Tuesday, November 17, 2015

 Hello Students!
Welcome again to the new 2015/16 academic year. Hope you are all in good health. As usual, this academic blog brings together all students studying media and Communication to share, exchange and discuss issues pertaining media industries, content, messages and the audiences. Through this blog you will be able to post and access diverse media and related materials ranging from assignments, lectures and presentations to news and information. I hope you will find this medium useful in your search for knowledge.
In this semester, though, the blog will focus much on three courses: Media Ethics, Audience research, and Health Communication
I ALSO encourage every student to register as contributor (student-journalist) with our Hill Observer newspaper. Send your newsworthy stories telling what is happening in your university and/or place where you live and earn Tsh. 10,000 in cash! This is your opportunity to gain experience in news-stories writing.
Karibuni sana.