers etc
Issues to rise in a readership research to understand readers include;
• Demographic; where readers are selective in reading materials as a result of age, culture, education status, economic status etc
• Personal interest: Reader’s interest vary some are into social life, some into politics, some into sports etc
• Preference or status of the material let say a newspaper or a magazines. Some people would believe what is written in Mwananchi rather than in Sani.
ReplyDelete2013 - 04 - 03272
It is important to understand readership as the amount of people reading a particular newspaper, magazine etc. Readership research is necessary in order to know exactly what attracts readers.
There are key issues that must be raised while carrying out readership research;
●Reader profile, i.e age, gender, status, culture.etc it is important to study the reader.
● Readership preferences is effective in knowing what part of the newspaper attracts a particular audience and why.
●Facilitating conditions(H Wolswinkel, 2008). Here we mainly look at the way of living of readers and if they can afford newspaper purchase daily. Moreso, if they can understand the content.
H Wolswinkel-2008 "Attraction of young newspaper readers"
QN; what issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research is a situation where by a researcher searching, investigation in order to find out why do people prefer to read a certain newspaper or magazine most of the time
There are so many factors that contribute people to choose a certain newspaper over another such as.
First factor is demographic which contain other factors like age, gender, localization, and status.
Second is content analysis where by people differ in taste of stories.
Lastly is the issue of preference base on interest.
QUESTION; what issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research involves with ability of a researcher in finding out and collecting some information’s on which types of newspapers and magazines do certain types of people prefer to read most of the times.
The following are some of the reasons which make those people to choose certain types of newspaper;
Firstly; is the issue of Demographic which comprises some several factors like localization, gender, age, status of people in reading those types of newspapers?
Secondly; Is the issue of Preface which constitutes of ones hobby and interests.
Readership research is the kind of research that is done in order to understand the behavior, perception and reaction of the readers. Can be sited that, readership research is conducted by the advertisers in order to understand the demographic and Psychographic data or information.
Issues to rise in readership research can be direct refers to the demographics and psychographics factors. In demographics matters, there should be issues on the age of the people who are readers or consumers of such a paper. Also in case of location, sex and the economic level to what those media users are living into. While in psychographic it deals with the behavior and understanding of the people on the media contents. This can help to determine whether such a paper can be profitable to the advertisers to place their ads in term of copies to be sold and adverts space purchases based on the publisher’s data.
Program: B.A in Journalism
Reg# : 2013-04-03288
Qn : What issues will you raise on readership research?
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
Program: B.A in Journalism
Reg# : 2013-04-03288
Qn : What issues will you raise on readership research?
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
Any media is incomplete if it does not determine it`s audience of it`s massage. How people read, use and respond to a particular journalistic work. The media owner should aware on who use their media, when and where he or she allocated as well as under what circumstance.
Through personality analysis, it includes age, gender, status, location and cultural aspect of the reader. For example youth are prefer yellow news while elders, educated people as well as richer who living in upper residence prefer serious news.
Determine what kind of news preferred by the audience and why, this could be done through interview and questionnaire methods of research to the audience. Also editorial comparison in term of figures or numbers of copies circulated should be observed by editor to measure the statistics of readers.
ANDREW BNIPHACE 2013-04-03393
Readership research is the kind of research which is done to understand the behavior, motivation and the way people react and pressure of the reader
Issue to rise in readership research can be direct refers to the following issue demographic matter which these information to know age, sex and gender to know quality of reader.
Users and gratification this done to media determine and show how media satisfy readers and what people get from the media especially news paper
Question setting to the people who read newspaper and see their argumentation
What issue will raise the readership research?
ReplyDeleteThe main issue that raises the readership research is the readership profile. These are the distinctive factors that make people to choose what to and not read. Age is a first factor whereby young people prefer to read the non-serious newspapers such as SANI and old people prefer serious ones like MWANANCHI. Other people prefer to read their local newspapers of where they belong or reside; Social, economic and academic status of the reader has a lot to contribute on it also. Lastly, culture and gender of the reader are also part of what raises the readership research.
KOMBA YOHANA 2013-04-03362
The main issue for the raises of the leadership research is the users or readers profile that differ from one user to another user they differ in the issue of status, culture, gender , their original location they come from . For example in gender number of female magazine and newspaper will be mostly used by female. But also culture as the total way of doing things that includes language used , wearing style and so on , number of newspaper in a specific language will determines by the number of users also for example newspaper in English language have got fewer number of users due to it popularity of Swahili language in Tanzania.
REG 2013-04-03340
What issue will raise the readership research?
The main issue that raises the readership research is the readership profile. These are the distinctive factors that make people to choose what to and not read. Age is a first factor whereby young people prefer to read the non-serious newspapers such as SANI and old people prefer serious ones like MWANANCHI. Other people prefer to read their local newspapers of where they belong or reside; Social, economic and academic status of the reader has a lot to contribute on it also. Lastly, culture and gender of the reader are also part of what raises the readership research.
What issues will you raise on readership research?
Readership research is a survey that is done to understand the detailed, information, and responses of the readers in order to shape the content of the publication, or generate profit through advertising (Wimmer & Dominick, 2011).
The issues that I will raise in readership research are the reading habit and user and gratification. I will examine, who reading eg. Ijumaa or Mwananchi, their income,age,sex,what people likes to read,their hobbies.What enjoyment they get from reading.This information will help to know your readers,improve the content and convince a client to invest in the Newspaper.
1.Wimmer, Roger & Dominick, Joseph (2011), Mass Media Research: An Introduction, p. 335 Boston,Wadsworth.
Singaile Franco -2013-04-03293
ReplyDeleteReadership research is the kind of print media studies which deals with the measurement of number of people read particular copies of newspaper or magazine. According to wimmer and Dominick (2011) says this study involve survey on understanding details information and response of readers for the aim of improving content of publication for the betterment of advertising.
In readership study we raise the following
Reader profile. For doing that you will get summary of readers by using demographic which involve their gender,status,age and location.
Circulation. Distribution of copies to audience can determine number of a particular newspaper.
Uses and gratification. Through that media can get chance to identify what to reduce and what to add in order to get rewards from readers.
Research in rise readership research is not a social, or political linear process, but it is embedded in a web like process in involving in socioeconomic condition of production and historical context. Even the theory states that, “Any Theory about the media is incomplete if it does not take readers into account”.
ReplyDeleteKey concept of readership research
(a) Nature of the readership, researcher must understand the behavior of people some inspired politics and entertainment story.
(b) Economic background.
(c) Culture.
(d) Geographical factors.
(e) Circulation, to recognize the number of readers.
REG: 2013-04-03289.
Readership research is a research that deals with understanding the number of a particular newspaper readers.
ReplyDeleteIn a readership research, we should consider the following:
The demographic summary where we should look on gender, age, status, location and cultural identity so that through this we understand the real number of our readers.
Circulation, on the other hand in order to perform this research, the researcher should observe the circulation of the copies hence the number of readers can be determined.
Other issues on doing readership research are like practicing a questionnaire, interviewing the readers through uses and gratification study.
WILSON, Mtapa. 2013-04-03315. BAMC.
ReplyDeleteReadership research refers to as an area of media research which help to get the number of readers who get read to media products – newspaper copies, public adverts, and online or internet materials. In readership research there are issues that should be raised up as the results of the research. This includes;
Reader profile studies, Items selection, Readers and non-readers studies, Uses and gratifications studies, and Editor-reader comparison.
Generally, readership research is very important in media especially newspaper simply because it helps to understand your readers what do they want from your media house.